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[16:08.53]You gotta give these things a little flavor. 不弄些拉丁文在里面?
[16:11.07]- (lgnacio) l'm getting some dulce de... - Ooh. Natalie Whitman is still fat? - 我得再加點(diǎn)牛奶甜醬 - 哇!
[16:13.58]Natalie Whitman還是這么胖?
[16:15.80]Oh, wow! Daniel didn't swap out the un-retouched photos. 噢, 天啊
[16:17.90]Daniel沒(méi)有換掉 這些沒(méi)處理過(guò)的照片
[16:19.97]- He's gonna put her in as she is. - That's awful. 他是想展示她的原樣
[16:23.04]Justin! That's great. 真糟糕
[16:23.14]Justin! 這主意很棒
[16:27.05]Oh. (groans) l bet you that's Walter. 我打賭是Walter
[16:30.32]Ay, Betty, be nice. Betty, 對(duì)他客氣點(diǎn)
[16:35.02]- Where the hell's my $4,000? - What are you talking about? 我的4,000塊錢(qián)呢?
[16:38.36]- Uh, you broke my flat screen. - l did not break... 你在說(shuō)什么啊?
[16:41.20]Listen, you barged into my house like a little Mexican banshee Gina, 不是我弄壞的
[16:41.25]聽(tīng)好了, 是你闖進(jìn)我家
[16:44.73]and slammed my door. Smashed on the floor 'cause of you. 就好像墨西哥女妖似的 你砰地關(guān)上門(mén)
[16:47.84]Maybe if you stayed away from what wasn't yours... 要不是你占有了 不屬于你的東西…
[16:50.70]Oh, are you still hung up over that? 你還在意那件事?
[16:53.51]Look, l want my money, 聽(tīng)著, 你要么給錢(qián) 要么給我買(mǎi)臺(tái)價(jià)錢(qián)差不多的等離子
[16:56.14]or a comparably-priced 50-inch plasma installed!
[17:00.18]- Bitch, out my house. - Oh, no. 婊子, 給我滾出去
[17:02.08]- You did not just call me a bitch. - Yes, l did. - 你, 你叫我什么? - 我就叫你婊子
[17:05.02]- l'm trying to be nice. - Hilda, Hilda!
[17:08.02]Please, be careful with the book. 小心書(shū)
[17:12.93]Gina, leave. Gina, 請(qǐng)出去
[17:16.23]Fine. Have it your way. 好吧
[17:18.87]But remember, Betty, l'm a bad seed. 你自己看著辦吧
[17:19.13]記著, Betty
[17:22.37]l did a year in juvie. 我在少管所呆過(guò)一年
[17:30.88]l am gonna whup that girl's ass. 真想揍她一頓
[17:33.28]Did l miss something on the telenovela? 我錯(cuò)過(guò)了什么好戲了嗎?
[17:42.22](door opening)
[18:23.60](music box melody)
[19:10.98]See, this is why l don't want us to have a dog. 看見(jiàn)沒(méi)? 這就是為什么我不想養(yǎng)狗
[19:13.51]- Have you guys seen the book? - What book? 你們看到那本書(shū)了嗎?
[19:15.85]The book, Dad! The Mode book! l came downstairs and it was gone. - 什么書(shū)? - 那本書(shū), 爸爸
[19:17.03]那本<時(shí)尚> 我下樓的時(shí)候發(fā)現(xiàn)它不在了
[19:19.25]- You lost it? - No, l didn't lose it. - 你弄丟了? - 沒(méi)有, 沒(méi)弄丟
[19:21.76]lt's just in a place that l don't know about. 只是不知道放哪兒了
[19:24.89]lt's gotta be here somewhere! 它肯定就在這里
[19:26.59]lf l show up at work without that book, the entire layout for the magazine, 如果不把書(shū)帶回公司
[19:30.56]Daniel's first issue, it's gone. And it goes to print tonight! Daniel的第一期雜志就沒(méi)了
[19:34.13]People lose things. Stuff is backed up by computers. 今晚就要出版的
[19:34.55]別這樣, 人們常常丟東西 電腦里面有備份
[19:36.94]lt can't be that big a deal. 這不是什么大不了的事
[19:38.41]- What is going on? - She lost the book. - 怎么了? - 她的書(shū)不見(jiàn)了
[19:41.98]- l'll check the living room. - l'll make eggs. - 我去看看起居室 - 我來(lái)做雞蛋
[19:44.61]Dad, what is food gonna do for me right now? 爸爸, 現(xiàn)在做早飯有什么用呢?
[19:47.71]- lt's a crisis. l cook. - (Hilda) Betty! 現(xiàn)在是危機(jī)關(guān)頭, 我來(lái)做飯
[19:54.35]lt was slid under the door. 從門(mén)縫塞進(jìn)來(lái)的
[19:58.23]''l have your precious book. Maybe if l had a new flat screen TV, 你的寶貝書(shū)在我這兒
[20:02.73]l'd have something better to do than break into people's homes.'' 我也許就會(huì)呆在家里享受
[20:06.27]- Gina! - Justin, put your headphones on. 而不會(huì)去你家偷東西了 是Gina!
[20:07.69]Justin, 把你的耳機(jī)帶上
[20:09.94]That bitch! 那個(gè)臭婊子!
[20:15.38]Oh, my God! 天啊
[20:19.65]lf that shower head could pay my bills, l would marry it. 如果那個(gè)噴頭能付清我的賬單 我還真想嫁給它
[20:24.69]- (Betty) Hey, Daniel. lt's me... - We're gonna be late. - 喂, Daniel, 是我 - 我們快遲到了
[20:27.89]Not that late. 晚一點(diǎn)沒(méi)什么
[20:30.16]Do you like it when l bite your ear? 我咬你耳朵的時(shí)候你覺(jué)得舒服嗎?
[20:32.79]- Damn it! - Oh, l guess not. - 可惡 - 不會(huì)吧
[20:35.03]- l gotta call Betty. - OK, buzz kill. - 我要打電話給Betty - 真掃興
[20:37.16]She took the book home to her house last night. 她昨晚把書(shū)帶回家了
[20:39.60]To Queens? Eww. 帶回Queens? 天啊!
[20:42.50]- (Hilda) Hello? - Yeah, this is Daniel Meade for Betty. 喂
[20:43.82]我是Daniel Meade 叫Betty聽(tīng)電話
[20:46.97]- l have to tell him what happened. - Justin, headphones. 我得告訴他實(shí)情
[20:49.18]Justin, 帶上耳機(jī)
[20:52.48]You do not tell this man the truth. You lie. 別告訴他實(shí)情
[20:55.12]We will get that book back, l promise you. 撒個(gè)謊 我們會(huì)把書(shū)拿回來(lái)的
[20:59.89]Hi, Daniel. Daniel
[21:01.56]l got your message. You took the book home? 我才知道你把書(shū)帶回家了
[21:03.96]Yeah. l didn't know where to leave it. 是的, 我不知道應(yīng)該把它放哪兒
[21:06.19]You're an assistant. You never take that book out of the office. Betty,你只是個(gè)助理
[21:09.60]Did she need it to fix a wobbly leg under her coffee table? 怎么了, 她的咖啡桌不穩(wěn) 要拿書(shū)來(lái)墊?
[21:12.63]Nothing spilled on it? There's no rips, tears, anything? 書(shū)沒(méi)有弄臟, 撕破吧? 沒(méi)有損壞之類(lèi)的吧?
[21:15.80]No, no, no. No, nothing like that. 沒(méi), 沒(méi)有 沒(méi)那種事
[21:18.07]Fire her. Fire her right now. 解雇她, 現(xiàn)在就解雇她
[21:20.17]- l would be such a better assistant. - Would you go get dressed? 我會(huì)是個(gè)更好的助理
[21:24.34]OK. But l'm telling you, you're gonna get it back 你去穿衣服好嗎?
[21:24.62]好吧, 告訴你吧 你拿到書(shū)時(shí)
[21:27.48]and there's gonna be ''chimichurro'' sauce all over it. 那上面肯定沾滿了chimichurr (一種南美烤肉醬)
[21:31.18]Listen, Betty, l know it was an honest mistake. Betty, 我知道你是好心
[21:33.89]You have it, it's safe, that's... so that's all that's important. 你拿走了它, 它很安全
[21:38.53]Yeah, it's totally safe. 是啊, 恩… 非常安全
[21:41.46]Um... 呃…
[21:43.13]l'm looking at the layout of Natalie Whitman right now. 我正在看Natalie Whitman的版面
[21:47.13]By the way, it's brave and impressive that you used the original photos. 恩, 順便說(shuō)一下 你用了原始照片
[21:49.22]這很大膽, 很引人注目
[21:52.17]What original photos? 什么… 原始照片?
[21:54.04]You know, the un-retouched pictures of Natalie. Natalie未經(jīng)處理過(guò)的照片
[21:56.81]l never approved that. Wait, are there un-retouched photos in that book? 我沒(méi)批準(zhǔn)這樣做
[21:58.68]慢著, 樣刊里的照片是沒(méi)處理過(guò)的?
[22:01.08]Yeah, l thought you had approved them. - 是啊, 我以為是你批準(zhǔn)過(guò)的 - 不可能吧
[22:04.65]lf those... lf those photos ever got out, it'd be disastrous, Betty. 聽(tīng)著, Betty 那些照片要是傳出去, 麻煩就大了
[22:09.62]OK. All right. Do not let that book out of your sight. 這樣吧, Betty 別讓那書(shū)離開(kāi)你的視線范圍
[22:12.56]l'm sending a car over to pick you up right now. 我馬上派車(chē)來(lái)接你
[22:15.40]OK. OK. 好的, 好的
[22:16.96]Yeah, l'm holding it. Bye. 我, 我-- 我就一直捧著它好了
[22:22.07]- l am in big trouble. - What? 我麻煩大了
[22:25.37]Hilda just told me that Gina Gambarro stole your book. 什么
[22:25.56]Hilda剛告訴我 Gina Gambarro偷了你的樣刊
[22:28.28]l'm calling her parents. 告訴我號(hào)碼 我給她爸媽打電話
[22:29.81]- Dad, l'm not six. - She's right. l'll handle this. 爸爸, 我不是小孩子
[22:31.76]她說(shuō)得對(duì), 讓我來(lái)處理
[22:33.71]l'm gonna go show that skank a whole new use for her curling iron! 我要讓那潑婦嘗嘗 卷發(fā)棒的新用法!
[22:37.25]Don't. l don't need you guys to fight my battles. Hilda, 別這樣
[22:39.85]l can handle this. l'm an adult. 我不用你們幫忙 我… 自己能處理
[22:44.69]Please, Gina! Please! 求你! Gina, 求你了!
[22:46.86]Look, l have something you want and you have something l want. 我有你想要的東西

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