請再來點咖啡好嗎?不,不要了,謝謝。[誤] Would you like some more coffee? No, I wouldn\'t like any more.[正] Would... [查看全文]
"你喜歡喝下午茶嗎?"[誤] "Would you like to have tea in the afternoon?"[正] "Do you like to have tea in the after... [查看全文]
我們是未來的教師。[誤] We are would-be teachers.[正] We are future[或 prospective] teachers.注:would-be teachers 是希... [查看全文]
請不要把煙對著我吹好嗎?[誤] Would you please don\'t blow the smoke right at me?[正] Would you please not blow... [查看全文]
這是一次很有價值的訪問。[誤] It was a worth while visit.[正] It was a worthwhile visit.注:worth while 即 worth one... [查看全文]
那座寺廟值得一看。[誤] The temple is worthwhile visiting.[正] It is worth while visiting the temple.注:be worth whi... [查看全文]
經過一夜的圍捕,警察終于把罪犯逼到了死胡同。[誤] After a night\'s pursuing, the police finally forced the criminal ... [查看全文]
如果你爺爺看到你今天的所作所為,他一定會死不瞑目的。[誤] If your grandpa could see what you\'re doing now, he would... [查看全文]
為了配合治療,大夫不得不撒了個善意的謊,說病情并不嚴重。[誤] For better treatment, the doctor told him a goodwill lie s... [查看全文]
最近許多女孩都鬼迷心竅似的一心只想嫁個外國人。[誤] Nowadays, many girls seem to be bewitched by ghosts and they are d... [查看全文]