Selection of a Communication Channel Communication is experienced differently when it occurs through differ... [查看全文]
Adjust Body PositionParents frequently advise their children about how to stand and sit, particularly when they ar... [查看全文]
Use of Nonverbal CommunicationMuch of what people communicate to one another is transmitted with nonverbal communic... [查看全文]
While it may seem obvious that how negotiators communicate is as important as what they have to say, research h... [查看全文]
Are All Threats Created Equal? Is a threat simply a statement about bad things that will happen to the ot... [查看全文]
Responding to Native Emotion Emotions are inevitable in negotiations, and it isn’t realistic to try to avoi... [查看全文]
Negative Emotions Generally Have Negative Consequences for Negotiations As we noted earlier, negative feelings... [查看全文]
Positive Emotions Generally Have Positive Consequences for Negotiations Positive emotions can lead to these se... [查看全文]
Chinese Negotiation Frames Although skilled negotiators know that their and their opponents’ negotiation frames... [查看全文]
Another Approach to Frames: Interests, Rights, and Power An influential approach to framing disputes suggests... [查看全文]