3. Career Success/Quality of Life Hofstede found that cultures differed in the extent to which they held va... [查看全文]
Geert Hofstede conducted an extensive program of research on cultural dimensions in international business. Hofstede... [查看全文]
Consider, by way of broad illustration, the following situation. You are seated across from a male negotiator fro... [查看全文]
Relationship Between Negotiators Phatak and Habib suggest that the relationships developed among the principal... [查看全文]
Immediate Context At many points throughout this book, we discussed aspects of negotiation that relate to... [查看全文]
Instability Businesses negotiating within North America are accustomed to a degree of stability that is not pr... [查看全文]
Phatak and Habib suggest that two overall contexts have an influence on international negotiations: the environment... [查看全文]
Cross-Cultural Negotiations Within the United States I had a client in West Virginia who bought from me for... [查看全文]
Collaborative Governance as an Example of Successful Multiparty Negotiations Many of the economic, social, and... [查看全文]
What the Chair Can Do to Help Here are some things a group facilitator can do to keep the group moving ... [查看全文]