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【雙語】例行記者會 2021-8-18





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Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Zhao Lijian'sRegular Press Conference on August 18, 2021


RIA Novosti: I'm wondering whether and under what conditions China will participate in the reconstruction of Afghanistan?


Zhao Lijian: The Afghan situation has seen major changes recently. The Afghan people aspire for peace and stability after over 40 years of war and chaos. China hopes that all parties in Afghanistan would resolve differences through dialogue and consultation, avert new conflicts and humanitarian disasters, and work toward a smooth transition in the Afghan situation.


As a friendly neighbor to and sincere friend of Afghanistan, China always upholds a friendly policy towards the entire Afghan people. This did not, does not and will not change. China will continue to support peace and reconstruction in Afghanistan, and provide help for socioeconomic development in Afghanistan as our ability permits.



China Review News: The Spokesperson of the Afghan Taliban said at a press conference on August 17 that "We don't want to repeat any conflict... We don't want any internal enemies and any external enemies." He added the rights of women would be respected within the framework of Islamic law, and the Taliban would seek good relations with other countries and intended to form an inclusive government in Afghanistan. Do you have any comment?

趙立堅(jiān):中方注意到阿富汗塔利班有關(guān)表態(tài)。中方期待阿富汗塔利班與阿國內(nèi)各派通過對話協(xié)商建立開放包容的政治架構(gòu),施行溫和穩(wěn)健的內(nèi)外政策,切實(shí)保護(hù)外國在阿富汗機(jī)構(gòu)和人員安全。同時(shí),我們也期待阿富汗塔利班堅(jiān)決打擊包括“東伊運(yùn)”在內(nèi)的各類恐怖主義勢力,切實(shí)履行不允許任何勢力利用阿領(lǐng)土威脅鄰國安全的承諾。中方將繼續(xù)同國際社會一道,支持阿富汗和平重建,幫助阿富汗實(shí)現(xiàn)持久和平穩(wěn)定。 Zhao Lijian: We noted relevant remarks by the Afghan Taliban. China hopes that the Afghan Taliban and factions in Afghanistan will establish an open and inclusive political structure through dialogue and consultation, implement moderate and prudent domestic and foreign policies, and earnestly protect the safety of foreign institutions and personnel in Afghanistan. At the same time, we hope it will resolutely crack down on all kinds of terrorist forces, including the ETIM, and earnestly honor the commitment of not allowing any force to use Afghan territory to threaten the security of its neighbors. China will continue to work with the international community to support peace and reconstruction in Afghanistan and help it achieve lasting peace and stability.


鳳凰衛(wèi)視記者:聯(lián)合國人權(quán)理事會下周將在日內(nèi)瓦舉行特別會議,討論應(yīng)對阿富汗人權(quán)狀況和各方關(guān)切。中方在此問題上持何立場? Phoenix TV: We also noted that the United Nations Human Rights Council will hold a special session in Geneva next week to discuss the human rights situation in Afghanistan and concerns over it. What is China's position on this issue? 趙立堅(jiān):阿富汗局勢發(fā)生重大變化。我們尊重阿富汗人民的意愿和選擇。當(dāng)務(wù)之急是盡快恢復(fù)和平、穩(wěn)定和秩序,最大限度避免無謂傷亡和產(chǎn)生大規(guī)模難民。阿富汗公民、在阿外國公民和駐阿外交人員的安全和利益必須得到尊重和保障。希望阿富汗塔利班同阿各派、各民族團(tuán)結(jié)起來,建立符合阿富汗自身國情、開放包容的政治架構(gòu),遏制各類恐怖主義和犯罪行徑,重建美好家園。 Zhao Lijian: The situation in Afghanistan has undergone major changes. We respect the will and choice of the Afghan people. The top priority is to restore peace, stability and order at an early date and avoid as much as possible unnecessary casualties and prevent causing a large number of refugees. The safety and interests of Afghan citizens, foreign nationals and diplomats in Afghanistan must be respected and guaranteed. We hope that the Afghan Taliban will form solidarity with all factions and ethnic groups in Afghanistan to establish an open and inclusive political structure that suits Afghanistan's national conditions, curb all kinds of terrorism and criminal acts, and rebuild their beautiful homeland.
事實(shí)再次證明,一些國家打著民主、人權(quán)旗號對主權(quán)國家實(shí)施軍事干涉,嚴(yán)重破壞有關(guān)國家主權(quán)和領(lǐng)土完整,導(dǎo)致其經(jīng)濟(jì)和社會發(fā)展遭受重創(chuàng),導(dǎo)致大量無辜平民傷亡或被迫顛沛流離。這些國家應(yīng)該立即停止非法的軍事干涉行為,為維護(hù)世界和平與安全、促進(jìn)和保護(hù)人權(quán)作出切實(shí)努力。 Facts have once again proved that some countries' military intervention against a sovereign state in the name of democracy and human rights has seriously undermined the sovereignty and territorial integrity of relevant country, causing serious damage to its economic and social development and leading to massive civilian casualties and displacement. These countries should immediately stop illegal military intervention and make concrete efforts to safeguard world peace and security and promote and protect human rights.

4 《人民日報(bào)》記者:據(jù)報(bào)道,知情人士透露,美國情報(bào)部門的新冠病毒溯源調(diào)查目前仍無實(shí)質(zhì)性進(jìn)展,但美仍打算如期發(fā)布報(bào)告,并在報(bào)告中炮制病毒來自武漢病毒研究所的誘導(dǎo)性結(jié)論。美國政府高層認(rèn)為,調(diào)查不是目的,推動調(diào)查本身就有意義,持續(xù)炒作“溯源調(diào)查”為的就是消耗中方外交資源,增加美對華要價(jià)籌碼。同時(shí),美國還施壓世衛(wèi)組織和譚德塞總干事,盡快啟動對華“第二階段溯源”,并聯(lián)合盟友必要時(shí)在世衛(wèi)框架外推進(jìn)第三方獨(dú)立調(diào)查。中方對此有何評論? People's Daily: Informed sources have revealed that the US still intends to release the report on origins tracing as scheduled and make up misleading conclusions on virus-leaking from the Wuhan Institute of Virology, although there is not any tangible progress in the "origins tracing investigation" by the US intelligence agencies yet. High-level officials of the US government believe that the investigation is not the purpose and that launching the investigation itself bears its meaning. Continuing to hype the "origins-tracing investigations" can exhaust China's diplomatic resources and increase US leverage toward China. In the meantime, the US has been pressuring the WHO and Director General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus to launch the "second-phase origins tracing" on China as soon as possible and pushing for a third-party independent investigation outside the framework of the WHO with allies as it sees necessary. Do you have any comment?


Zhao Lijian: I noted relevant reports. The words of senior US officials, as revealed in the reports, that "the investigation is not the purpose and that launching the investigation itself bears its meaning" is in itself a confession of the US manipulation for presumption of guilt. What the US cares about is not facts and truth, but how to consume and malign China. Isn't the US' malicious intention of political manipulation evident enough?
美方想重演用一小瓶洗衣粉搞栽贓陷害的舊戲碼。這蒙騙不了世人,倒是讓人越來越懷疑,美方處心積慮、不擇手段抹黑中方,是不是想轉(zhuǎn)移國際社會對德特里克堡等美方生物實(shí)驗(yàn)室的種種疑點(diǎn)劣跡的關(guān)注?美方到底在掩蓋什么? The world will no long be deceived by the old US ploy of set-up with a vial of washing powder. Instead, the international community is getting more and more suspicious of the US as it is sparing no effort to smear China by all means. Is it trying to deflect people's attention from the questionable points and spotty track records of the bio labs at Fort Detrick? What is the US trying to hide?
In addition to Fort Detrick, which the US is reticent about, the US has set up over 200 biological laboratories around the world to conduct bio-military activities under various names. The sites of US labs often see more outbreaks of diseases such as plague, anthrax and MERS. According to US media reports, the US military carried the novel coronavirus to Europe through a blood program in 2019 and civilian volunteers entering the US base in Italy in August that year became the earliest victims. Does the US side have any explanation?

China has always supported and will continue to participate in science-based origins study. We have twice invited WHO to China for joint research, which produced scientific and authoritative conclusions and laid the foundation for the next-phase global origins tracing work. What we firmly oppose is politicization of origins tracing. No matter how hard the US tries to smear and falsely accuse others, it does not help to dispel the doubts of the international community about the US' bio-labs all over the world. If the US has nothing to hide, it should invite the WHO to the US in an above-board manner to carry out origins tracing, especially at Fort Detrick and the University of North Carolina. This is the sincerity and attitude a country who really cares about global origins tracing is supposed to show.


法新社記者:中方是否打算承認(rèn)阿富汗塔利班政府?若目前不承認(rèn),將在什么情況下承認(rèn)? AFP: Does China plan to recognize the Afghan Taliban government? If not now, on what conditions will China recognize it? 趙立堅(jiān):國際慣例是,如要承認(rèn)一個(gè)政府,首先要等到這個(gè)政府組建之后。中方在阿富汗問題上的立場是一貫、明確的。我們希望阿富汗能夠組建一個(gè)開放包容、有廣泛代表性的政府,呼應(yīng)本國人民和國際社會的普遍期待和愿望。 Zhao Lijian: It is a customary international practice that the recognition of a government comes after its formation. China's position on the Afghan issue is clear and consistent. We hope that Afghanistan can form an open, inclusive and broadly representative government that echoes the widely shared aspirations of its own people and the international community.

彭博社記者:美國共和黨國會參議員魯比歐稱,由于字節(jié)跳動與中國政府之間存在明顯關(guān)聯(lián),美國應(yīng)對TikTok實(shí)施禁令。外交部對此有何評論? Bloomberg: Republican Senator Marco Rubio said that TikTok should be banned in the US given what he says are clear ties between the Chinese government and the app's parent company ByteDance. Does the foreign ministry have any comment on this?


Zhao Lijian: The US politician you mentioned has been making anti-China remarks tirelessly for his own interests in disregard of facts, and is doomed to end up in the dustbin of history. We suggest that this "elected representative" in the US take concrete measures for the benefit of the people instead of being obsessed with political manipulation and suppression of foreign companies.

以上就是【雙語】例行記者會 2021-8-18的全部內(nèi)容,希望對你有所幫助!


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