英譯漢 1、interconnectivity 2、RRR 3、customer satisfaction index 4、strategic positioning 5、A hedge be... [查看全文]
英譯漢 1、WITTA 2、invitation for bid 3、make allowances 4、cut-and-dried 5、cold feet 漢譯英 1、... [查看全文]
英譯漢 1、interim injunction 2、LPR 3、semantic void 4、Inferno 5、view count 漢譯英 1、退耕還林 ... [查看全文]
英譯漢 1、international consortium 2、Alma Mater 3、civil engineer 4、Reader's Digest 5、go Dutch 漢... [查看全文]
英譯漢 1、young cynic 2、quiz kid 3、unilateralism 4、tsunami 5、the State Administration of Foreign E... [查看全文]
英譯漢 1、Book of Merit 2、travel of expense 3、go ballistic 4、FDA 5、Yasukuni Shrine 漢譯英 1... [查看全文]
英譯漢 1、scrap vehicles 2、performance appraisal 3、Xenophobic 4、venture capital 5、land ownership rig... [查看全文]
英譯漢 1、crowdfunding 2、Odipus complex 3、censorship of the press 4、wear and tear 5、hegemonism ... [查看全文]
英譯漢 1、World Anti-doping Organization 2、intertextuality 3、ticket scalper 4、academic misconduct 5、p... [查看全文]
英譯漢 1、application interface 2、sit on the fence 3、burn the midnight oil 4、MPA 5、oil crude ... [查看全文]