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[11:52.21]Come on, Daniel. He specializes in sexual compulsion issues. 前兩個(gè)認(rèn)為你肯定沒救了
[11:54.01]來吧 Daniel 他是專門進(jìn)行 強(qiáng)迫性性行為問題研究的
[11:58.01]OK, well, l'm sure that that has some therapeutic value. 好了 我相信應(yīng)該有一定治療價(jià)值
[12:05.62]l am not spilling my guts out to some hack magazine writer. 我才不會把自己的隱私透露給 什么白癡專欄作家呢
[12:09.06]lf you're not gonna get the help, then l'm going to bring the help to you. 如果你自己不去爭取幫助 那我只好把幫助送到你面前
[12:14.40](cell phone rings)
[12:17.57]Betty Suarez. Oh, hi. Thank you so much for calling me back. 我是Betty Suarez
[12:19.33]哦 嗨
[12:21.44]What? No, eleven hundred dollars is still too expensive. 非常感謝你給我回電
[12:22.97]不 1千1百美元還是太貴了
[12:25.31]- Hold on. Where are you going? - Model casting session. 等一下
[12:28.08]- l am not doing this. - You're not going anywhere. 你要去哪兒?
[12:28.71]我接受不了這個(gè) Betty
[12:30.75]l've made this easy for you. 不 Daniel 你哪兒都不能去
[12:32.18]No, he has to be in Mexico by Friday. l already told you. 我已經(jīng)幫你把事情最簡化了
[12:32.93]不 我說了 他得在周五之前到達(dá)墨西哥
[12:34.88]- Who? - My father. - 我早跟你說過了 - 誰?
[12:36.42]He's gonna be deported if we can't get him to Mexico. 我父親-- 如果我們不能送他去墨西哥 等待簽證 他就要被驅(qū)逐出境了
[12:38.99]We don't have the money for his ticket. 可我們連他的機(jī)票錢都付不起
[12:41.02]And you have everything, and you won't even help yourself. 哦 看看你吧-- 你擁有一切 而你卻甚至都不愿為自己而努力
[12:44.16]Forget about it. Go with your models. l give up. 你知道嗎?
[12:45.31]算了吧! 去找你的模特吧!
[12:46.99]OK, jeez. Now you've ruined the whole model thing for me. 我放棄!
[12:47.95]好吧 行了
[12:50.90]- Why didn't you tell me? - Because l didn't wanna bother you. 你為什么不告訴我你父親的事?
[12:54.37]You have problems of your own. 因?yàn)槲也幌肼闊┠?br /> [12:55.97]- ls there anything l can do to help? - You wanna help me? 你自己也有自己的事情要搞定
[12:58.71]Then go in there and talk to Tyler and try and get better. 你想幫我嗎? Daniel
[12:59.44]那就回那里去 和Tyler談?wù)?努力讓自己好起來
[13:10.79]No! Don't do it. 不!
[13:13.32]Barbra didn't cut her nails to play Yentl. Why should you? 別剪!
[13:14.31]芭芭拉.史翠珊(著名演員)演“Yentl” (楊朵 83的電影)時(shí)都沒剪掉指甲
[13:16.46]l have no choice. lf l don't cut them, Valerie fails me. - 你干嘛要剪? - 我沒得選擇
[13:19.79]Then she is a disgrace to cosmetology. 如果我不剪掉它們 Valerie就會當(dāng)?shù)粑?br /> [13:20.15]那她就是在玷污美容這個(gè)行當(dāng)
[13:21.90]You know what, Mom? She's your Mr. Weaver. 你知道嗎 媽媽? 她不過就跟Weaver先生一樣
[13:24.97]Your drama teacher? What'd he do now? 你的戲劇老師?
[13:28.20]He cast Joey Colano as Tony in West Side Story. 他又怎么了?
[13:28.84]他讓Joey Colano扮演 “西區(qū)故事”里的Tony
[13:31.21]- Well, what part do you play? - (sighs) l'm his understudy. 哦 那你演什么呢?
[13:34.10]- 我是他的替補(bǔ) - 哦 真對不起
[13:35.88]- l'm sorry. - But this isn't about me.
[13:38.58]This is about you. 但我要說的不是我 是你
[13:39.85]You're a grownup, Mom. You can do whatever you want. 你已經(jīng)是大人了 媽媽
[13:42.85]- Yeah. - Yeah. 你可以愛怎么做就怎么做
[13:44.89]Yeah, screw that place! l quit! 是啊
[13:45.77]是啊 去它媽的那個(gè)鬼地方!
[13:48.09]Now go get me my ''Fiji Sunset.'' Mommy needs a touchup. 我不干了!
[13:52.86]- (alarm buzzes) - (cell door slams)
[13:54.93]Oh, my God. ls that a bruise? Where did you get that? 哦 天啊 這是腫了嗎?
[13:58.67]- Yoga. - (prison guard) Hey, no touching. - 怎么搞的啊? - 瑜伽弄的
[14:00.10]嘿 不許身體接觸
[14:02.00]Come on, Mom. You don't have to act tough for me. Are you OK? 好了 媽媽 不用在我面前裝堅(jiān)強(qiáng) 你在這里還好嗎?
[14:04.94]Please, this is cake. How many rehabs have l been through? - 拜托 這算什么 - 我都經(jīng)歷過多少大風(fēng)大浪了?
[14:09.88]At least here you can score a decent glass of toilet wine. 至少在這里還能得到一杯不錯(cuò)的“馬桶酒” (監(jiān)獄犯人用馬桶水箱發(fā)酵自制而成的酒)
[14:13.38]So what's bothering you?
[14:15.55]Aside from the fact that my mother's drinking toilet wine? - 你有什么煩心的事? - 除了我媽媽在喝“馬桶酒”之外?
[14:20.55]lt's Rodrigo. l think l'm falling for him. 是Rodrigo
[14:25.16]He wants me to move to Rio. 他想讓我搬去里約熱內(nèi)盧
[14:27.90]- And what do you want? - l don't know. - 你怎么想呢? - 我不知道
[14:31.40]Honey, as hard as it's been with your father and me over the years, 寶貝 就算是在你爸爸和我度過的那些 艱難時(shí)光 我們也總是互相扶持的

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