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南非世界杯官方主題曲:Waka WakaWaka是斯瓦西里語詞匯,有火焰閃耀等意思。南非世界杯主題曲:Waving Flag 索馬里裔加拿大歌手克南創(chuàng)作... [查看全文]


Germans should be allowed to watch the football World Cup on television at work without getting into trouble with their superiors, th... [查看全文]


  On June 10, at a party held in Cape Town, a football fan, who described himself as eggman, cheered up the national team of Sout... [查看全文]

2010-06-11南非世界杯開幕式即將來臨 彩排首曝光

The waiting is over. The World Cup is about to kick off. The first game between hosts South Africa and Mexico is literally hours away.... [查看全文]


Comment le Mondial affecte la vie au bureau 世界杯是怎樣影響工作的? Un salarié français sur cinq devrait regarder des matchs d... [查看全文]

2010-06-11南非球迷長喇叭助威 專家提醒有損聽力

Football fans attending the World Cup risk permanent damage to their hearing from the vuvuzela horns which are the must-have accessory at... [查看全文]


Penguins at a South Korean aquarium are in training for the upcoming 2010 World Cup. 在韓國的一個(gè)水族館里,幾只企鵝在為即將到來的2010年世界杯做訓(xùn)練... [查看全文]

2010-06-10南非球迷長喇叭助威 專家提醒有損聽力

World Cup horn risks permanent damage to hearing: study Football fans attending the World Cup risk permanent damage to their hearing from... [查看全文]


Airport workers cheer as England's national football team boards a flight to the 2010 FIFA World Cup in South Africa, at Heathrow airport i... [查看全文]


2010年足球世界杯(全名為“2010 FIFA World Cup South Africa”,F(xiàn)IFA是“世界足球聯(lián)合會(huì)”法文名稱Fédèration International de Football As... [查看全文]