President Vladimir Putin has defended Russia's law on "gay propaganda" ahead of the Sochi Olympics but insiste... [查看全文]
圣誕假期后,老劇紛紛回歸,新劇也輪番上演,劇迷們這下可有眼福了。最新美劇《智能緝兇》一經(jīng)開播便大獲成功。下面就讓我們來了解一下這部... [查看全文]
A LEADING American divorce mediator will visit Washington this week to offer members of Congress advice on ending... [查看全文]
導(dǎo)讀:又是一年寒假時,大學生們紛紛開始了寒假實習生活,一方面為了盡快融入社會,一方面又可以積攢工作經(jīng)驗,為求職加砝碼。放大這張圖片... [查看全文]
Growing tensions between Japan and China spilled over into a BBC news studio when the countries' British amba... [查看全文]
英國一名小學生,人稱迷你莫奈,已經(jīng)掙得足夠財富為家人購置了一套房產(chǎn)。 A British primary school pupil dubbed ‘mini M... [查看全文]
2013年12月5日,南非前總統(tǒng)曼德拉因病逝世,享年95歲。美國總統(tǒng)奧巴馬發(fā)表電視講話悼念曼德拉,稱曼德拉是正義、平等和尊嚴的象征,他屬于... [查看全文]
The list of nominees for greatest man of the 20th century is as short as it is extraordinary.Franklin Roosevelt... [查看全文]
The Associated Press is reporting former intelligence contractor Edward Snowden has accepted a job doing technical... [查看全文]
中國朝代太多很難記?哈佛大學中國課的主講教授唱起了《兩只老虎》曲子改編的中國朝代歌。該首曲子在edX平臺發(fā)布后萌翻不少觀眾。The order... [查看全文]