A British primary school pupil dubbed ‘mini Monet’ has earned enough to buy a new house for his family.
Nine-year-old Kieron Williamson, who has gained international renown since he began painting landscapes on a family holiday in 2008, paid £150,000 for the property inNorfolk.
It will remain in trust until his 18th birthday. He previously lived with his parents and sister in a rented flat.
His father Keith, 44, said: “If he decides he wants to do something completely different when he is older, at least he won’t have to worry about a mortgage.”
Kieron’s last major exhibition of 33 paintings sold for £150,000 within half an hour last July.
His latest 12 paintings go on sale this Friday for between £1,250 and £15,595 at Norfolk’s Picturecraft Gallery.
The exhibition is expected to be another instant sellout, with buyers pledging to camp overnight outside the gallery.
Its owner Adrian Hill said: ‘He is unrivalled. There isn’t any other child out there who can paint as well in three different media – watercolour, oil and pastel. His grasp of the technical elements really is a wonderful thing.