
2018-03-14 08:49:12  每日學英語

BBC news with Charles Carol.

查爾斯 卡羅爾(Charles Carol)為您播報BBC新聞。

South Korea says the younger sister of the North Korea leader Kim Jong Un will attend the opening ceremony of its Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang on Friday. Kim Yo Jong is a close adviser to Mr. Kim who rarely travels outside his own country.


The speaker of the South African Parliament Baleka Mbete has said that there will be an announcement soon on the future of the beleaguered President Jacob Zuma. Mr. Mbete said that the ANC leader Cyril Ramaphosa would provide details in the next few hours.

南非議會發(fā)言人巴萊卡?姆貝特(Baleka Mbete)表示,不久后就會就四面楚歌的總統(tǒng)雅各布?祖瑪(Jacob Zuma)發(fā)布一份聲明。姆貝特表示,非洲國民大會(ANC)領袖西里爾?拉馬福薩(Cyril Ramaphosa)將在數(shù)小時后提供聲明的細節(jié)。

The Indian military says it's on standby and ready to deploy to the Maldives if it becomes necessary. The President of the Maldives Abdulla Yameen declared a state of emergency in the Indian Ocean nation earlier this week. The former head of state Mohamed Saeed asked India to send a military-backed envoy to try to break the deadlock.

印度軍方表示隨時候命,如果有必要的話,隨時可以在馬爾代夫部署軍力。本周初,總統(tǒng)亞明(Abdulla Yameen)宣布馬爾代夫這個印度洋國家進入緊急狀態(tài)。前國家領導人薩伊德(Mohamed Saeed)請求印度派一支由軍方做后盾的使團前往馬爾代夫,以求打破僵局。

Reports from the US say President Donald Trump has instructed his officials to plan for a large-scale military parade in Washington this year to show off American might. The Washington Post said he'd been impressed by France's Bastille Day celebrations during a visit in 2017 and now wanted a parade of his own.


A Palestinian man has been shot dead in the occupied West Bank after stabbing a security guard at an entrance to an Israeli settlement North of Hebrew. Tensions between Palestinians and Israelis have risen since Donald Trump recognized Jerusalem as Israel's capital in December.


A Kenyan pro-opposition lawyer Miguna Miguna has been deported a week after he was arrested on treason charges. The charges relate to a ceremony he took part in a week ago in which the opposition leader Ralia Odinga sworn himself in as president.

肯尼亞一位支持反對派的律師Miguna在因叛國罪而被逮捕一周后遭驅(qū)逐出境。罪名起源是此人在一周前參加了一個儀式,在該儀式上,反對派領袖萊拉 歐丁加(Ralia Odinga)宣誓就任總統(tǒng)。

A DNA analysis of a ten-thousand-year-old skeleton, the earliest to be found in the British Isles, has discovered that he had darker skin and bluer eyes than previously thought. Scientists say the finding suggests that the pale European skin is a more recent development than had been believed.

