
2018-02-06 08:48:00  每日學(xué)英語(yǔ)

1. Humblebrag 謙虛自夸




Do you like fast fashion and hate humblebragging? Those terms didn't exist just a year ago—until Merriam-Webster Dictionary made them official, along with these other funny phrases.


Often found on social media, the humblebrag is a boast disguised as self deprecation. Most legitimately used in job interviews to answer the dreaded trick question, "What is your worst quality?" There is no other answer but a humblebrag.


2. Snollygoster 不講原則又夸夸其談的精明人(尤指政客)




A snollygoster often refers to a shrewd, unprincipled politician who is only out for himself.


3. Fast fashion 快時(shí)尚




Fast fashion refers to an elaborate system of producing cheap, trendy garments in sweatshops that are designed to fall apart quickly: the perfect excuse to buy next season's fad. These style tricks will make you look instantly expensive, even if you're wearing fast fashion.


4. Collapsar 坍縮星




Have you been wondering what to call an old star that's imploded under the pressure of its own gravity to form a white dwarf, neutron star, or black hole? Try collapsar, which may sound like a Marvel super villain, but really just means "collapsed star."


5. Mumblecore 呢喃核




Everyone knows about hardcore and software, but what about mumblecore? Lena Dunham's TV show Girls is a prime example of this genre, which focuses on the private lives of earnest young slackers who talk a lot but don't understand themselves and, frankly, sometimes don't speak clearly enough for the audience to understand them either.


6. Abandonware 停用的軟件




If you're one of the many fans who pines for discontinued software, you probably know all about abandonware. For the rest of us, it's a revelation to discover that third party suppliers are keeping thousands of orphaned programs alive online—enough to justify a new word in the dictionary!


7. Yowza 天哪




Yowza, an exclamation of surprise or amazement, was first introduced in 1933. It never died out, probably because it's just so much fun to say, and this year it finally made the cut.


8. Woo woo 空洞




Woo woo refers to any mystical, paranormal, and generally unscientific claim, from alien abduction to the telekinetic bending of spoons.

“Woo woo”指的是一切神秘、超自然且通常不科學(xué)的說(shuō)法,例如外星人綁架以及通過(guò)心電感應(yīng)使勺子彎曲等。

9. Conlang 人工語(yǔ)言




A conlang is an invented language with a real vocabulary and consistent grammatical rules. And though conlangs arise from elaborate fictional worlds like Klingon from Star Trek, or most recently, Dothraki from Game of Thrones, these languages have taken on a life of their own, with thousands of fantasy fans around the world using them in real life.


10.Supercentanarian 超百歲老人




Anyone older than 110 is supercentanarian, and we'll probably be seeing that word a lot more often as human life spans continue to grow. Is that a good thing or a bad thing? Probably depends on the supercentanarian! Can you pass this longevity test?

