
2018-01-31 09:52:49  每日學(xué)英語

Curl up like a baby? 像嬰兒一樣蜷縮著?




Those who favor the side-lying fetal position tend to be sensitive, but may project a tough exterior, reported Chris Idzikowski, PhD. Likewise, Dr. Idzikowski added, fetal sleepers tend to be quite personable, even if they come off as shy upon first meeting people.


Sleeping like a log?





Sleeping like a "log" is the way Dr. Idzikowski describes lying on your side with your arms at your sides. If this is your favorite sleeping position, then you’re probably easy-going, social, and relatively trusting of strangers. That said, you may also be a bit gullible .


Sleeping like a log but with arms that "yearn"?





Like the log position, the yearning-log indicates an open nature, according to Dr. Idzikowski, with an added benefit: You’re probably not as gullible. You’re also probably slower to make up your mind, but once you do, you’re less likely to change it.


Taking side-sleeping to the next level





None of our experts offered an opinion as to what this position may mean about your personality; however, if you adopt it even for a night, it means you’re open to learning from others.


But which side? 朝哪側(cè)睡?

According to a survey, left-side sleeping is favored by those who work in marketing and advertising, those between the ages of 45 and 54, and those who are degree-educated, whereas right-side sleeping is favored by those who work in transport and manufacturing, those between the ages of 35 and 44, and those who smoke and love caffeine.


Tummy time 趴著睡




Sleeping face down is far less popular than side-sleeping. According to a research, stomach-sleepers tend to work in agriculture, to be between the ages of 45 and 54, and to be heavy drinkers. According to Dr. Idzikowski, however, if your sleeping position of choice is face-down with your head turned to one side and your pillow grasped between your arms, you have a tendency to be gregarious, and even at times brash but you really don’t like to be criticized. And you do your best to avoid extreme situations.


On the back track? 仰臥著睡?




People who sleep flat on their back tend to work in transport and logistics. And they’re also most likely to wake up feeling "refreshed." But maybe that’s because back-sleepers tend to be a young group, in general, with most of them being between the ages of 25 and 34, which is the best age for sleeping soundly through the night. In addition, snoring is associated with back-sleeping, according to Dr. Greuner, which means that although you may be waking up refreshed, your partner won’t be. However, this can be alleviated by sleeping on your side.


Freestyler? 自由式睡姿?




Freestyle sleepers tend to work in utilities and are typically between the ages of 35 and 44. Mattress designer, Flother, thinks that everyone’s a bit of a freestyler. "We’re all much more active at night than we think we are," she says. "We naturally move 50 to 80 times every single night, and all that so-called tossing and turning is actually a good thing." Nighttime movement keeps the muscles supple, and helps distribute nutrients and hormones to all parts of the body."



