記住:"I don't buy it" 不是 "我才不買呢!"

2018-01-25 09:14:35  每日學(xué)英語
想要表達(dá)“我不買”,可以用" I'm not buying it "或 "I won't take it" 那么,日常生活中" I don't buy it."是什么意思呢?除了一本正經(jīng)地用"I don't believe that"表達(dá)“我不相信”, 還有以下地道用法。


I don't buy it.


或是 "I don't buy your story"(我不相信你這一套);商品交易的過程本身是基于信任的基礎(chǔ) ,buy 在俚語中有“相信”的意思

I don't buy your story . You've said that over a million times.

我才不信你這一套, 你已經(jīng)說過無數(shù)遍了。

記?。?quot;I don


That's a likely story!

這不像是真實發(fā)生的,像故事;編的吧! 誰信呢?

How he rose from the dead? That's a likely story!


記?。?quot;I don


Don't tell me!

相當(dāng)于"Tell me another."(別扯了)。字面意思是“不要告訴我!說了我也不會信”

- This product has magical function.

- Don't tell me!



記?。?quot;I don


It can't be true.


- They have divorced.

- It can't be true.



記?。?quot;I don


It's too good to be true.

too...to 結(jié)構(gòu): 太...以至于不能... ; 太好了以至于不能相信是真的:哪有這等好事? 你也信?

A: Mary and Tom are going to get married this month.

B: It's too good to be true.

A:Mary 和 Tom 這個月要結(jié)婚了。


記?。?quot;I don


I know better than that.



nonsense / bullshit / holy crap

瞎扯淡, 假的,我不信!(簡直是廢話~)語氣較粗魯,注意場合使用

That's totally bullshit!


記?。?quot;I don

其他相關(guān)表達(dá):Come off it.(別逗了);I must be hearing things.(我沒聽錯吧!)
