
2017-11-23 08:37:02  每日學英語


The biggest enemy to a weight-loss plan?


Truthfully, there are plenty of habits that could be sabotaging your progress — you just may not recognize them. Below are a few surprising reasons your weight-loss goals are stalling.


truthfully /'tr?θf?li/ adv. 誠實地;深信不疑地

sabotage /'sæb?tα: ?/ v. 妨害;對…采取破壞行動

recognize /'rek?gna?z/ v. 認出,識別;承認

stall /st?: l/ v. 停止,停轉;拖延

1. You’re prioritizing exercise over diet.



Many people believe that they can indulge in a few more scoops of ice cream after an intense gym session — a method of thinking that does more harm than good. The truth is, healthy bodies are made in the kitchen. Research shows that diet is slightly more important than exercise when it comes to a healthy weight loss transformation, although both are crucial overall.


prioritize /pra?'?r?ta?z/ vt. 把…區(qū)分優(yōu)先次序

indulge /?n'd?ld?/ v. 滿足;縱容

scoop /sku: p/ n. 勺;鏟子

intense /?n'tens/ adj. 強烈的;緊張的

transformation /trænsf?'me??(?)n/ n. 轉化;轉換

crucial /'kru: ?(?)l/ adj. 重要的;決定性的

overall /'??v?r?: l/ adj. 全部的;全體的;adv. 全部地;總的說來

2. You’re not sleeping enough.



Getting proper rest can improve every aspect of your life — including the number on the scale. Research shows that sleep deprivation can lead to weight gain. Rack up Zs to help drop pounds.


proper /'pr?p?/ adj. 適當?shù)?本身的

aspect /'æspekt/ n. 方面;方向

scale /ske?l/ n. 規(guī)模;比例

deprivation /depr?'ve??(?)n/ n. 剝奪;損失;免職

3. You’re chained to your desk.



A sedentary workday could be destroying your weight loss goals without you even realizing it. Studies show that sitting for an exorbitant amount of time at work can lead to weight gain. Try prioritizing breaks, scheduling mobile meetings and even going for a longer walk at lunchtime. Bonus: There are huge well-being perks to gain from the activity as well.


sedentary /'sed(?)nt(?)r?/ adj. 久坐的;坐慣的

destroy /d??str??/ v. 破壞;消滅

exorbitant /?g'z?: b?t(?)nt/ adj. 過高的;過分的

schedule /??edju:l/ vt. 安排,計劃

4. You have an underlying mental health issue.



Research suggests that mental health conditions like depression can lead to changes in appetite, which can result in weight gain. If you’re feeling more than just a general sadness and it’s a feeling that persists, check in with a medical professional. Other symptoms include a loss of motivation and low energy.


underlying /?nd?'la???/ adj. 潛在的;根本的

mental /'ment(?)l/ adj. 精神的;腦力的

depression /d?'pre?(?)n/ n. 沮喪;洼地;不景氣

appetite /'æp?ta?t/ n. 食欲;嗜好

persist /p?'s?st/ v. 存留,堅持

professional /pr?'fe?(?)n(?)l/ n. 專業(yè)人員;職業(yè)運動員

symptom /'s?m(p)t?m/ n. 癥狀;征兆

motivation /m??t?'ve??(?)n/ n. 動機;積極性

5. You’re opting for diet soda.



Diet soda lures you with the promise of being a healthier option, but that’s hardly the case. Research shows that calorie-free, artificially-sweetened drinks may actually contribute to weight gain and increase cravings for real sugar. Opt for water instead.


diet soda /'da??t 's??d?/ 無糖汽水

lure /l(j)??/ v. 誘惑;引誘

calorie-free /'kæl?r?/ 無卡路里

artificially-sweetened /,a:ti'fi??li 'sweit?nd/ 人工加糖的

contribute /k?n'tr?bju: t/ v. 貢獻,出力

craving /'kre?v??/ n. 渴望;熱望

opt /?pt/ v. 選擇

6. You’re not eating enough.



Slashing calories isn’t always the best way to get healthy, particularly if it means you’re not getting any nutrients at all. The ideal avenue to a healthy weight is to engage in a balanced diet. That means eating plenty of natural fruits, vegetables, lean protein and healthy fats.


slash /slæ?/ v. 猛砍;大幅度裁減或削減

nutrient /'nju: tr??nt/ n. 營養(yǎng)物;滋養(yǎng)物

avenue /'æv(?)nju: / n. 大街;(達到某物的)手段,方法

balanced /'bæl?nst/ adj. 平衡的;和諧的

protein /'pr??ti: n/ n. 蛋白質(zhì)

7. You’re constantly running on the treadmill.



Or only going to SoulCycle, or only trudging on the elliptical. Variability in your workouts is vital. Make sure to add a strength training component to your fitness routine as well as switch up your type of cardio. Challenging yourself will help you see better results.


constantly /'k?nst(?)ntl?/ adv. 不斷地;時常地

treadmill /'tredm?l/ n. 踏車,跑步機

trudge /tr?d?/ vi. 跋涉;步履艱難地走

elliptical /?'l?pt?k(?)l/ adj. 橢圓的;省略的

variability /,ve?r??'b?l?t?/ n. 可變性,變化性

component /k?m'p??n?nt/ n. 成分;組件

routine /ru: 'ti: n/ n. 程序;日常工作

cardio /'kα: d???/ n. 有氧運動

8. You’re underestimating how much you eat at restaurants.



Sure, that salad may seem healthy, but you can’t really know how muchdressing the kitchen slathers on or what kind of preservatives they use for some of the ingredients. Cooking at home saves an average of 250 calories over a restaurant meal, Fitness magazine reported.


underestimate /?nd?r'est?me?t/ v. 低估;看輕

dressing /'dres??/ n. 穿衣;加工;調(diào)味品

preservative /pr?'z?: v?t?v/ n. 防腐劑;預防法

ingredient /?n'gri: d??nt/ n. 原料;要素;組成部分

9. You’re stressed.



Excessive worry can wreak havoc on any health plan. Studies suggest that stress is connected to weight gain thanks to the body’s production of cortisol, which may lead to unhealthy food choices.


excessive /?k?ses?v/ adj. 過多的,極度的

wreak /ri: k/ v. 造成(巨大的破壞或傷害)

havoc /'hæv?k/ n. 大破壞;浩劫

cortisol /'k?: t?s?l/ n. 皮質(zhì)醇

10. You’re watching your favorite show while you eat dinner.



Sorry, “House of Cards” fans. You may want to pause your marathon when you’re eating. People tend to consume more when they’re distracted than they would if they were mindfully focusing on their meal, according to Harvard Health. It all comes down to your brain processing what’s going on in your body.

對不起,《紙牌屋》的粉絲們。當你進餐時,你可能得暫停你的追劇馬拉松。據(jù)《哈佛健康》(Harvard Health)報道,人們在注意力分散時,往往比專注于自己的飲食時,吃得更多。這一切都歸結于你的大腦正在處理你身體里正在發(fā)生的事情。

marathon /'mær?θ(?)n/ n. 馬拉松賽跑;耐力的考驗

distracted /d?'strækt?d/ adj. 心煩意亂的;思想不集中的


