
2017-03-01 09:06:56  每日學英語

01 他的理解能力很強。

He's quick on the uptake.


He's a fast learner.

He has a quick mind.

He catches on quickly.

02 他不會讓你失望的。

He'll never let you down.

let down“使人期待落空”。

03 他很能干。

He's efficient.


He finished the job already. 他早就把工作做完了。

He does things well and he gets them done quickly. 他工作起來又好又快。

He gets things done efficiently. 他做事很有效率。

04 他是個好人。

He's a good guy/man/person.

05 他有點兒顯老。

He looks old for his age.

形容詞+for 表示“就……而言”、“比較……”。

He's only 46. 他只有46歲。

He looks older than he is.

06 你看上去比我年輕。

You look younger than me.

從語法上來講應該是“You look younger than I”,但美國現在一般不這么說。

We're the same age. 我們同齡吧。

But you look younger than me. 可是你看上去比我年輕。

07 他就是那種人。

That's the way he is.

That's the kind of guy he is.

08 他交際很廣。

He knows a lot of people.

He's well-known.

He's very popular. 他很有人緣。

He has a large circle of acquaintances. 他交際廣泛。

09 他是個有才干的人。

He's a go-getter. go-getter“有才能的人”,“干將”。

He's a man of action.

He's a man of ability.

10 他是個很謙虛的人。

He's a very modest man.

He doesn't like to brag. 他不喜歡吹牛。

He isn't boastful. 他一點都不自負。

11 她不知哪兒有點怪。

There's something strange/ fishy/odd about her.

She's not herself. 直譯是“她不是她自己了。

She's been edgy lately. 她近來情緒急躁。

Yeah, she's not herself. 是的,有點兒不太對勁兒。

She's not acting normally.
