套譯法是指套用譯語中某個與漢語成語喻義相近的成語來進行翻譯的方法。套譯法可用于下列幾種情況:(1)兩個 成語的字面意義和蘊涵意義基本一致。例如“肉中刺”a thorn in the flesh、“混水摸魚”fish in troubled waters、“趁熱打鐵”strike while the iron is hot、“眼見為實”seeing is believing、“隔墻有耳”walls have ears、“自投羅網(wǎng)”throw oneself into the trap、“嗤之以鼻”turn up one's nose at、“一觸即發(fā)”touch and go、“空中樓閣”castles in the air、“充耳不聞”turn a deaf ear to、“熟能生巧”practice makes perfect、“事實勝于雄辯”facts speak louder than words;(2)兩個成語的比喻形象有所差異,但比喻意義基本一致。例如:“笑掉大牙”laugh off one's head、“亂七八糟”at sixes and sevens、“東張西望”look right and left、“拋磚引玉”to throw a sprat to catch a herring、“緣木求魚”seek a hare in hen's nest、“揮金如土”to spend money like water、“膽小如鼠”as timid as a hare、“甕中之鱉”like a rat in a hole、“無風不起浪”there is no smoke without fire、“掛羊頭賣狗肉”cry up wine and sell vinegar、“有志者事竟成”where there is a will there is a way、“新官上任三把火”new brooms sweep clean、“偷雞不成蝕把米”go for wool and come back shorn、“己所不欲勿施于人”do as you would be done by;(3)漢語成語原本是翻譯的產(chǎn)物,因此可直接以英語成語回譯之,例如:“以眼還眼”an eye for an eye、“君子協(xié)定”a gentleman's agreement、“武裝到牙齒”armed to the teeth。