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【雙語】例行記者會 駐英國大使劉曉明就香港局勢舉行中外記者會實錄(下)





喜歡口譯的同學(xué),大多抱有一個外交官的理想,而雙語例行記者會上快節(jié)奏的你問我答及現(xiàn)場翻譯,則給我們提供了寶貴的學(xué)習資源。下面是小編整理的關(guān)于【雙語】例行記者會 駐英國大使劉曉明就香港局勢舉行中外記者會實錄(下)的資料,希望大家在這些唇槍舌劍中,提升英語,更熱愛祖國!

BBC Radio 4: Ambassador, you painted the protesters as “violent” and as “extremists”. Can I ask you whether you would acknowledge that for every “violent” or “extremist protester”, there are many ordinary citizens in Hong Kong, lawyers and civil servants, who are deeply disappointed by what is happening on the Chinese government side, and to support the idea that people having more say in their own administration, and to support the fifth demand of protesters, the universal suffrage? Would you acknowledge that there are many people who are not violent or extremist protesters? Can you remind us and the people of Hong Kong why China finds it so objectionable to give them universal suffrage? If I may ask a second question, does China still regard the Joint Declaration signed with Britain in 1984 as applying and constraining its behavior in Hong Kong?



Ambassador: Evan, I haven’t seen you for quite a while since I last went on your program. Your first question is about the demonstrators. We certainly have acknowledged the difference between the young people and the radical violent offenders. A few radicals do not represent the majority of the demonstrators. The majority of them have been misled. I think Hong Kong media has responsibility and Western media has responsibility. There are some complaints. In any society you have all kinds of complaints. Since Hong Kong’s handover, enormous achievements and progress have been made under “One Country, Two Systems”. But there is still a lot of room for improvement, like how young people would advance their career. There are many problems in Hong Kong economy. Hong Kong economy has depended too much on financial services and real estate, which offers little opportunities to young people. So they have complaints. We understand. The Central Government and SAR Government have tried very hard to address these problems. We have launched the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area development project. I don’t know how many of you know this, but I do not have time to elaborate in details. That will give Hong Kong young people more opportunities. If you compare Hong Kong with Shenzhen across the river, it’s quite a contrast. In 30 years’ time, Shenzhen has been transformed into a dynamic city full of vigor, many young people, a lot of high-tech and new technology companies like Huawei, Tencent, Dajiang, many top world-class companies. What world-class high-tech companies can you find in Hong Kong? To address these problems, we have to focus on development. Demonstrations offer no solution. Chaotic situations would only make young people suffer more. We will certainly address the concerns of the young people. We certainly understand the difference between the young people who have been misled, who have been led astray as I said, and those radical violent offenders.




Your second question is about the Joint Declaration. I think people often confuse “One Country, Two Systems” with the Joint Declaration. Joint Declaration has completed its mission. Its main mission was to ensure a smooth handover of Hong Kong from UK to China. And it was also its mission to ensure a 13-year smooth transition period between 1984, when China and UK agreed on the handover and 1997. And that was its main mission. Yes, the Joint Declaration mentioned “One Country, Two Systems”. But that is a national policy unilaterally announced by the Chinese Government. It is incorporated in the Basic Law of Hong Kong. So when we say China is committed to the Basic Law and “One Country, Two Systems” for 50 years, we are not saying we are committed to the Joint Declaration for 50 years.


About universal suffrage, the Central Government is committed to universal suffrage. We believe this is the final aim of political reform in Hong Kong. But it has to proceed in an orderly way and it has to suit the conditions of Hong Kong. If it had not been for the opposition in Hong Kong in 2015, the Legislative Council would have passed a law on universal suffrage. They were not happy with this law, so they blocked it. They killed this law and postponed the process. There are so many things that are not known by the Western public. The government is fully committed to universal suffrage. But it has to be carried out in an orderly and gradual way in accordance with law.



BBC Diplomatic Correspondent: You talked about there being no place for foreign interference in China’s internal affairs. Does that mean the present British government is interfering in the internal affairs when it calls for dialogue to end the crisis in Hong Kong? Is one of the solutions that you would examine carefully to find a way through this to move beyond mere suspension of the extradition law? Would you be prepared to move to full withdrawal, one of the basic points raised by the protesters? My second question is about the potential use of force. You said China will use whatever means necessary to quell the protests



Ambassador: Not the protest. To quell the unrest.



BBC Diplomatic correspondent: If you were to use the Chinese army in Hong Kong, do you accept that it would have the effect of destroying the “two systems” and “Hong Kong’s autonomy”, and do great damage to China because it will suffer economically and in trade as a result?



Ambassador: I think you asked three questions and I am trying to remember them all. Maybe the last question first. As I said, we have enough solutions and enough power to put this to an end swiftly. By doing this, we are exactly defending “One Country, Two Systems”. Some of the radical forces call for independence of Hong Kong. They want to use Hong Kong to infiltrate into the mainland, to interrupt the socialist system in the mainland. So in both ways, they undermine “One Country, Two Systems”. When we talk about “One Country, Two Systems”, people have to be aware that it’s a complete whole. “One country” means that Hong Kong is part of China and China has sovereignty over Hong Kong. “One country” is the precondition for “two systems”. Without “one country”, there will be no “two systems”. So, the two are one complete whole. We can’t emphasize one at the expense of the other. I think what China is going to do – to put the situation under control – is exactly for “One Country, Two Systems”.


About the telephone conversation, as I said, we are open to discussions on Hong Kong. But the important thing is that you can’t use telephone conversation to exert pressure on the SAR Government. For instance, you are saying that you are concerned about the police’s excessive use of force and you condemn the violence on both sides. That is not fair. You can’t give a 50-50. You confuse right and wrong. If you accuse the right things, you certainly support the wrong things. The important thing is the nature of the conversation, whether it is an intervention or not. British politicians are visiting Hong Kong all the time. We show no objection to them. But if you make a comment to interfere in the judicial independence of Hong Kong, you are trying to obstruct it. Just like some politicians said before that one cannot punish those radicals and violent offenders. It just obstructs the legal system in Hong Kong. That cannot be accepted at all.



We expressed our concerns about some of the comments by British politicians. I really hope that they change their mindset and have a big picture in mind about the prosperity and stability in Hong Kong and broad interests of the UK. A prosperous and stable Hong Kong is really in the interest of the UK, not only in the interest of Hong Kong and China.



About the withdrawal of the bill. You know the bill has been suspended by the SAR Government. Whether it will be withdrawn is up to the Hong Kong SAR Government to decide. The Chief Executive promised to have further communication and discussions with the public and various sectors in Hong Kong. From the very beginning in my first press conference, I said this is a good bill. It serves the interest of Hong Kong. It will make Hong Kong a safe “haven of justice” rather than a safe “haven of fugitives”. I think the intension is to improve the legal system of Hong Kong but it was not well understood. So it might take time for the SAR Government to explain their position, to convince the public that it is in Hong Kong’s interest to pass this bill.



BBC News Night: In the video, you showed a journalist at the airport surrounded by protesters. You didn’t show the other guy surrounded by protesters who turned out to be a law enforcement official from Shenzhen not wearing uniform. How many other such mainland law enforcement officials are currently operating in Hong Kong?


Ambassador: Your information is not what I know. Yesterday, an ordinary traveler was round up by the rioters at the airport. He was from Shenzhen and he came to the airport to see off a friend. The other one was a journalist from China, who was tied up. Some people regarded him as a police, but he turned out to be a journalist who has a name, a registered journalist.



CGTN: My first question is that, as the violence escalates, the Hong Kong police response would escalate inevitably. We all know what Hong Kong police have experienced these days? In other countries, it equals to aggravated assault which will be dealt with seriously. But why they are still the target of blames in some of the media, in most of the Western media, even when they are so restrained? My second question is that yesterday, some British companies were warned to evaluate the risks to investment in Hong Kong. More than 28 countries have been noted to issue different levels of warnings to travelers to Hong Kong. Analysts say that currently this is a kind of the turning point for Hong Kong’s economy. So what is your view?



Ambassador: I think you are absolutely right in talking about the behavior of Hong Kong police. I think they exercise their duty with great restraint, more so than in many other countries. They are very professional and have won praise from many countries, including the US, Canada, France. You know, if things like this happen in the Western countries, the police would deal with them with much more force. That reminds me of something just a few months ago, in June. When the Extinction Rebellion applied to put up a demonstration in Heathrow Airport, they were warned by the British police that those involved would face a life sentence and urged to reconsider. We’ve all watched how the British police handled the riot in London. And I don’t need to remind you of what kind of force they used.



On the Hong Kong economy. Yes, it suffered. What is happening in Hong Kong really damaged the international image and reputation of Hong Kong. It’s very sad. Hong Kong is a very safe place. Its rule of law rating is very high. In terms of Project of Justice index, it’s even three steps higher than the United States last year. It ranked 16th while the United States ranked 19th. I’m talking about law and order, not safety. On safety, Hong Kong will be much safer than the other Western cities. Of course, we all read that Hang Seng stock falls 9% and Hong Kong dollar falls. Many things fall. It’s very sad. I think people, as I said in my opening remarks, should treasure the hard-won development of Hong Kong. I do hope common sense will prevail in Hong Kong. I just heard many statements yesterday by the business leaders. They’ve kept quiet for some time, but now they spoke out. They realized what kind of damage this chaos in Hong Kong will do to the city, to the prosperity and stability of Hong Kong.




Reuters: Thank you for taking a second question. Earlier when my colleague from the BBC asked about the extradition bill, you said it’s up to the Hong Kong SAR Government to decide whether it will be withdrawn or not. And you immediately added that you think it a good bill and it wasn’t fully explained and should be explained further. Just to be completely clear, if Carrie Lam and the Hong Kong SAR Government decided to withdraw the bill fully, would the Central Government of China allow them to do so?

Ambassador: At the very beginning, many people thought that this move is under the order or instruction from the Central Government. That was not true. This initiative is completely the decision of the Hong Kong administration. Chief Executive Carrie Lam spoke on many occasions that she received no order or instruction from the Central Government to launch this process. She decided to suspend it and we showed understanding, respect and support. So I hope you will keep in mind the three words I gave you: understanding, respect and support. And I think that we will continue to do this along the road.



Russia Today: As you know the trade war with the US is continuing and Donald Trump has sought to use Huawei to put pressure on China. Do you think there is a chance that the US would do the same to Hong Kong, in terms of getting a fair world trade deal? How would Beijing respond?



Ambassador: The talks are still going on, and I personally feel cautiously optimistic about the future of the China-US trade relations. Member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Director of the Office of the Foreign Affairs Commission of the CPC Central Committee Yang Jiechi is in New York and had a talk with Secretary Pompeo. They had a very candid discussion on the bilateral relations, including trade issues. On Hong Kong, China will never compromise its principles for a trade deal. We wouldn’t barter away our principles. It’s purely China’s internal affairs which brook no foreign intervention, no matter which country it is from.



Bloomberg: The entire Hong Kong business community would agree with you when you said that the unrest has been very bad for the economy, bad for Hong Kong’s position as a global financial centre. And yet many would also argue that if the Chinese Central Government were to intervene directly, that could be even worse. In order to solve this, it will require some sort of engagement with the protesters whom you acknowledged are not all violent and many have some legitimate concerns. Do you not think that the position you laid out here, which is quite hard-line, should allow more space for engagement with the protesters, in the interest of, as you said, maintaining stability, economic well-being and international image of Hong Kong?


Ambassador: Let me ask you this. We are talking about an unpleasant situation. If Hong Kong’s situation becomes uncontrollable and unrest goes on and on, will it serve the interests of the business community in Hong Kong? Or the Central Government will intervene with a resolute solution and put an end to unrest as quickly as possible, will that serve their interests? I think the answer would be the latter. But that’s an extreme situation. That is a situation we would not like to see. And we hope to see the situation end in an orderly way, which includes that the people should rally behind the Hong Kong SAR Government and rally behind the Chief Executive to support Hong Kong SAR Government to put this to an end, to bring the violence and law offenders to justice, and to restore order. That is the top priority of Hong Kong today.



BBC: You draw a distinction between the violent protesters and nonviolent protesters. I just want to be clear. Can you unequivocally tell the people of Hong Kong that if the violence stops but peaceful protest continues, there is no way that the central Chinese authorities will intervene in the internal affairs of Hong Kong? It is only the violence that China will quell or stop.



Ambassador: I hope you should go back to my opening statement. I said if the situation in Hong Kong deteriorates into unrest uncontrollable for the Hong Kong SAR Government, the Central Government would not sit by and watch. And we have enough solutions and power to quell the unrest swiftly. What you are talking about is a situation that is not happening. It is still under control of the Hong Kong SAR Government. So we do not need to talk about that part.



BBC Radio 4: It may go beyond control?



Ambassador: That shows your lack of understanding of the situation. You have underestimated the capability of Hong Kong SAR Government and the Hong Kong police. They are fully prepared and equipped to handle peaceful demonstration – but it has to be peaceful.



CNN: You talked about how patient you’ve been right now, and you were suggesting that you have resources and solutions to quell it swiftly. What sort of timeline we are looking at? Let’s suppose by this time next week, do you think the Hong Kong SAR Government will be able to resolve the crisis by itself without the support of the Central Government? Or we will still be having this conversation next week?



Ambassador: As I said, we have full trust in the Hong Kong SAR Government. I hope they will put an end to it at an early date, as soon as possible. Maybe we do not need another press conference. We’ll see.




Thank you.


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