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Agriculture Report教程匯總和更新

2014-11-11VOA慢速英語: 受價格低因素的影響,肯尼亞農(nóng)民轉(zhuǎn)向種植紫茶

Battered by Low Prices, Kenyan Farmers Turn to Purple Tea受價格低因素的影響,肯尼亞農(nóng)民轉(zhuǎn)向種植紫... [查看全文]

2014-11-11VOA慢速英語: 南非的牛頭肉非常受歡迎

From VOA Learning English, this is the Agriculture Report.來自美國之音慢速英語農(nóng)業(yè)報道。In many c... [查看全文]


WWF: Health of Planet Is at RiskA diver at the Great Barrier Reef. (Courtesy World Wildlife Fund)From VOA Learni... [查看全文]

2014-10-14VOA慢速英語: 長期干旱影響美國南部農(nóng)戶(雙語)

Long Drought Affects Farmers in Southwestern USParts of the southwestern American states of Te... [查看全文]

2014-09-18VOA慢速英語: 科學家根據(jù)基因遺傳數(shù)據(jù),發(fā)現(xiàn)更美味的西紅柿和更飽滿的稻米(雙語)

參考譯文Tastier Tomato, Tougher Rice Sought From Genetic Data科學家根據(jù)基因遺傳數(shù)據(jù),發(fā)現(xiàn)更美味的西紅柿和更飽滿的稻米From ... [查看全文]

2014-09-09VOA慢速英語: 沖突使得應急食品的空運不斷增加(雙語)

Conflicts Increase Emergency Food AirliftsFrom VOA Learning English, this is the Agriculture Report.The World Food ... [查看全文]

2014-09-02VOA慢速英語: 全球變暖、人口增長和無限制開發(fā)威脅非洲物種(雙語)

Global Warming, Population Growth and Unrestricted Development Threaten African SpeciesFrom VOA Learning English, thi... [查看全文]

2014-08-28VOA慢速英語: 烏干達推行“慢食運動”理念來供養(yǎng)非洲(雙語)

參考譯文Ugandan Promotes 'Slow Food' Ideals to Feed Africa烏干達推行慢食運動理念來供養(yǎng)非洲From VOA Learning Engl... [查看全文]


Really, It's OK to Pinch MumsThis is the VOA Special English Agriculture Report.People have been growing chrys... [查看全文]


Fish Production Needs Double to Meet Growing Global DemandFrom VOA Learning English, this is the Agriculture Repor... [查看全文]