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Agriculture Report教程匯總和更新


Community supported agriculture farms, or CSAs, seek people who pay in advance for fresh vegetables and fruits. O... [查看全文]


There is a change in the air at the Tea Factory in Thika, Kenya. It is free of the dark smoke that rises fr... [查看全文]


Sri Lankaplansto store and use a billion cubic meters of rainwater each year to support irri... [查看全文]

2015-07-30VOA慢速英語: 在緬甸,用咖啡代替罌粟植物

Large numbers of opium poppy plants grow in the mountains of Myanmar’s Shan State. In fact, Shan State is... [查看全文]


American researchers say farmers should wait one dayafter a rain storm or watering their fiel... [查看全文]

2015-01-06VOA慢速英語: 花園里種植玫瑰

In the Garden: Growing Roses在花園里種植玫瑰From VOA Learning English, this is the Agriculture ... [查看全文]

2014-12-30VOA慢速英語: “世界上比較好的大米”促進(jìn)柬埔寨大米出口

'World's Best Rice' Title Could Boost Cambodian Rice ExportsFrom VOA Learning English, this is the Agri... [查看全文]

2014-12-28VOA慢速英語: 美國、埃塞俄比亞聯(lián)合培訓(xùn)農(nóng)婦

US, Ethiopia Join to Train Women FarmersThis photo taken Wednesday, Oct. 10, 2012, shows the wheat farm near Deb... [查看全文]

2014-12-05VOA慢速英語: 越南農(nóng)民抗議政府土地政策

VietnameseFarmers Protest Government LandDeals越南農(nóng)民抗議政府土地政策In Vietnam, the state owns th... [查看全文]

2014-11-19VOA慢速英語: 農(nóng)場游客增加農(nóng)場收入

Farm Visitors Increase Farm profits農(nóng)場游客增加農(nóng)場收益As the weather cools across the United St... [查看全文]