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2016-09-09銀行英語情景口語對話60主題05 存折/銀行卡掛失情景對話一

  A:Hello, is this the right window for reporting losses? Unfortunately, I lost my Bank Book this morning. I... [查看全文]

2016-09-09銀行英語情景口語對話60主題05 存折/銀行卡掛失情景對話二

  A:Hello, IMBF Bank, how can I help you?  您好,這里是IMBF銀行,我如何為您效勞呢?  B:I need to report a missing... [查看全文]

2016-09-09銀行英語情景口語對話60主題05 存折/銀行卡掛失情景對話三

  A:This is IBJ Bank,Claire speaking, how may I help you?  這里是IBJ銀行。我是Claire,我能如何為您效勞呢?  B:Oh, h... [查看全文]

2016-09-09銀行英語情景口語對話60主題05 存折/銀行卡掛失情景對話四

  A:Welcome to IBJ Bank, how can we be of service?  歡迎光臨IBJ銀行。我們?nèi)绾螢槟?wù)呢?  B:I spoke to a girl ... [查看全文]

2016-09-06銀行英語情景口語對話60主題04 提前支取情景對話一

  A:Good afternoon. What can I help you with today?  下午好。今天我有什么可以幫助您的嗎?  B:I have a Time Deposi... [查看全文]

2016-09-06銀行英語情景口語對話60主題04 提前支取情景對話二

  A:Hello, IBJ Bank,how can I help you?  您好,這里是IBJ銀行,我能如何為您效勞?  B:Hello,I'd like to talk to... [查看全文]

2016-09-06銀行英語情景口語對話60主題04 提前支取情景對話三

  A:Hi, how can I help?  您好,我如何為您效勞?  B:I was told to come over to this window if I want to make... [查看全文]

2016-09-06銀行英語情景口語對話60主題04 提前支取情景對話四

  A:Are you here to make a deposit Mr Hayes?  您是來這里存錢的嗎,Hayes先生?  B:No,Nancy,today I'm here to m... [查看全文]

2016-09-06銀行英語情景口語對話60主題03 取款情景對話四

  A:Good morning, Madam. What can I do for you?  早上好,女士。我能為您做點(diǎn)兒什么嗎?  B:I'd like to withdraw... [查看全文]

2016-09-02銀行英語情景口語對話60主題03 取款情景對話一

  A:Hello, how can I help you today?  您好,今天我能幫您什么忙嗎?  B:I'd like to withdraw some money from m... [查看全文]