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2018-11-17雙語讀電影 《恐龍當(dāng)家》第03章 :我才不是膽小鬼呢!

By the time they were ten years old, Libby and Buck both had their marks on the silo.... [查看全文]

2018-11-16雙語讀電影 《恐龍當(dāng)家》第02章 :在這里留下你的標(biāo)記吧,亨利

By the time they were five years old, Buck, Libby, and Arlo were expected to help aro... [查看全文]

2018-11-16雙語讀電影 《恐龍當(dāng)家》第01章 :我們的第一個女兒,叫她莉比吧

65 million years ago—on a day very much like many before it—all was quiet on Earth ... [查看全文]


影片簡介:自侏羅紀(jì)世界的騷亂以來,種類繁多的恐龍在努布拉島度過了三年無拘無束的時光。然而該島火山活動頻繁,隨時有噴發(fā)的危險。致力于... [查看全文]

2018-11-15雙語讀電影 《賽車總動員》第22章 :哦,好吧,小鎮(zhèn)這下走運了

“Woo-hoo!” Mater hollered, leaning out the window of the Dinoco helicopter as it flew ... [查看全文]

2018-11-14雙語讀電影 《賽車總動員》第21章 :除了贏得比賽,還有更多值得追求的東西

Lightning was giving the race everything he had. He was tight on Chick’s tail, but Chi... [查看全文]

2018-11-14雙語讀電影 《賽車總動員》第20章 :我大老遠趕來可不是來看你半途而廢的!

Lightning idled in the infield, dazed. He could hear The King and Chick speeding around... [查看全文]

2018-11-13雙語讀電影 《賽車總動員》第19章 :重要的是,麥坤換上了白胎壁輪胎

“Okay, here we go,” Lightning said to himself as he sat idling in the darkness of th... [查看全文]

2018-11-13雙語讀電影 《賽車總動員》第18章 :我希望你能找到你想要的

In a moment, the town was swarmed with reporters, photographers, and camera vans. The re... [查看全文]

2018-11-12雙語讀電影 《賽車總動員》第17章 :你再不走就真的要錯過比賽了

As the sun peeked over the mountains the next morning, Mater yawned, stretched, and drov... [查看全文]