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2018-12-02雙語讀電影 《魔發(fā)奇緣》第09章 :她有生以來第一次站在了地面上!

More confident than ever before, Rapunzel presented her plan to Flynn: “Well, tomorrow ni... [查看全文]

2018-12-02雙語讀電影 《魔發(fā)奇緣》第08章 :我打算和你做個交易

“I know what you’re here for,” Rapunzel continued, brandishing her pan, “and I’m not... [查看全文]

2018-12-01雙語讀電影 《魔發(fā)奇緣》第07章 :樂佩!你不能離開這座塔!永遠!

“Well, Mother, there’s something I want to tell you,” Rapunzel said cautiously. Mother ... [查看全文]

2018-12-01雙語讀電影 《魔發(fā)奇緣》第06章 :她剛剛制服了一個前來尋找她的金發(fā)的人

Rapunzel stood over Flynn’s unconscious body. She was still marveling at the power of a... [查看全文]

2018-11-30雙語讀電影 《魔發(fā)奇緣》第05章 :在山谷的中央,一座高塔直入云霄

“Give me that!” Flynn yelled as Maximus finally sank his teeth into the satchel. Man a... [查看全文]

2018-11-30雙語讀電影 《魔發(fā)奇緣》第04章 :人們?nèi)匀幌嘈庞幸惶焖麄兊墓鲿貋?/a>

At that very moment, a dashing thief named Flynn Rider was running through the forest as... [查看全文]

2018-11-29雙語讀電影 《魔發(fā)奇緣》第03章 :我希望今年你能帶我去看飄浮的天燈

“Okay,” Rapunzel said to Pascal, trying to be calm. “No big deal, I’m just going to... [查看全文]

2018-11-29雙語讀電影 《魔發(fā)奇緣》第02章 :很無聊!當(dāng)樂佩一連幾個小時都在梳頭的時候

Opening the tower’s shutters, Rapunzel leaned out over the windowsill, breathing in the f... [查看全文]

2018-11-28雙語讀電影 《魔發(fā)奇緣》第01章 :樂佩問高瑟媽媽:為什么我不能出去呢?

For many years the people of the kingdom searched and searched, but they never found the... [查看全文]

2018-11-28雙語讀電影 《魔發(fā)奇緣》序 :這朵神奇的花不屬于她

Once upon a time, a single drop of sunlight fell from the heavens. From it, a magical ... [查看全文]