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精彩對白 Girl: Daddy, where are we going? Jackson: Going to a relly special place I know. Actually, it's a place where your mom and I used to hang out a lot. Boy: I don't want to know where you and mom had sex. I'm not ready for that, J [查看全文]


第一頁:片段欣賞 第二頁:巧學(xué)口語 第三頁:小小翻譯家 第四頁:精彩劇情 本片段劇情:2012年世界末日到來之前,地殼活動頻繁,多處地區(qū)出現(xiàn)了裂縫。雖然有人對此引起了警覺, [查看全文]


精彩對白 Amelia: Here we are. Ghost Writer: Oh, here we are. Amelia:I'm sorry.I think I'm over it , and then suddenlyI realize I'm not. Ghost Writer: Are you sure this is all right? Amelia: Of course. My invitation said plus one . Ghost [查看全文]


精彩對白 Waiter: Good evening, sir. Hatherton welcomes you aboard. Ghost Writer: Thank you.It's my first time in a private jet. Amelia: Well, let's hope it's not your last. Lang:Hi, man. Take your seat. Ghost Writer: Thanks. Lang: Hey, [查看全文]


精彩對白 Ruth: Perfect fit. Now all you need is a drink. Ghost Writer: What are we having? Ruth: Biodynamic white wine from the Rhinehart Vinery in the Napa Valley. Ghost Writer: Rhinehart. He doesn't own a distillery ,I suppose? Ruth: [查看全文]


精彩對白 Ghost Writer: Hello? Amelia: You need to check out of the hotel immediately. Things have changed. A car is on its way. See you then. Ghost Writer: Hello? Woman:Just check on that. Okay? Reporter: It's getting big, huh? Ghost [查看全文]


精彩對白 Lang: Hi, darling. Ruth: How was New York? Lang: Short and sweet.Hi, Barry. Hi, Amelia.Hello. Who are you? Ghost writer: I'm your ghost . Lang:Right. Ruth: Don't worry. He isn't always such a jerk . Ghost writer: This place rea [查看全文]


本片段劇情:英國前首相朗要出版回憶錄,但負(fù)責(zé)此書的寫手寫完初稿后卻意外身亡,出版商瑞克幫捉刀手?jǐn)埾铝诵薷臅暹@份肥差。他們和朗的律師等人商談,定下了合作細(xì)節(jié)。但這 [查看全文]


影片對白: Effie: So you and Brian broke up, huh? Tibby: I guess. Effie: Do you think you're over it yet? Over him, I mean? Like you wouldn't be upset or anything if you found out he was dating someone else? Tibby: Effie, what's this a [查看全文]


影片對白: Girls: One, two, three! Coach: Okay, ladies, time to call out the cavalry . We've secured a spot in the playoffs , we're gonna shake it up a little. Wendy and Karen to midfield , Bridget to sweeper . Bridget: What? Coach: Yo [查看全文]