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本片段劇情:由于老父病倒,貝絲在家忙得焦頭爛額,她本來想叫妹夫們幫點(diǎn)忙,沒想到一個(gè)個(gè)都只顧自己玩樂。這時(shí),她聽見廚房里傳來聲音 影片對白: Beth: Did any of you guys have a c [查看全文]


影片對白: Alex: Hey, thanks for staying and helping me clean up . I really gotta go to bed, though. Gigi: Is that an invitation? Alex: What? Gigi: Oh, God, that was cheesy . Oh, I'm not good at this. Alex: What? (Gigi jumps upon Alex [查看全文]


本片段劇情:艾利克斯給琪琪安排了一次相親,但由于艾利克斯記錯了時(shí)間,所以相親對象沒有出現(xiàn)。在酒吧里,艾利克斯這位情場老手對男女戀愛心理的精準(zhǔn)拿捏讓琪琪嘆為觀止 影片 [查看全文]


影片對白: Alex: Look, you seem like a cool girl, so I'm just gonna be honest with you. Conor's never gonna call you. Gigi: Oh, really. How do you know? Alex: Because I'm a guy, and it's just how we do it. Gigi: He said it was nice mee [查看全文]


影片對白: Neil: Hey. That look straight to you? Beth: Why are you hanging that? Neil: Because you asked me to about three weeks ago. I'm getting around to it. Why? You don't want it here? Beth: No, I love it there. But just stop. Neil [查看全文]


影片對白: Janine: Okay, so clearly he hasn't called. Maybe he's away on business. Gigi: He sells real estate. In Baltimore. Staying in town is his business. Janine: Right. Well, look, let me tell you. After I went out with Ben for the [查看全文]


精彩對白 Wilson: Oh my god, what's happening out there? Adrian: Anheuser convinced the other heads of state to launch. Mr. Anheuser.We have to stop this madness. Make sure the other bridges can see me. Anheuser: What do you think you're [查看全文]


精彩對白 Wilson: How were all these people chosen? Anheuser: Same way your Art was. By experts from all over the world. We had geneticists determine the perfect gene pool we need to repopulate . Adrian: These people were chosen by genet [查看全文]


精彩對白: Anheuser: You just said that, Mom. You just said that. You don't remember that you just said that? That's okay. Listen, Mom. I'll call you next week, same time. Okay? Take care now. Take care of yourself. Adrian: Sir. I thin [查看全文]


精彩對白 Jackson: Adults get hurt feelings too. Charlie: ...tell the truth. Thank you, Bill. What is your question? Bill: I wanted to know, where is all this gonna start? Charlie: Well, something like this could only originate in Hollyw [查看全文]