That the best classroom in the world is at the feet of an elderly person.世界上最好的課堂在老人的腳下。That when y... [查看全文]
1.Women especially love a bargain.女人特別喜歡便宜貨。2.Women love to shop. It is the only area of the world where... [查看全文]
What I Thought When I Watched Titanic at Age 12 vs. What I Thought When I Watched Titanic at Age 26.我12歲時和... [查看全文]
Wu Juping – a 32-year-old woman who happened to just be walking about in Hangzhou, China – managed t... [查看全文]
上周日晚,《中國達人秀》第二季圓滿結束,機械舞(popping)達人卓君脫穎而出,加冕冠軍。當晚的舞臺上,國內外的達人們?yōu)橛^眾們獻上了一場... [查看全文]
福布斯最新發(fā)布好萊塢女星收入榜,朱莉與帕克均以三千萬美元的年收入并列(tie for)榜首,而去年的吸金女王桑德拉•布洛克則由于休影一... [查看全文]
Woman who haven’t fallen in love before graduation大學畢業(yè)前還沒談過戀愛的女人Here "love" refers to interaction ... [查看全文]
炎炎夏日,吹空調(air-conditioning)雖然涼快但卻又費電又對健康無益,可關掉空調簡直要熱出人命!這里小編為您推薦十個小妙招,讓您遠離空調也能涼快一夏。 1. Just add water. 想降溫 加點水 Soak a t-shirt in the sink, wring it out, put it on and sit in a chair that lets air through to you in front of a fan. 將T恤浸泡在水中,擰干后穿在身上,坐在能透風的椅子上 [查看全文]
近日,英國準婆媳大戰(zhàn)的報道瘋傳網絡,未婚夫的繼母(stepmother)對未來兒媳諸多不滿,指責其舉止粗野,而這位準婆婆的行為也引起來網絡聲討,被人稱為地獄來的婆婆。近日,未婚夫的親媽則 [查看全文]
最近在熱播的電視劇《裸婚時代》似乎宣告著新結婚時代的來臨。裸婚(naked wedding)成了人們熱議的話題,然而這一概念卻讓老外們摸不著頭腦,這到底是為什么呢?一起來看看吧。 My Chinese colleagues are all talking about the TV drama Naked Marriage Age. But when I first heard of the term naked marriage, the image that popped up was a nudist [查看全文]