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Training is over for the day, but one Boston Celtics basketball team coach is still working. 當(dāng)天的訓(xùn)練已經(jīng)結(jié)束,但是波士頓凱爾特人籃球隊(duì)的一名教練還在工作。 [查看全文]


In Chiles capital, Santiago, plants like grass are becoming rare after 13 years of extremely little rainfall. 智利首都圣地亞哥,13年來降雨量極少,草木變得稀少。 [查看全文]


Most African states have stayed silent as Western nations and rights groups condemn China over a recent United Nations human rights report on China's treatment of Uyghurs and other ethnic minorities in the Xinjiang region. [查看全文]


Latest Developments in Ukraine: Sept. 24烏克蘭最新動態(tài):9 月 24 日For full coverage of the crisis in Ukraine, visi... [查看全文]


A Black man died after a police encounter in a Denver suburb in 2019 because he was injected with a powerful sedative after being forcibly restrained, according to an amended autopsy report publicly released Friday. [查看全文]


Philippine presidential candidate Ferdinand Marcos Jr. has a large lead in unofficial results from the country's elections Monday. 非官方結(jié)果,菲律賓總統(tǒng)候選人小費(fèi)迪南德·馬科斯在該國周一舉辦的大選中遙遙領(lǐng)先。 [查看全文]


?A Nigerian dance group with a disabled member has suddenly gained popularity after posting their videos to social media. 尼日利亞一個(gè)舞蹈團(tuán)在社交媒體上發(fā)布了他們的視頻后突然走紅,這個(gè)舞蹈團(tuán)中有一名殘疾人。 [查看全文]


Marine biologists have noticed that whale shark numbers have been falling in recent years. 海洋生物學(xué)家注意到,近年來鯨鯊的數(shù)量一直在下降。 [查看全文]


Cuba's state-owned cigar company Habanos S.A. recently reported it had record sales of its famous hand-rolled cigars in 2021. 古巴國營哈伯納斯雪茄公司最近報(bào)告稱,其著名的手卷雪茄在2021年的銷量創(chuàng)下歷史新高。 [查看全文]


In South Korea, fewer women are having children.The high costs of housing and education make financial security a necessity.Social customs also dictate that a woman should be married before having a baby. [查看全文]