
2017-06-14 08:58:35  每日學(xué)英語


1. I was meeting my boyfriend's parents. We were having dinner, and my hands were shaking with anxiety. And, of course, when I tried to take some salad from the bowl, I dropped it all on the table. I thought, “Okay, here we go..." And then my boyfriend thrusted his fork into my little mess of a salad and ate it. I thought I'll marry him.



Bowl  英 [b??l]  美 [bol] n. 碗;木球;大酒杯

2. When I brought my boyfriend to meet with my parents, my dad took me aside and told me a heartbreaking story about a son he'd accidentally had in youth. Looking earnestly at me, he said it was him. My mother confirmed his tale. I was hysterical. And then they said it was a joke. Some joke!


3. When I was young and shy, I came to meet my girlfriend's parents. We had tea together, and then I, instead of just a “thank you,” said, “Thank you, goodbye!" Nerves, you see. Those same nerves led me to the door at once, and I left. I had to be true to my word, after all.


4. When my husband-to-be first came to meet my parents, he was greeted by our cat, who is very picky. She came to sniff at the new person, and my parents would always remember their first impression of their son-in-law: a timidly smiling young man and a theatrically vomiting cat at his feet.



Picky 英 ['p?k?]  美 ['p?ki] adj. 挑剔的;吹毛求疵的

Theatrically [θ?'ætr?kli] adv. 戲劇化地

5. I'm something of a tomboy: I drink beer and know quite a few hard words. Still, when my BF asked me to meet his parents, I put on my prettiest dress and made curls. His parents adored me — that is, until I opened a bottle of beer for his father with a fork.



tomboy 英 ['t?mb??]  美 ['tɑmb??] n. 假小子,行為似男孩的頑皮姑娘



