Rachel: Yes, that's right.
Todd: Now when I lived in London many years ago my roommate was from New Zealand. Really nice guy, and he had the coolest job. He would ride around motorbike in New Zealand. In the bush as he called it. The wild as we say.
Rachel: The bush.
Todd: The bush. And his job was to just kill invasive species. That was his job. Just go out and plant traps for rabbits.
Rachel: Yes, that's right. Actually, I have a friend how does that now.
Todd: Really?
Rachel: Yes.
Todd: So it's that big of a problem? You have to like ...
Rachel: It's a huge problem, yeah.
Todd: Really, like so what animals are a problem?
Rachel: Rabbits like you mentioned. Possums are a big problem in the bush because they eat a lot of the native plants.
Todd: We have possums too in America in Northern California and they are disgusting. I love animals but they're one animal I don't like. They just ... they're nasty.
Rachel: There's a big possum hunt in many areas every year and they're starting to sell the pelts as fur because they're not a protected species so there's no limits on how much you can catch and how much fur you can sell.
Todd: Yeah, and they often have rabies right? At least in the states we have to be very careful.
Rachel: No we don't have rabies in New Zealand.
Todd: Oh, that's good to know.
Rachel: So ...
Todd: Yeah, we have crazy stories of possums or raccoons having rabies, so when you see one, like they tell you, do not touch it, don't go near it, because if you get bit you're ... Yeah, I got bit a dog while I was in Thailand and had to get the rabies shot and it was not fun.
Rachel: Oh, that sounds awful.
Todd: Yeah, and luckily for me I went in to get the shot because I didn't know about really rabies. I wasn't educated about it, and I thought well, the dog just bit me a little bit, but I better go and check and the doctor was like, "Oh, now, it can kill you" like "Yeah, you better get it checked out."
Rachel: This is one of the reasons we have very strict import laws in New Zealand. We've seen the damage that can be done, and we're very strict now. Rabies is one of the diseases that we don't have and very keen not to ever have.