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聽美劇學(xué)英語- 破產(chǎn)姐妹第一季 第132期:夢(mèng)想就在當(dāng)下





Okay, back to what we were discussing.  好啦,再接著討論剛才的事

Uh, thanks. We appreciate the offer, but we are going to pass. 謝謝你。感謝你的提議,不過還是算了吧

So you don't want to accomplish your dream?  難道你們不想實(shí)現(xiàn)夢(mèng)想嗎

Well, uh, I'm not exactly sure those two things line up, but thanks. 這兩件事不見得一定有關(guān)聯(lián)吧,還是謝謝你了

I thought you were smart girls.  我還以為你們是聰明妞呢

We are smart girls,  我們是聰明妞

and smart girls don't have to sell their bodies to accomplish their goals. 聰明妞才不會(huì)為了實(shí)現(xiàn)夢(mèng)想而出賣肉體呢

Not that there's anything wrong with that.  那么做也沒有任何錯(cuò)啦

It works for you, but us? Well, she's bad in bed and I have a sourpuss. 對(duì)你行得通,但對(duì)我們...她床技太差,我又是個(gè)苦瓜臉

What guy wants to pay for that?  哪有男人想花錢搞我們啊

You think I am prostitute?  你們以為我是妓女嗎

No, everyone has swings with girls in pajamas.  才不是,穿著睡衣蕩秋千的妞"隨處"可見

My business card.  我的名片

Home cleaning service.  家庭清潔服務(wù)

She runs a cleaning company. "Sophie's choice." 人家是開清潔公司的,"蘇菲的選擇"

You realize what this means?  你知道這代表什么嗎

We insulted a hard-working woman who was trying to help us attain our goal? 我們侮辱了一名自食其力還想幫我們達(dá)成夢(mèng)想的善良女性

Yes. And I don't have herpes! 是的,而且我也沒得皰疹

I should have listened to you. Meeting neighbors is a big mistake. 我當(dāng)初真該聽你的話,結(jié)識(shí)鄰居是個(gè)大錯(cuò)誤

And meeting neighbors and calling them a prostitute? Bigger mistake. 結(jié)識(shí)鄰居還說人家是妓女,天大的錯(cuò)誤

Plus, we have to kick in 60 for the check.  而且還得自掏腰包付飯錢

What can we possibly say to her?  我們?cè)摳f什么啊

That we're sorry, and please keep playing the Bee Gees day or night as loud as she wants. 道歉,并請(qǐng)她盡情地放比吉斯的歌,從早到晚,多大聲都行

Not a good idea to be smiling right now.  死到臨頭了你還傻笑

I'm just so happy I don't have herpes.  我還在高興我沒得皰疹呢

Hi, is this a bad time?  你好,沒打擾到你吧

Yes. Yes, I'm in the middle of having sex for money with every man in Brooklyn. 有,打擾到正忙著花錢嫖我的全布魯克林男性恩客呢

What do you horrible, horrible girls want?  你們倆壞壞妞來干嘛

Here, you left part of your dream on the table.  給,你落下了一部分"夢(mèng)想"在餐廳

And we want to apologize. I'm new at this whole being neighborly thing. 我們還想來跟你道歉。敦親睦鄰這種事,我還是第一次

What does the fluffy one have to say?  松軟白妞有什么要說的嗎

Thank you for being so generous,  謝謝你對(duì)我們?nèi)绱舜蠖?/p>

and for offering to help us make more money to accomplish our dream. 還愿意給我們賺錢機(jī)會(huì)幫我們實(shí)現(xiàn)夢(mèng)想

And this is supposed to make me feel better?  隨便客套兩句就能讓我好過點(diǎn)嗎

You called me prostitute.  你們說我是妓女呢

Actually, it's kind of a compliment  其實(shí)那也是在夸你啊

that we thought you were stunning enough that men would pay to have sex with you. 我們覺得男人會(huì)愿意付大把鈔票只為了跟你共赴巫山云雨

This is true. Come on in. 這倒是真的,進(jìn)來吧

Saturday night fever is my favorite movie. Look at him. He's so sexy.  《周末夜狂熱》是我最愛的電影??纯此。愿辛?/p>

He's not that cute, kind of oily.  他不怎么樣啊,還有點(diǎn)油腔滑調(diào)

You're right. She would have made terrible prostitute. 你說得對(duì)。她的確不適合當(dāng)妓女

That's a nice TV.  這電視好棒啊

Yeah, brand-new.  是啊,全新的

I have all my girls over the other night for viewing sleepover party. It's also 3-D. 之前我還跟我的妞們辦通宵觀影派對(duì)呢。這電視還是3D的呢

Does it come with 3-D glasses?  那有送3D眼鏡嗎

Yeah, in the drawer there.  有啊,就在那邊的抽屜里

Here. Max, it's not a 3-D movie. 給,麥克斯,這又不是3D電影

Who cares? It's 3-D glasses.  管它呢,這可是3D眼鏡呢

Come on, you're always talking about wanting us to see things differently.  來嘛,你不是說要從不同的角度看世界嗎

Oh, so cool.  帥呆了

This swing is a brilliant idea.  這個(gè)秋千裝得太妙了

Yeah, it's for my porch at lake house.  是為我未來別墅的陽臺(tái)準(zhǔn)備的

But why wait? Dream is now. 何必等以后呢?夢(mèng)想就在當(dāng)下


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