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聽美劇學(xué)英語- 破產(chǎn)姐妹第一季 第131期:請客吃飯





Thank you so much for inviting us.  謝謝你請我們吃飯

Are you enjoying that beluga?  這上等魚子醬吃得還開心嗎

Mmm, so much. Thank you. I haven't had caviar in forever. Mmm. 太開心了,謝謝你,我?guī)装倌隂]吃過魚子醬了

Legs over your head much?  腿再開得大一點(diǎn)啊

So, sourpuss, you don't like caviar?  苦瓜臉小妞,不喜歡吃魚子醬嗎

No, I'm more of a cheeseburger kind of girl.  不喜歡,我就吃吃廉價(jià)的芝士漢堡

This place is busy. The waiters must make a fortune. 這店好忙啊,這些服務(wù)員肯定賺翻了

Oh, yeah, 300, 350 a night. What do you girls make? 一晚上能賺300到350塊吧,你們倆小妞呢

60 to 80 on a good night.  生意好時(shí),一晚上也才60到80塊

And how do you expect you will accomplish cupcake business on money like this? 就賺這么點(diǎn)錢,你們怎么可能開成小蛋糕店啊

Well, we're just starting out.  我們才剛開始嘛

Yes, but at this rate, it will take forever.  靠這微薄薪資,得到猴年馬月了吧

You know, I, too, have big dream.  其實(shí)我也有個(gè)遠(yuǎn)大夢想

I am building summer house by lake in Poland. You want to see? 我想在波蘭的湖邊蓋間避暑別墅,你們想看嗎

Oh, you have pictures?  你有照片嗎

No, I have house.  不,我有房子

This is model from the architect.  這是我建筑師給的模板

And I take it everywhere I am, to remember where I'm going.  我去哪里都帶著它,激勵自己

It's cool.  挺厲害啊

See, girls like you should be making more money.  你們這樣的好女孩,應(yīng)該賺得更多

Maybe you could consider coming to work for me.  你們考慮一下來我這里上班吧

Sophie! Thank you for sending girl to my apartment yesterday. 蘇菲!謝謝你昨天送來我家的妞兒

Oh, did she do the job?  她活干得好嗎

Oh, like no one ever before.  她干活無人能及啊

Down on all fours, under, over, under again. Oh! 盡心盡力趴在地上,從下面來,再翻過來,再接著從下面來

Well, my girls don't leave until you're satisfied.  我的妞們會干到讓你滿意為止

Maybe she can come two times a week.  要不讓她一周來兩次吧

She can come whenever you want her to come.  你想她什么時(shí)候來都行啊

Are these two of your girls?  她們倆也是你的妞嗎

Well, we were just discussing that.  我們剛剛還正在談呢

Well, this one here looks like she can take a lot.  這位小妞感覺承受力很強(qiáng)哦

Uh, thanks? "感謝"夸獎啊

My friend Yanni is at the bar.  我朋友雅尼在吧臺等我呢

Since his divorce, he's in great need of your service. Prosze. Oh, yes. 他離婚后很需要你的服務(wù)呢。請。好的

Uh, excuse me, and, um, don't touch my house.  我離開一下,別碰我的小屋哦

I can't believe she would actually consider asking us to be prostitutes. 真不敢相信她真打算邀請我們?nèi)プ黾?/p>

I know.  就是啊

I mean, me, I get, but you, I don't see it. 邀請我,合情合理。邀請你,純屬搞笑

You heard the guy, I look like I could "take a lot."  你也聽到他說了,我看起來"承受"力很強(qiáng)

Max, it's not funny.  麥克斯,別鬧了

Isn't it bad enough I may have gotten herpes from her chanel gloss? 我有可能因?yàn)槟窍隳蝺捍讲识拘圆∵€不夠糟嗎

Of course we're not gonna do it, but come on, you'd be a terrible hooker. 我們當(dāng)然不會去賣啦。但拜托,你天生就不適合當(dāng)妓女

Thank you, I would be a terrible hooker.  多謝,我當(dāng)然不適合當(dāng)妓女

I have a heart, and soul, and dreams, and want to fall in love and have a family. 因?yàn)槲矣行?,有靈魂,還有夢想,想墜入愛河,然后相夫教子

Oh, just say it, you're bad in bed.  就承認(rèn)吧,你床技太差

Let's get out of here. I mean, really, who does she think I am? 我們還是走人吧。拜托,她當(dāng)我是什么啊

Someone who would just sell myself to have nice things?  為了追求更好的物質(zhì)而出賣自己的人嗎

Let me just suck down a little more of this, and we're off.  我再吃最后兩口,然后立馬走人

If we walk out of here now, we can just keep walking to the homeless shelter. 我們現(xiàn)在走人,差不多就能直接走去流浪漢之家了

Well, I'd rather be homeless than a hooker.  寧愿當(dāng)流浪漢,也不去做妓

Here she comes. Sit down! Let's thank her and politely decline. 她來了,坐下。謝謝她,再委婉拒絕


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