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1,ace: She is an ace dancer.


2,all-nighter: I felt very tired after an all-nighter.


3,beemer: That girl is driving a beemer.

BMW, 寶馬。氣人的是,我們停車場里一輛??頱eemer的主人不是官最大的,當(dāng)然不是最有學(xué)問的,而是一個(gè)有錢人的小千金。

4,booze: I'm going to bring a bottle of booze to your party.


壞事,不好的方面。別人要跟你說開車撞了電線桿子,你就要說 Oh, bummer!一表感同身受。

6,chicken: He is really a chicken.




8,cop:That crazy driver was pulled over by a cop.


9,couch patato: My roommate is a couch patato.


10,deep pockets: I don't want to buy it, it's for people with deep pockets.


11,flip side: Don't watch the flip side, it's too personal.


12,foxy: Look at that foxy lady!


13,nuke: That country is working seriously on nukes.

北韓,說你呢。 核彈。

14,pain: That's a pain in the neck.


15,psycho: That psycho scared me.


16,rock: You wanna your coke on the rocks?

冰塊, 注意介詞

17,shot: Do you wanna another shot?


18,yukky: That dish was yukky.


19,get it: Did you get that joke?


20,glitch: We shut the pc down since there was a glitch.


21,goofy: They were worrying about their goofy kids.


22,grand: Give me two grands and the car will be yours.


23,groovy: His Mom made some groovy art.






26,vibes: I have bad vibes about that person.


27,up: He has been up since married.


28,veg: He veg out in front of TV all the time.



30, fishy 可疑的。

That sounds fishy.

31, drag 沒勁的事

It's such a drag to deal with them again and again.

32, roll 走,離開。(今天還聽一人說Ready to roll?來著)

Are you ready to roll? Let's roll.

33, nuts 瘋

Are you nuts? The trafic drives me nuts.

34, freak out 緊張害怕

Don't freak out if cops pull you over.

35, rip off 騙了(錢了)

I realized I was ripped off after payed $200 for these shoes.

36, bug 討厭

Stop bugging me with your plan. I won't do it with you

37 shrink =A psychotherapist 心理醫(yī)生

38 airhead =A silly, rather unintelligent person.

His girlfriend is an airhead.

39 a-yo 比較隨便的打招呼,近似于"What' up?" "Hey!"

40 buzz 打電話 Give me a buzz when you reach home.

41 bread =money. breadwinner 養(yǎng)家的人

42 booty 屁股 Check out her booty!

43 boob 乳房

44 cheesey 很沒品味,很土=corny

The gift I receieved from Ryan is cheesey.

45 cig cigarette的縮寫 You got a cig?

46 crap =nonsense

What he said is crap. Don't believe a word of it.

47 f-u-c-ked up 可以表達(dá)很多意思,比如“糟透了,笨死了”

You are pretty f-u-c-ked up.

48 freaky =weird

He's a freaky guy.=He is a freak.

49 flick =movie

That was a good flick.

50 get on (one's) nerves =to annoy

You really get on my nerves.

51 goof 笨蛋 goofy=silly

52 hang out (和朋友)出去消遣

53 hooker 妓女

54 hot 迷人

Man, that girl was hot!

She is such a hottie!

55 juicy 桃色八卦的 a juicy scandal

56 jerk 粗蠢之人

57 jerk off =to masturbate

48 jackass “公驢”,說人就是“蠢驢”的意思, MTV臺就有一檔叫JACKASS的節(jié)目,專門表演一些無聊又愚蠢的玩意兒逗樂

49 pimp 拉皮條的

50 puke =vomit

There's puke on the floor.

51 pussy =vagina

52 redneck (美國的)鄉(xiāng)巴佬

53 sassy =styling. 時(shí)髦的

Those clothes are sassy!

54 nifty 棒,一流的

Here's a list of all-around nifty things that we've found over the years.

55 screw up =err;mess up

They screwed up that paint job.

56 suck 討厭,煩人

Final exams suck.

57 twisted = displeasing; MESSED UP

That's twisted!

twisted mind 奇思異想;怪腦筋

58 meth Methamphetamine的縮寫,即“冰毒”

59 tweaker =a person who uses meth

60 MDMA 搖頭丸,也叫“Ecstasy”/“XTC”

61 pot =Marijuana;joint 大麻煙

62 crack 強(qiáng)效可卡因63 whiz 小便

I just took a whiz.

64 gig =job

I just do these gigs as a cover.

65 dump 甩了某人(比如女朋友)

66 get high 爽一下

Do you get high?

67 p-i-s-s off

68 get a crush on somebody 迷上某人

69 thirtyish = thirty something 三十多歲的 70 bent =angry

It's OK. Don't get so bent.

71 booze = alcohol

He promised to bring two bottles of booze to the party.

72 call =prediction

The weatherman made a good call about when the storm would come.

73 chintzy =cheap

That really was a chintzy present you got him.

74 cut out =leave

It is late. I have to cut out.

75 dope -drug

There are a lot of dope dealers around here.

76 freebie 免費(fèi)品

The pillow was a freebie

77 get it =understand

I listened to the joke twice, but I still don't get it.

78 grubby = unclean and untidy

Those clothes are too grubby to wear to the party.

79 hairy =dangerous

That was a hairy plane trip. I am glad the storm is over.

80 fag 是"faggot"的簡寫, 對同性戀男子的貶稱

81 street smart 知道在城市生活該怎么處置一些事情,應(yīng)該如何應(yīng)付各種不同的情況,比如如何保護(hù)自己。

82 chill/chill out =relax 放松,休息

Glad class is over! I'm ready to chill for the rest of the morning. I haven't had a chance to chill out these last few days, getting ready for school and all.

83 ditch 做名詞用是指地上的溝; 做動(dòng)詞to ditch表示要離開某個(gè)人,因?yàn)槟悴幌敫谝黄鹆?或表示要馬上離開一個(gè)不想再呆的地方。

It's too noisy. Let's ditch this place.

84 hit the spot 感到過癮,覺得很痛快。比如你肚子餓了,吃得心滿意足,就可以說That food really hit the spot.

85 big gun 大人物,對決策有重大影響的人

The company's big gun quarterbacked the meeting about their revenue report.

86 quarterback 本意是美式足球的四分衛(wèi),做動(dòng)詞在可以表示"主持會議,或總管項(xiàng)目"

The project leader quarterbacked the meeting.

87 lame 無聊,沒意思,或者不合適的

Don't give me any lame excuses next time I want to do something!

88 shot 是指什么東西壞了,或者人體的某個(gè)部位受傷了

I think my engine is shot. This is not good.

89 damage 是指為某樣?xùn)|西或某個(gè)交易付的錢, 通常用"bad/not bad"來表示價(jià)錢高低

The damage for renting the car is pretty bad.

90 choke 糟糕,失敗的意思

I think New York is going to lose. Knowing them, their going to choke.

91 money 保持高水平,非常棒的意思

Yao Ming is money.

92 hard headed =stubborn 頑固,固執(zhí)

93 drained =exhausted 非常累

You are full of energy. But I'm drained, I'm going to sleep.

94 wired 一 精力充沛.

After the next cup of coffee, I think I'm going to be pretty wired.

二 to be connected to something, such as being wired into the Internet, or being wired into a discussion.

95 kick back 休息,和某人一起玩

It's a good time to just kick back and relax.

96 one track mind 意思是腦子里光想一件事

Geez, you have such a one track mind sometimes.

97 ticked off 為了什么事情生氣

Crossing the streets in New York and Washington is dangerous. But getting ticked off about it won't do you any good.

98 close call 差一點(diǎn)沒發(fā)生的倒霉的事,或是差一點(diǎn)完不成的該做的事

99 goof off (年輕人)一些無聊的事開玩笑

No more goofing off!

100. poop --To defecate 拉屎

昨天Fox臺the 55th Emmy Awards Ceremony上,就有人說pooped his pants

101. liplock 接吻 Madonna 和 Britney 那個(gè)French kiss大家都看見了吧

102. snoozer---something tedious or boring 使人打瞌睡的東西

103. sour-puss-----A habitually gloomy or sullen person 撲克臉

104 toss-up---- even chance 原意為拋硬幣,引申為“對半開的機(jī)會”

It is a toss-up whether he will win or lose.

105 pratfall---a comedy fall upon one's buttocks 屁蹲兒

105 pick-up line:

a prepared opening line of conversation intended to get someone interested in having a causal sexual relationship.

不知道中文里面又沒有對應(yīng)的詞,我頭一回聽說這個(gè)詞是看Will & Grace, Grace抱回一只小狗結(jié)果Will著了魔,吃飯睡覺都舍不得放下狗狗,Grace明白Will同志是太寂寞了,于是勸他go on a date,Will很不自信,她就鼓勵(lì)道 You still have a pick-up line.

106 poofter/pooftah/poufer: (Derogatory) 1. a male homosexual. 2. an effeminate male. --adjective 3. homosexual. 對男同性戀的貶稱,尤其是對sissy的男同,我看過一個(gè)澳大利亞電影Head On,里面一個(gè)被激怒的的父親對女裝打扮的兒子就用了這個(gè)詞兒。同意詞還有pansy

107 party animal: 1. a person who parties hard. 2. a person who is always going to parties. 派對動(dòng)物

108 party pooper: a person who has a discouraging or depressing effect, especially at a party. 冷場人物109, on the money


110, sabbatical

這個(gè)不太是俚語。通常指老師或教授的帶薪的長假。 111. nerd

If you call someone a nerd, it means you think he is weird and not cool.

A typical nerd is someone who wears glasses and carries a lot of books.

As a matter of fact, when I was growing up, a lot of kids called me a nerd because I didn't fit in.

112. cheesy 就是很俗氣,質(zhì)量很次,很愚蠢。人們經(jīng)常用cheesy 這個(gè)詞來形容電視節(jié)目,電影或者某個(gè)人說的話。

Cheesy means tacky or dumb. It's usually used to describe a TV show, movie, or something someone says.

I think the new TV soap opera on Channel 6 is so cheesy. It is fake and the things they say on the shows are so weird. I don't know why these shows are so popular.

113. wimp 軟弱的人,膽小鬼,或者是怕痛的人

A wimp is a weak person, a coward, or someone who can't take pain.

114. guts 勇氣

You only had enough guts today because I was here to support you. Usually you are a wimp!

115. take a hike -----to tell someone to leave, or to tell someone to leave you alone.

If I were you, I would have told him to take a hike.

116. blow off--取消約會,或者是不做自己不想做的事

Bob and I did make plans to go out last night. But he blew me off. He decided to go out with his girlfriend. It wasn't the first time he blew me off.

There are some things in life you just shouldn't blow off.

117. uptight----tense, irritable, or unable to relax.

Sometimes if I feel a bit uptight, I have a few beers. That helps me relax.

118. busted ------做壞事被抓到

The police just busted someone for trying to steal my neighbor's car.

119. creeep ---A creep is someone who looks and acts in a way that makes people suspicious and uncomfortable.

He was always frowning, and wouldn't say hello to people. That's one reason I thought he was a creep. 120. wasted----喝得大醉

Last night a friend and I went out to a bar and got wasted, so I don't feel very good right now.

We were so wasted that we couldn't even stand up straight.

121.to get a kick out of something-----為某件事感到很高興

I said you get a kick out of watching me suffer. That means, you enjoy watching me suffer.

122. whatever 表示說話的人對對方說的話很不以為然

123 peanuts 數(shù)量很小,價(jià)值很低

A:How much money do you earn as a teaching assistant, if you don't mind my asking?

B:Eight dollars? That's peanuts!

124. laid back: 形容一個(gè)人個(gè)性比較隨和,不會輕易發(fā)脾氣

Wanted: friendly, laid back female roommate to share a two bedroom apartment.

125. to play hooky: 逃學(xué),或者裝病不去上班

I may play hooky once in a while, but I usually study hard.

126. to snap at somebody: 對某人嚷嚷,很生氣地對某人說話

I'm sorry, Mikey. I didn't mean to snap at you. It's just that right now I'm so stressed.

127. chip in: 湊錢買什么東西,或者是湊錢付大家一起吃飯的錢

The guys and I usually each chip in a few dollars when we go out for pizza on Friday nights.

128. snail mail:通過郵局寄的信

Ever since e-mail became popular, people have used "snail mail" to talk about paper mail, because it is slower than e-mail.

Everyone is so busy nowadays, no one seems to have time to write snail mail anymore.

129. to rule: 很棒

I said I rule the pool table. That means that I dominate the game.I can defeat anyone.

Chinese food rules!

130. to blow one's money on something: 把錢都浪費(fèi)在了某樣?xùn)|西上

When we were at the mall the other day, you blew a whole week's pay on shoes

131 techie 技術(shù)專家,尤指電子電腦方面的高手

132 honcho 上司,老板

133 weirdo/weirdie/weirdy 怪人

134 mumbo jumbo: speech one doesn't understand

135 sleep around: have sex with many people

He's never at home because he sleeps around so much.

136 funky:strange; weird

137 indie film: 獨(dú)立電影

138 fool around: play around; kill time 游蕩;鬼混

139 p-u-s-s-y: a physically weak person; wimp

140 high-maintenance: 費(fèi)錢費(fèi)工夫的

He considered beautiful girls too high-maintenance.


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