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  Diners are encouraged to use designated communal ones for divvying up shared food. These extra chopsticks—often longer than usual and specially labelled or coloured—are not to be placed in the mouth.


  1. 第二句句子結(jié)構(gòu)分析:這句主干是These extra chopsticks are not to be placed in the mouth;破折號的語法意義相當于逗號,使用破折號是為了突出句子核心成分,結(jié)構(gòu)更清晰。

  2. designated 美[ˈdezɪɡneɪtɪd]:adj. 表示“指定的;選定的”。如“指定酒店”a designated hotel,還比如“定點醫(yī)院”designated hospitals。

  3. 固定表達:communal 美[kəˈmjuːnl],表示“共有的,共享的,共用的”,這里的ones指代chopsticks,communal chopsticks是一個固定表達,意思是“公筷”。

  4. 固定表達:divvy up是固定表達,一般表示“分派(自己得到的錢等);瓜分/分享(已經(jīng)得到的食物或金錢或戰(zhàn)利品等)”,這個是外刊高頻短語,如經(jīng)濟學(xué)人這句:

  But how would one divvy up all the data the tech giants have collected? What is part of the platform and what is not?


  生活中常說“瓜分戰(zhàn)利品;分攤利益”就可以說divvy up the spoils。如經(jīng)濟學(xué)人上所說:

  But the league's players and its team owners are now arguing over how to divvy up the spoils.


  其中spoils是名詞復(fù)數(shù)形式,表示“贓物;戰(zhàn)利品;因成功獲得的好處”,如“勝利戰(zhàn)利品”就可以說the spoils of victory.

  argue over how to divvy up the spoils也可以說in a contest over the spoils.

  “瓜分”還可以說divide up,一般指瓜分市場或財產(chǎn)。如金融時報例句:


  Those 27 percentage points of market share are divided up between about 20 different companies.


  The regime is busily dividing up state assets through a phoney "privatisation" scheme.

  “瓜分”還可以說carve up,carve本意是把……切成小塊,carve up一般指瓜分市場、國家或組織機構(gòu),如金融時報例句:

  They have begun carving the country up like a pie.


  Attempts to carve up markets among portfolio firms may in time raise a different set of competition concerns.


  5. 同義表達:These extra chopsticks指代前面的communal ones,即“公筷”。注意extra指的不是“備用筷”,備用筷同樣屬于私筷。

  “公筷”還可以說serving chopsticks或separate chopsticks for serving,“公勺”是serving spoon,“公筷公勺”就是serving utensils。如這篇文章里的這句:

  In the capital, a Peking-duck restaurant offers serving chopsticks to any guest who asks for them.


  6. be not to be表示“不能,不會;不可以”。如經(jīng)濟學(xué)人上在表達“不容小覷”這個時就這么說的:

  That, nevertheless, is a market not to be sniffed at.


  “be not to be sniffed at”可以當作一個固定表達來記,意思是“不容小覷”。


  原文:They are common in other chopstick-using societies, such as Japan and South Korea, but swapping from one set of chopsticks to another is often considered a nuisance in mainland China. It is rarely done except in very formal settings.


  1. 固定搭配:swap的本意是“交換”,swap from ... to ...表示“從……換到……”。

  swap ... for ...也是一個固定搭配,從一個地方搬往另一個地方就可以用這個短語,比如經(jīng)濟學(xué)人上的這句話:

  But swapping the capital for somewhere smaller is not always agreeable.


  2. one set of chopsticks指“一幅筷子;一雙筷子”,單獨也可以說a pair of chopsticks,但是這里用one,不用a,因為后面還有一個another;

  我們一般說from one ... to another:swapping from one set of chopsticks to another(完整的是another set of chopsticks)即“從一雙筷子換到另一雙筷子”。

  3. 固定表達:be considered+adj.,或者be considered +名詞/名詞性短語

  This legal framework is considered of great importance by Member States and the international community in implementing the right to education.



  With their years of experience, New Zealand is considered global leaders in the use of conservation dogs for seeking out hard to find species.


  4. 同義表達:is considered a nuisance當作一個固定表達來記,意思是“認為……麻煩”。nuisance這個詞表示“麻煩事;討厭的人(或東西)”,這里指“麻煩”。

  “麻煩”還可以用be too much trouble表示,文章最后一句是這么說的:

  In a social-media poll of about 210,000 netizens, 27% said they would use serving utensils, but 30% said they would not, because it was “too much trouble”.


  5. formal settings是固定表達,表示“正式場合”,也可以說formal occasions,official occasions。


  But based on a growing body of research comparing how we react in urban and natural settings, the kind of open-air environment you seek out matters too: green and blue spaces trump busy city streets.


  經(jīng)濟學(xué)人原文:State media are also promoting the Western practice of giving diners their own servings.



  give diners their own servings可以當作一個固定表達來記,也就是日常生活中所說的“分餐”,每個人都有自己的一份食物。

  the practice of 是固定表達,表示……作法;所以the Western practice of giving diners their own servings就是西方的“分餐制”。

  經(jīng)濟學(xué)人原文:Among the first in China to campaign for dining-habit reform was a Malaysian-born doctor who saw hope in the “l(fā)azy Susan”—a rotating platform placed on a table so diners can spin the food to each other. He believed the device would reduce the spread of disease because each dish would have its own serving spoon.


  1. 固定表達:among the first to do sth表示“是最先/第一個/首批……的人之一”,比如經(jīng)濟學(xué)人在描述“醫(yī)生是最先使用3D技術(shù)的群體之一”時就用到了這個表達,它是這么寫的:

  Doctors were among the first to use 3d printing, employing body scans to produce anatomical models of organs, which can help them plan operations.


  原文是個倒裝句,正常的語序應(yīng)該是A Malaysian-born doctor who ... was among the first in China to campaign for dining-habit reform。但是who后面的部分太長了,所以倒裝。

  2. 翻譯思維:see hope in ...當作固定表達來記,意思是“在……中看到希望/看到曙光”。但這里不能直譯為“在餐桌轉(zhuǎn)盤中看到希望”。這位醫(yī)生呼吁人們改變用餐習(xí)慣,他發(fā)現(xiàn)在餐桌上使用轉(zhuǎn)盤有希望做到這一點,言下之意就是使用餐桌轉(zhuǎn)盤很有用。

  3. campaign for這里的campaign是動詞,表示“發(fā)起……運動”。campaign for dining-habit reform翻譯為“發(fā)起運動,呼吁改變用餐習(xí)慣”。

  其中dining-habit表示“用餐習(xí)慣”,單獨也可以說dining customs。

  4. 俚語:“l(fā)azy Susan”千萬不要以為這是“懶惰的蘇珊”,它指的是“餐桌轉(zhuǎn)盤”,也就是文中的a rotating platform placed on a table。

  這種轉(zhuǎn)盤為什么叫“l(fā)azy Susan”難以考證,有一個說法是在美國,有個名叫Susan的女老板開了家飯店叫做Susan Restaurant,因為覺得要為顧客一個個夾菜很麻煩,她就發(fā)明了這么一個轉(zhuǎn)盤放在桌子中間,讓食客自取食物。于是這樣的轉(zhuǎn)盤就被叫做“l(fā)azy Susan”啦??梢?,“懶人思維”有多重要,很多東西都是“懶人”發(fā)明的。

  5. would have its own serving spoon中的have翻譯為“配有”。

  使用公筷公勺可以減少疾病的傳播,所以我們呼吁:“使用公筷,從我做起!”(Be a good “communal-chopsticks pioneer”)



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