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聽(tīng)美劇學(xué)英語(yǔ)-摩登家庭第三季 第18集:必要時(shí)也得用陰招





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00:10.12, This week, the world lost a great man, 本周 地球上少了一位偉人
00:12.33, and I lost a mentor. 而我也失去了一位良師
00:14.61, For nearly 60 years, Professor Ringmaster Al Uzielli 近60年來(lái) "馬戲王"教授艾爾·尤茲利
00:18.88, helped young hopefuls like me find their clown persona. 幫助像我一樣有天賦的年輕人 找到自己的小丑形象
00:23.65, Professor Ringmaster? 馬戲王教授
00:24.93, It's a very prestigious title at clown college. 那在小丑學(xué)??墒峭芨叩念^銜
00:27.07, One step below Piemaster General. 僅次于"派王"將軍
00:31.22, Where's Lewis? 路易斯在哪兒
00:32.14, Who knows? 誰(shuí)知道呢
00:33.66, Okay, guys, it's just us. 好了 各位 就咱們吧
00:35.90, Lift on three. 響三聲一起抬
01:19.09, Hey, how come you guys haven't accepted my friend requests? 你們?cè)趺礇](méi)接受我的好友請(qǐng)求呢
01:22.34, I didn't know you were on facebook. 我都不知道你還玩Facebook
01:23.83, Yeah. You said it was only for teenagers 沒(méi)錯(cuò) 你說(shuō)只有青少年
01:25.44, and people looking to have affairs. 或是想"約炮"的才玩那個(gè)
01:26.76, Well, I figured if you can't fight it... 我發(fā)覺(jué)要是你抵抗不了誘惑
01:28.88, not the having the affair. That's still bad. 不是說(shuō)"炮友"的誘惑 搞外遇是不對(duì)的
01:30.62, No. Not that, but there's nothing wrong with catching up 不 不是那個(gè) 可想和老朋友敘敘舊
01:33.43, with a few old friends, right? 也沒(méi)有錯(cuò) 對(duì)吧
01:35.22, Or doing a little social networking with by B.F.F.S? 或者和至交好友社交網(wǎng)絡(luò)一把
01:39.88, Social networking or social not-working? 是社交網(wǎng)絡(luò)還是社交無(wú)能啊
01:42.59, Oh! You know what we gotta do? 咱們應(yīng)該這么做
01:44.21, We gotta get a picture of us all together on a boat. 大家一起在船上拍張照
01:46.31, I think that's a thing now. 我覺(jué)得現(xiàn)在正流行這個(gè)
01:47.54, So what do you say? Accept my friend thingy. 怎么樣 接受我的好友請(qǐng)求吧
01:50.71, Sorry, mom, I-I didn't get a friend thingy from you. 抱歉了媽 我沒(méi)收到你的好友請(qǐng)求
01:53.77, Yeah, you know, they have a lot of blocks on there 那網(wǎng)站為了保護(hù)孩子不被變態(tài)騷擾
01:56.02, to protect kids from weirdos. 設(shè)置了很多屏障
01:58.43, Mm. Okay. Good, good. I'll send it again. 好吧 好吧 我會(huì)再發(fā)一次的
02:00.48, Great.-Please do. 好極了-一定要發(fā)哦
02:02.49, Please don't. 千萬(wàn)別發(fā)啊
02:03.57, We got her request the first time, but ignored it. 我們收到了她的請(qǐng)求 不過(guò)把它忽略了
02:06.06, I can't have her on there snooping around 我可不能讓她在網(wǎng)上探聽(tīng)
02:07.77, seeing what I'm doing at parties. 我在派對(duì)上的所作所為
02:09.13, Or posting pictures of us on family vacations 或者上傳我們?nèi)胰ザ燃贂r(shí)穿著
02:11.24, wearing old, dorky clothes. 過(guò)時(shí)又傻氣的衣服拍的照片
02:14.57, What? What's wrong with this? 干嘛 我這件又怎么了
02:18.53, Dad, check it out. I made one giant Oreo. 老爸快看 我做了個(gè)巨無(wú)霸的奧利奧
02:22.09, Luke, what are you doing? 盧克 你這是干嘛啊
02:24.72, You gotta eat it like it's an ear of corn. 你該像啃玉米棒子那么吃才對(duì)
02:26.75, Genius. 太有才了
02:28.54, - Wow. New suit? - New everything. -哇 新西裝啊 -一切都是新的
02:30.90, Kids, gather 'round. It's time for a life lesson. 孩子們 圍過(guò)來(lái) 人生講座的時(shí)間到了
02:34.12, Aren't we already gathered? 我們不是都在這兒了嗎
02:36.80, Let me tell you something. 讓我來(lái)告訴你們
02:38.23, Hard work, determination, and perseverance always win out. 努力 決心 堅(jiān)持 就是成功三秘訣
02:43.01, I am living proof that nice guys can finish first. 好人也能成功 我就是活生生的證據(jù)
02:47.06, Today I have a chance to get the biggest listing of my career. 今天我將有機(jī)會(huì)接到我職業(yè)生涯中最大的一筆代理
02:49.94, Oh, I have never seen this man so focused. 我從未見(jiàn)過(guò)他如此全力以赴的樣子
02:52.66, I'm like a boxer before the big fight. 我就像是大賽前夕的拳擊手
02:55.11, That's why I didn't have sex with Claire last night. 所以我昨晚都沒(méi)和克萊爾做愛(ài)
02:57.33, Sorry, honey. 抱歉哦 親愛(ài)的
02:58.23, Mm. It's--it's okay. 不 沒(méi)關(guān)系
02:59.79, But as soon as I get this listing--ding! 不過(guò)只要我拿到了代理 馬上就能 頂
03:01.85, Let's just stop. Stop. 別說(shuō)了 別說(shuō)了
03:09.04, I see you. 我都瞧見(jiàn)了
03:09.83, What? I'm scratching. 啥 我撓癢癢而已
03:12.27, Hey, mom? 媽媽
03:14.13, Is it okay if I have a friend come over tomorrow? 我明天能讓朋友來(lái)家里玩嗎
03:16.44, Who? Reuben? Or the nervous one that gets the nosebleed? 誰(shuí) 羅本嗎 還是一緊張就流鼻血的那個(gè)
03:20.21, It's Griffin Cooper. 是格里芬·庫(kù)普
03:21.44, Griffin Cooper? 格里芬·庫(kù)普
03:22.71, Griffin Cooper is, by far, 格里芬·庫(kù)普是至今為止
03:24.77, the coolest kid in Manny's grade. 曼尼年級(jí)中最酷的孩子
03:26.00, He's a terrific athlete, he's confident. 他是個(gè)運(yùn)動(dòng)健將 充滿自信
03:28.60, Manny's a great kid, sure, but he's not exactly cool. 當(dāng)然 曼尼也是個(gè)好孩子 可是他算不上酷
03:31.72, He can't even open a door cool. 他連開(kāi)個(gè)門都很二逼
03:34.48, Salutations, Wyatt. I'm so glad you're joining me 您好啊 懷亞特 真高興你能來(lái)和我共度
03:36.93, for an afternoon of mirth. 一個(gè)充滿歡樂(lè)的下午
03:39.32, Ah, good evening, Reuben-san. 晚安 羅本桑
03:41.08, May I ask you to remove your shoes? 請(qǐng)你脫鞋好嗎
03:42.87, Tonight, we are going Japanese. 今晚我們走日系風(fēng)
03:45.56, Ah! Hebalaboo ridabeley lai mubay rumboo. *()&……*……&……*()*
03:49.19, I invented a new language this morning. 我今早發(fā)明了一種新的語(yǔ)言
03:51.36, When did you guys become buddies? 你們什么時(shí)候變成好朋友的
03:53.38, Was it a football game in the yard? 是在打橄欖球時(shí)
03:54.60, - You made a great catch? - No, that didn't happen. 你接了個(gè)好球嗎-不 沒(méi)有那種事
03:54.83, [Catch一詞多意:接球/搶手貨  
03:56.85, But the librarian told me one day I'll be a great catch. 不過(guò)圖書館館長(zhǎng)說(shuō)我以后會(huì)是搶手貨的
04:02.79, I'm really not getting that relationship. 我真是沒(méi)搞懂他們的關(guān)系
04:04.69, Why can't you just be happy that Manny's making new friends? 你怎么就不能為曼尼交到新朋友而高興呢
04:07.39, No. 'cause it doesn't add up. 可這事根本說(shuō)不通啊
04:09.03, Cool kids like Griffin Cooper-- 像格里芬·庫(kù)普那樣的酷小孩
04:10.67, They don't hang out with kids like Manny. 可不會(huì)和曼尼這樣的悶貨玩在一起
04:12.52, Manny's very cool. 曼尼也很酷好不好
04:14.00, Maybe those kids are finally catching up to him. 也許那些孩子終于能理解曼尼那"高深的酷"了
04:16.56, Wait a minute. I get it. 等等 我懂了
04:19.38, Couple of days last week, 前幾天
04:20.73, I took Manny to school on my motorcycle. 我騎摩托車載曼尼去上學(xué)
04:23.55, Griffin must think I'm pretty boss. 格里芬肯定覺(jué)得我屌爆了
04:25.76, Yes, Jay. It's all because of you. 沒(méi)錯(cuò) 杰 都是沖著你來(lái)的
04:29.21, Kids are looking for role models. 小孩子就是在尋找偶像和榜樣
04:31.04, [美劇《Happy Days》中的熱門角色  
04:31.04, Why do you think Fonzie was so popular? 不然你覺(jué)得為啥方茨那么受歡迎
04:33.38, He told people that they were rich, 他讓人們覺(jué)得自己很有錢
04:34.88, but really took their money with his scheme? 其實(shí)卻用計(jì)偷走了他們的錢
04:37.59, No, that's a... 不 才不是那樣
04:39.68, Yes. 你說(shuō)得對(duì)
04:40.76, Those people were victims of a Fonzie scheme. 那些人是"方氏騙局"的受害者
04:51.74, It's showtime. 好戲即將開(kāi)場(chǎng)
04:55.75, Hey, Dunphy. 嘿 鄧菲
04:57.56, You gettin' ready for your one-woman show? 準(zhǔn)備好你的"獨(dú)女戲"了嗎
05:00.09, Mitzi. 米茨
05:00.95, Mitzi Roth-- a notorious poacher 米茨·羅斯 高檔房地產(chǎn)世界中
05:03.83, in the world of high-end residential real estate. 臭名昭著的搶食者
05:06.40, We call her the "Nightmare on Elm Street," 我們叫她"榆樹(shù)街的猛鬼"
05:06.04, [取自電影《A Nightmare on Elm Street猛鬼街  
05:09.10, Because she sold a lot of houses on Elm Street. 因?yàn)樗u了許多榆樹(shù)街上的房子
05:12.13, What are you doing here, Mitzi? 米茨 你來(lái)干嘛
05:14.01, I have an appointment. This is my listing. 我約了人 此房歸我代理了
05:15.48, Oh, I didn't think that was dotted line yet, jazz hands. 我看這事還沒(méi)準(zhǔn)吧 小哥
05:18.60, No worries. I may have an interested buyer. 別擔(dān)心 我可能有個(gè)客戶有興趣
05:21.20, I'll bring him to you. 我會(huì)介紹給你的
05:21.94, Really? 真的嗎
05:23.06, Okay, but could you come back later? 好吧 但你能不能待會(huì)再回來(lái)
05:24.27, I really need to have them to myself right now. 我現(xiàn)在得去見(jiàn)他們了
05:25.89, Oh, yeah, okay. I completely understand. 好的 沒(méi)問(wèn)題 我完全理解
05:28.33, - Okay, thanks. - You're welcome. 謝謝-不客氣
05:30.61, Wait. What? 慢著 搞毛
05:33.21, What are you doing? 你這是干什么
05:34.06, Watch this. 看我的
05:34.85, - Hello? - Oh, it's Mitzi Roth. 喂-喂 我是米茨·羅斯
05:36.67, - And Phil Dunphy. - I may have a prospective buyer 還有菲爾·鄧菲-我有個(gè)買家
05:38.87, for your beautiful house. 有點(diǎn)想買你家房子
05:40.09, - I was wondering if maybe I could come in... - Hey, Stan! Hey, Patti! 請(qǐng)問(wèn)能否讓我進(jìn)屋-嘿 斯坦 嘿 帕蒂
05:42.09, and just have a look for a little while. 能讓我進(jìn)屋參觀一下嗎
05:43.69, - We've got a lot to talk about. - Come on in. 我們有很多事要談-請(qǐng)進(jìn)吧
05:47.14, Hey, guys. Yeah. 喂 哥們 是我
05:48.61, I'm wondering if maybe we shouldn't be alone for this. 我想著多個(gè)人給點(diǎn)意見(jiàn)總是好的
05:52.12, I'm in. 我進(jìn)來(lái)了[我要攪局
05:53.84, Go back to condos, Dunphy. 鄧菲 你繼續(xù)在低端市場(chǎng)打拼吧
05:56.38, Oh, my god! This place is absolutely gorgeous. 我的天吶 你們家房子太美了
06:00.67, Stunning. Stunning. 迷人 驚艷
06:02.43, - You are in such good hands with Phil. - Hey. 菲爾幫你們干得不錯(cuò)嘛-嘿
06:05.94, How are you guys? 你們好
06:07.01, I mean, fingers crossed, though. 雖然我真心希望它們好
06:08.51, You know, so many new companies go belly-up. 但我得告訴你 很多新公司都經(jīng)營(yíng)不善
06:11.32, - Terrible. - Well, good to-- good to see you, Mitzi. 糟透了-好吧 米茨 你可以走了
06:13.61, - Guys, how are you? - Oh, no. No, no, it's fine.It's fine. 你們好-沒(méi)事沒(méi)事 不用走
06:16.11, Come and take a look. 進(jìn)屋看看吧
06:16.77, Oh, thank you. 謝謝你
06:17.76, - Thank you. - Mitzi, please! 謝謝-米茨 別搗亂
06:20.14, Mitzi, please! Please! 米茨 求你了 求你了
06:22.35, - What are you doing? - Oh, my god! He shoved me! 你這是干嘛-老天啊 他推我
06:24.92, - What?! - He shoved me! 什么-他推我
06:26.29, - For god sakes! Phil! - Oh, my god! -菲爾 你搞毛啊 -天啊
06:28.40, I thought you had your anger problem under control! 我還以為你能控制好脾氣
06:30.98, I don't have an anger... 我根本沒(méi)脾氣
06:32.88, I don't--anger problem. 我沒(méi)發(fā)脾氣
06:34.15, I don't have an anger problem. 我脾氣可好了
06:37.87, Whoa. Hey. It's over? What the hell? 慢著 喂 就完了 搞什么啊
06:40.27, You're an hour late. 你遲到一小時(shí)了
06:41.77, Huh. Good to see you, too, chuckleberry. 見(jiàn)到你真好 傻大個(gè)
06:43.11, Look at that. Your oversized pants are starting to fit. 快看 你那肥褲現(xiàn)在穿著也合身了嘛[發(fā)福
06:46.68, Hello, Lewis. 你好 路易斯
06:49.75, Hello, Fizbo. 你好 菲茲寶
06:51.60, For several years, 有那么幾年
06:52.52, I was one half of the renowned clown duo 我倆組了個(gè)很有名的小丑二人組
06:54.86, Fizbo & Lewis. 叫"菲茲寶與路易斯"
06:56.36, We were huge. 當(dāng)時(shí)可有名了
06:57.11, In children's parties. 兒童中的名人
06:58.77, Anyway, I disbanded the group shortly after I met Mitchell. 在認(rèn)識(shí)米奇爾不久后 我就退出了
07:01.79, It's hard to have a relationship and a clown career. 同時(shí)談戀愛(ài)和演小丑實(shí)在太難了
07:04.92, That's the reason there are so many single clowns. 所以許多小丑演員都是單身
07:07.11, Just one of the reasons. 只是原因之一啦
07:08.69, Anyway, um, Lewis hasn't spoken to me since. 從此 路易斯再?zèng)]理過(guò)我
07:10.98, He's still bitter, and I don't blame him. 他還生我的氣 但我不怪他
07:13.49, It's kind of like I broke up the Beatles. 就像是因我導(dǎo)致甲殼蟲樂(lè)隊(duì)解散
07:15.46, Of children's parties. 兒童版的甲殼蟲
07:18.36, What do you say we hit a bar? 要不一起去酒吧聚聚吧
07:19.43, Tip a few back to Al, huh? 緬懷一下艾爾
07:20.99, I heard you were in jail. 聽(tīng)說(shuō)你坐牢了
07:22.19, Yeah? I heard you're still doing that lame giant scissors bit, 是嗎 我聽(tīng)說(shuō)你仍在表演大剪刀的傻逼把戲
07:24.73, You blue-haired hack. 你個(gè)藍(lán)發(fā)傻帽
07:26.05, Who's in? 誰(shuí)來(lái)
07:26.95, - I'll go. - I'll go. 我去-我去
07:27.99, Just give me a minute. I gotta redo my lips. 等我一會(huì)兒 我去補(bǔ)補(bǔ)妝
07:29.58, All right. Cerveza. 好的 薩維澤
07:32.53, What about you, Fizzy? 你來(lái)嗎 菲仔
07:34.27, You gonna come or you gonna break up this party, too? 你是來(lái)呢 還是讓大家都散伙呢
07:39.40, Hey, shotgun, bitches! 喂 上車吧 傻逼們
07:43.22, I should, you know, probably go. 我還是 還是去吧
07:44.40, - You know, for--for Al. - Oh, yeah, no, of course. -你懂的 為了艾爾 -當(dāng)然
07:46.59, But, hey, listen, don't let him get to you, all right? 不過(guò) 別讓他為難你 好嗎
07:48.51, No. It's fine. It's all seltzer under the bridge. 沒(méi)事兒 一切都已經(jīng)過(guò)去了 只是喝杯酒
07:51.09, Just one drink, and then I'll be home. 就喝一杯 然后就回家
07:53.00, Okay. Just drive me home first? 好的 你先送我回家嗎
07:54.09, No, you, uh, you--you take the car. 不不 你把車開(kāi)走吧
07:56.13, I, uh, I'll go with the guys. 我跟他們一起走
07:59.10, In that tiny car? How are you all possibly gonna... 就那小車 怎么擠得下啊
08:02.21, Forget I asked! 當(dāng)我沒(méi)說(shuō)過(guò)
08:12.47, It's 5:00 in the morning. 才早上五點(diǎn)啊
08:16.06, Daddy's juggling! 爸爸在玩雜耍
08:17.72, Lily, honey, what are you doing up? 莉莉 你在那上面干嘛
08:19.78, Are you just getting home? 你剛到家嗎
08:20.79, Yeah, things got a little out of hand. 是的 情況有點(diǎn)失控了
08:21.92, Somebody had a flower that squirted tequila. 有人龍舌蘭酒喝多了
08:23.63, What do you mean "Somebody"? I want full credit. 什么叫"有人" 請(qǐng)叫我大名
08:27.08, What up, red? 有事嗎 紅毛
08:28.30, Really? 不是吧
08:29.08, Teach me to juggle! 教我玩雜耍
08:30.47, It's very simple. 很簡(jiǎn)單
08:31.92, The key is to 訣竅在于
08:33.16, be aware of where everything is at all times. 時(shí)刻小心別撞到旁邊的東西
08:39.11, And don't forget the importance of balance! Oh! 而且別忘了要保持平衡
08:42.15, Okay. Okay. Come on. 好了 好了 別鬧了
08:43.77, I think I cracked my eggs. 我的蛋蛋撞破了
08:46.80, We're out of eggs? 我們沒(méi)蛋了嗎
08:48.15, Are you yolking? 開(kāi)什么玩笑
08:49.16, And I haven't eaten in five days! 我五天沒(méi)吃蛋了
08:53.66, Five days! Are you cereal? 五天啦 你不是"片"我吧[麥片
08:57.67, Lily, don't ever do that. 莉莉 千萬(wàn)別學(xué)他
09:03.88, Okay. You two are deliberately not confirming me. 好啊 你倆是故意不加我好友的
09:08.36, Everybody else has accepted my facebook requests-- 其他人都接受我的好友請(qǐng)求了
09:11.24, Your father, uncle Mitchell... 你們老爸 米奇爾舅舅
09:13.77, Adele. 阿黛爾
09:14.93, That's right. Adele has agreed to be my friend, 沒(méi)錯(cuò) 阿黛爾都接受我的好友申請(qǐng)了
09:17.58, And my own daughters haven't. 我親生閨女都不加我
09:18.83, Yeah, you may just be a fan of Adele, and-- 是啊 你大概只是一個(gè)阿黛爾的歌迷
09:20.90, What is so private that I can't possibly see it? 到底是有多私密的東西不能讓我看啊
09:23.65, Nothing. 什么都沒(méi)有
09:25.71, Nothing. You just don't want to be my friend. 什么都沒(méi) 所以就是打心底不想加我
09:28.67, Great. I can see my next status update-- 很好 我知道下一個(gè)狀態(tài)該怎么更新了
09:31.14, My daughters are monsters. 我家閨女是禽獸
09:33.15, You're not gonna believe this. 真是難以置信
09:34.93, Mitzi got the listing. 米茨搶到了那房的代理
09:36.14, Oh, no, honey. That's awful. 哦不親愛(ài)的 太糟糕了
09:38.07, She cheated, she lied, and she won. 她使陰招 說(shuō)瞎話 無(wú)恥取勝
09:40.38, Kids, gather 'round. 大家圍過(guò)來(lái)
09:41.53, Again, we are gathered. 再說(shuō)一遍 我們也沒(méi)離很遠(yuǎn)
09:43.17, You wanna get ahead? Don't play by the rules. 想要出人頭地 就別按規(guī)矩辦事
09:45.99, Turns out nice guys finish last 才發(fā)現(xiàn)好人一般沒(méi)好報(bào)
09:47.39, In this cold, dog-eat-dog world. 冰冷無(wú)情 弱肉強(qiáng)食的世界啊
09:50.10, It's not fair. Why don't you play dirty, too? 不公平啊 你為什么不也玩點(diǎn)陰的
09:52.90, You could take her down. 憑你拿下她還不容易
09:54.34, Honey, 'cause your dad is a better man than that. 寶貝 因?yàn)槟慵依习植皇悄敲幢氨傻娜?/span>
09:56.72, He has values and morals and-- 他有高尚的價(jià)值觀 道德觀..
09:58.96, You. Keep talking. 你 接著說(shuō)
09:59.78, Well, just off the top of my head, 好的 我首先能想到的就是
10:02.65, You could take my spy pen and record her admitting what she did. 你可以用我的間諜筆錄下她供認(rèn)的罪狀
10:06.08, And then you could play it for those people 然后你再拿去播給那些人聽(tīng)
10:07.62, So they realize what a jerk she is. 讓他們知道她是多混蛋的一人
10:09.34, Your dad is never gonna 你們老爸是絕對(duì)不會(huì)
10:10.30, - do that-- - you're a regular chatterbox today! 那樣做的-你今天真是個(gè)嘮叨婆
10:12.00, Get me that pen! 趕緊把那筆給我
10:17.47, - I got it! - Remember, pal, keep it simple. 我來(lái)開(kāi)門-記住 小子 別太夸張
10:22.25, Hey, Manny. 嘿 曼尼
10:23.07, Griffin--legendary creature of greek mythology 格里芬 希臘神話里的傳奇生物
10:25.69, With the head of a lion and wings of an eagle. 有著獅子的頭顱和老鷹的翅膀
10:28.54, What'd you say, Jay? 這不夸張吧 杰
10:29.59, Never mind. 當(dāng)我沒(méi)說(shuō)
10:34.36, Jay Pritchett. Nice to meet you. 在下杰·普里契特 很高興見(jiàn)到你
10:35.90, Nice to meet you, too. 我也很高興見(jiàn)到你
10:38.12, You know, I, I saw a little of that basketball game of yours last week. 上周我去看了你們學(xué)校的籃球賽
10:43.07, You were lightin' it up. 你小子可是閃亮全場(chǎng)啊
10:44.18, Thanks. 過(guò)獎(jiǎng)
10:45.16, I was lighting it up, too, Jay. 我當(dāng)時(shí)也"閃亮"了全場(chǎng) 杰
10:47.25, Who's hot? We're hot! 誰(shuí)最閃亮 我最閃亮
10:49.04, Mustangs are hot! 野馬隊(duì)最閃亮
10:54.14, Hola, Griffin. How are you? 好啊 格里芬 最近可好
10:59.50, 13 我13歲
11:01.46, I'm fine. 我挺好的
11:02.22, So what do you boys have planned for today? 你們倆小男子漢今天準(zhǔn)備干些什么啊
11:04.33, Well, it's kind of a surprise for Griffin, 這個(gè)嘛 算是給格里芬的一個(gè)驚喜
11:06.62, But let's just say it involves decoupage. 不過(guò)小小透露下和剪紙工藝有關(guān)
11:08.61, - Oh, jeez. - Come on. Let's go. -哦 天啊 -來(lái)吧 咱們走
11:11.61, Good-bye. 待會(huì)兒見(jiàn)
11:17.01, Oh, no. 不好
11:17.82, What?-you were Right. 怎么了-你說(shuō)得對(duì)
11:20.09, This boy is not here to see Manny. 那個(gè)男孩來(lái)這兒不是為了見(jiàn)曼尼
11:22.05, I told you. You see the way he looks at me? 早跟你說(shuō)了 注意到他看我的眼神了不
11:24.29, No, Fonzie, the way he looks at me. 少來(lái) 方茨 注意到他看我的眼神了嗎
11:27.48, He couldn't talk. He kept staring. 話都說(shuō)不出來(lái) 倆眼直勾勾的
11:30.05, He was just like my teachers back in school. 他就像我上學(xué)那會(huì)兒班上的老師一樣
11:32.26, Gloria, you're very pretty. 歌洛莉亞 我知道你很美
11:34.64, But the kid idolizes me. 但我才是那小子的偶像
11:36.42, Really? 是嗎
11:38.80, Griffin! Manny! 格里芬 曼尼
11:40.50, Do you want to go with Jay to ride his motorcycle, 你們是想和杰一起去騎他的摩托車
11:43.06, Or you want to go with me to the supermarket 還是想和我一起去超市
11:44.98, And buy a couple of onions? 買點(diǎn)洋蔥回來(lái)
11:46.43, Motorcycle rides! 騎摩托車
11:47.61, Onions sound good. 洋蔥聽(tīng)起來(lái)不錯(cuò)
11:52.96, Guess he has a thing for you, too. 我想他對(duì)你也有點(diǎn)意思吧
11:56.30, Hey! We're back! 嘿 我們回來(lái)啦
11:57.74, Hey, I-I just finished cleaning the kitchen, 嘿 我...我可才把廚房收拾干凈
11:59.89, So if anyone has to do a spit take, 你們誰(shuí)要是還想表演噴水的戲碼
12:01.46, Please do it over the sink. 麻煩到水池那去
12:02.30, We felt really bad about that, so we got you a present. 那天實(shí)在不好意思 這個(gè)禮物是給你的
12:06.04, What--what's the deal with this? 這...這又在耍什么花樣呢
12:07.11, I open it up and snakes fly out, or a fire? 我一打開(kāi)就蹦出來(lái)一條蛇 還是一團(tuán)火
12:09.51, No, we just know that you like to read. 不 我們只是覺(jué)得你熱愛(ài)閱讀
12:11.36, Yeah. So open it. 是啊 趕緊打開(kāi)吧
12:13.44, Aah! Got him! 哈 捉弄成功
12:14.73, No. No. That's exactly what I expected. 沒(méi)有 這場(chǎng)景完全是在我的意料之內(nèi)
12:17.21, member, when I told you? 忘了嗎 我剛說(shuō)什么來(lái)著
12:18.25, Okay. Look, it's almost go time, 好了 時(shí)候不早要上路了
12:19.51, So we should have a shot and go white up. 我們?cè)撓热ズ纫槐?然后把臉白上
12:21.34, I'm sor--excuse me. "White up"? 我沒(méi)聽(tīng)錯(cuò)吧 "把臉白上"
12:23.35, Oh, yeah. Lewis got a call to do a birthday party this afternoon, 是啊 路易斯下午接到一個(gè)生日宴的活
12:25.78, So we're gonna put the old act back together. 所以我們準(zhǔn)備將老把戲都再耍起來(lái)
12:27.35, Yeah, Fizbo & Lewis, together again. 對(duì) 菲茲寶和路易斯 二丑歸來(lái)
12:29.91, And they said it would never happen. 別人都說(shuō)這是不可能的事情
12:31.03, Said. Hoped. 說(shuō) 且希望如此
12:32.84, Could I talk to you for a second? 能和你單獨(dú)聊一會(huì)兒?jiǎn)?/span>
12:34.22, Uh-oh. Trouble in queer-a-dise. 不妙 "基堂里的煩惱"
12:35.94, Okay, look, gonna go out to the car for smokes. 好吧 我去車?yán)锖拖銦煿蚕硭矫軙r(shí)間了
12:39.94, Please tell me "Smokes" is not another clown, 你別跟我你們車?yán)镉袀€(gè)小丑叫"香煙"
12:41.77, cause I don't think I could handle another one of him. 再來(lái)一個(gè)他這樣的我可受不了
12:43.68, Oh, Lewis is not that bad. 路易斯沒(méi)那么討人厭
12:45.07, Well, what do you see in that guy, Cam? 那你覺(jué)得他有什么優(yōu)點(diǎn) 小卡
12:46.75, I don't know. Maybe the fact that 說(shuō)不清 我只知道
12:48.01, he doesn't roll his eyes every time I talk about the art of clowning... 每當(dāng)我談起小丑藝術(shù)時(shí) 他從不會(huì)對(duì)我翻白眼
12:50.79, Like that. 說(shuō)的就是你
12:52.11, He may have had his faults 他或許的確有很多缺點(diǎn)
12:53.41, but we were great together. 不過(guò)我們搭檔超棒的
12:54.77, We had an unspoken language. 我們總能心有靈犀
12:56.47, We finished each other's balloon animals. 我們互相幫助對(duì)方吹充氣動(dòng)物
12:59.64, But you would never know, 不過(guò)你怕是永遠(yuǎn)不懂
13:00.56, Because you have never been to one of our performances. 因?yàn)槲覀兊谋硌菽憧墒且粓?chǎng)也沒(méi)去過(guò)
13:04.29, Birthday parties. 生日聚會(huì)罷了
13:06.46, You hate my clown side. 你討厭我的小丑身份
13:07.62, No. No. No. I don't hate it. 不不 我并不是討厭
13:09.96, Just admit it. I basically already know you do. 就承認(rèn)了吧 我基本已經(jīng)確定了
13:13.49, Okay. Okay. Cards on the table. 好吧 好吧 把話挑明了
13:16.10, - It's not my favorite thing that you-- -Oh, how dare you? 我確實(shí)不是太喜歡你...-你真無(wú)禮
13:18.34, I am a clown. It's who I am! 我是個(gè)小丑 那是我的身份之一
13:21.04, If you squeeze me, do I not honk? 你捏我的時(shí)候 我會(huì)不叫嗎
13:23.14, Eye roll! 又翻白眼了
13:23.80, Oh, like I had a choice! 我有得選嗎
13:29.94, Knock, knock. 敲敲 敲敲
13:31.34, What are you doing here? 你來(lái)干嘛
13:32.28, Hey, um, I-I brought you some... soup. 我給你帶了些 湯
13:34.99, You know, I thought about it, and maybe I did push you. 那個(gè) 我想了想 可能我確實(shí)是推了你
13:38.37, So... how's the ankle? 腳踝怎么樣了
13:40.53, Oh, come on, Dunphy. You know I flopped. 拜托 鄧菲 你明知道我是假摔
13:43.96, Haven't you ever seen an NBA game? 你是沒(méi)看過(guò)NBA嗎
13:45.47, Oh, I'm sorry. In your case, WNBA. 抱歉 你看的該是女子NBA才對(duì)
13:48.73, So that was all a ruse? 所以那只是個(gè)騙局
13:50.84, The oldest trick in the book. 詭計(jì)書里最老的一招了
13:52.47, You need to step up your game, son. 你得提高"技術(shù)"啊 孩子
13:54.29, You know what? I almost feel sorry for you. 你知道嗎 我都要為你感到難過(guò)了
13:57.24, Come here. Give me a big hug. 過(guò)來(lái) 好好擁抱一下
13:59.93, Oh, yeah. Yeah. 好了
14:02.59, No hard feelings, huh? 你沒(méi)有很不爽吧
14:03.77, - None at all. - Good. 一點(diǎn)沒(méi)有-那好
14:04.93, Because I just recorded your entire confession... 因?yàn)槲覄倓偘涯阏麄€(gè)的招供
14:07.81, right here on my... 都錄在了我的
14:09.50, Spy pen? 間諜筆上
14:12.12, Second-oldest trick in the book. 詭計(jì)書里第二老的招數(shù)
14:13.96, Oh, god. A real man would have just poisoned the soup. 老天 你要是個(gè)爺們 就直接在湯里下毒了
14:18.98, Are we... done here? 說(shuō)完了嗎
14:26.20, Ah. Thank you. 謝謝你
14:27.50, Hey, mom. Guess what? 媽媽 告訴你
14:29.43, Griffin invited us all over to his house 格里芬邀請(qǐng)我們今晚都去他家
14:31.29, for a pool party and barbecue tonight. 參加泳池派對(duì)和燒烤
14:32.95, Pool party, huh? 泳池派對(duì)哈
14:34.11, Yeah, and he said bring your swimsuits. 他說(shuō)帶上你們的泳衣
14:35.99, He was pretty adamant about it. 說(shuō)的還很堅(jiān)決
14:37.20, It's 50 degrees outside. 外面氣溫就10攝氏度
14:38.92, Sounds fun. 聽(tīng)起來(lái)不錯(cuò)
14:39.89, Great. I'll call him. 太好了 我去給他打電話
14:43.31, You know, you're basically agreeing to a date with a 13-year-old boy. 你這基本上是答應(yīng)了跟一個(gè)13歲男孩約會(huì)
14:46.23, Jay, we use this go get us tables at restaurants, 杰 靠我的大胸 我們得以在餐廳訂到位置
14:49.10, Why can't we use this to get Manny a friend? 為什么就不能靠這個(gè)給曼尼搞個(gè)朋友呢
14:51.03, Because he's not really getting a friend. 因?yàn)樗⒉徽娴哪艿玫揭粋€(gè)朋友
14:52.47, Oh, but when you thought that 可當(dāng)你之前以為
14:53.86, he was trying to ride your motorcycle, it was okay. 他是想騎你的摩托車的時(shí)候 就沒(méi)問(wèn)題是吧
14:56.14, Maybe now I don't like what he's trying to ride. 或許是他現(xiàn)在想"騎"的東西讓我不爽
14:58.57, Manny likes Griffin. 曼尼喜歡格里芬
15:00.03, Maybe someday, if they spend enough time together, 可能哪天 如果他倆相處的時(shí)間夠長(zhǎng)
15:02.34, Griffin will like manny. 格里芬會(huì)喜歡曼尼呢
15:03.55, What? Griffin doesn't like me? 什么 格里芬不喜歡我
15:07.07, No, no, no, papi. He loves you. 不不 寶貝兒 他很喜歡你
15:09.29, But you just said someday Griffin will like me. 可你剛剛說(shuō)有一天他會(huì)喜歡我的
15:11.46, That means he doesn't like me now. 那就說(shuō)明他現(xiàn)在不喜歡我
15:12.79, You know what, kid? 告訴你吧 孩子
15:15.25, We think that Griffin might be hanging out with you 我們?cè)谙敫窭锓腋阍谝黄鹜?/span>
15:19.54, because he's got a little crush on your mother and me. 可能是因?yàn)樗矚g你媽媽和我
15:22.23, - On you? - Wow. I can't believe it. 還有你-哇 我簡(jiǎn)直不敢相信
15:25.04, - Listen, it's fine. You're gonna be fine. Okay? - I'm sorry. -聽(tīng)著 這沒(méi)什么 你會(huì)沒(méi)事的 -真抱歉
15:27.27, Are you kidding? It's fantastic! 開(kāi)什么玩笑 簡(jiǎn)直太好了
15:29.52, How is it fantastic? 這怎么就太好了
15:30.88, I'm only hanging out with him 我跟他在一起玩
15:32.14, because I have the hots for his sister chloe. 只是因?yàn)槲蚁矚g他妹妹克洛伊
15:34.23, You've met Griffin. The kid's a doorknob. 你們也見(jiàn)過(guò)格里芬了 他就是個(gè)蠢蛋
15:36.69, So you're just using him? 所以你是在利用他
15:38.90, Yeah, and I felt really guilty about it until now. 是啊 而且直到剛才 我還覺(jué)得挺愧疚的
15:41.66, Now it's a win-win. 現(xiàn)在是雙贏了
15:42.74, Not for me! 對(duì)我來(lái)說(shuō)可不是
15:44.11, Just suck it up, mom. 你就忍忍吧 媽媽
15:45.27, I've done a lot for you over the years. 多年來(lái)我為你做的夠多了
15:47.07, Jay, you, too. This girl could be the one. 杰你也是 那女孩可能就是我的真命天女
15:49.78, Then I'm out of your hair forever. 以后我再也不會(huì)煩你們了
15:51.90, Pool party, mom. Dress accordingly. 泳池派對(duì)哦 媽媽 穿著適當(dāng)點(diǎn)
15:58.99, Can you help me reach that box of cereal? 你能幫我拿一下那盒麥片嗎
16:02.55, Hey. You're Mitzi Roth. 嘿 你是米茨·羅斯
16:04.58, I recognize you from your ads. 我看過(guò)你的廣告
16:06.35, Smokin', right? 是不是很性感
16:07.72, I'm Luke Dunphy. 我是盧克·鄧菲
16:08.86, My dad's Phil Dunphy. 我爸是菲爾·鄧菲
16:10.45, I'm sorry. 真抱歉
16:11.82, Why do you hate him so much? 你為什么那么討厭他
16:13.37, It's just business, kid. It's not personal. 生意場(chǎng)上皆敵人 孩子 并不是針對(duì)你爸
16:16.40, Well, it's personal to us. 可你影響到我們家了
16:19.41, I've never seen my dad so worried before. 我以前沒(méi)見(jiàn)過(guò)我爸那么擔(dān)心過(guò)
16:22.16, I have this spy pen, 我用間諜筆竊聽(tīng)
16:23.72, and I heard him talking to my mom, 聽(tīng)到他跟我媽談話
16:25.52, and he's scared about paying for my sister's college next year. 他很擔(dān)心明年付不起我姐姐的大學(xué)學(xué)費(fèi)
16:29.12, And I guess he's nervous about some kind of party, 貌似他還在擔(dān)心什么派對(duì)
16:32.12, Because he said there's a big balloon payment. 因?yàn)樗f(shuō)到有個(gè)什么氣球付款
16:32.12, [Balloon Payment貸款中的期末大筆還款  
16:35.21, Anyways, he's like the best dad ever, 總而言之吧 他簡(jiǎn)直就是最好的爸爸
16:38.54, So maybe you could be a little nicer to him. 所以你是不是能對(duì)他稍微好點(diǎn)
16:41.97, There you are, buddy. 你在這呢 孩子
16:42.95, Check it out. They're giving away free jelly beans. 看看 他們?cè)谂伤兔赓M(fèi)糖豆
16:46.38, Hey, Mitzi. 嗨 米茨
16:47.31, Dunphy. 鄧菲
16:49.25, You have a very nice kid there. 你兒子可真乖
16:51.31, He's mine. 他是我的
16:57.60, Hey, so I was thinking after, uh, little Fizbo, 我在想 在演過(guò)小菲茨寶之后
16:59.98, We could do the ladder bit. 我們可以演梯子那個(gè)
17:01.34, Ah, crap. I forgot the ladder. 我去 我都忘了那梯子了
17:03.61, You know, I'll remember it next weekend. 下周末我會(huì)記得的
17:05.84, What's next weekend? 下周末是什么
17:07.00, We got a town fair in Thousand Oaks 我們?cè)谇鹗杏袀€(gè)演出
17:09.53, and a birthday party in Pasadena. 以及帕薩迪納市有場(chǎng)生日會(huì)
17:11.27, Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. I-I can't do that. 說(shuō)什么呢 我沒(méi)法去
17:13.43, W-what do you mean? 你什么意思
17:14.12, I'm the one with outstanding warrants in Pasadena. 帕薩迪納警方要抓的人可是我
17:15.85, We're taking Lily to the aquarium next weekend. 下周末我們要帶莉莉去水族館
17:18.70, You know, Lewis, this was just a onetime thing, right? 路易斯 你知道合作僅此一次 對(duì)嗎
17:22.16, What happened to "We're putting the act back together"? 不是說(shuō)好"我們雙丑合璧 再戰(zhàn)江湖"嗎
17:24.72, Well, that was just for today. 只是對(duì)今天而言
17:26.72, Oh. Oh, sure. 噢 當(dāng)然了
17:29.52, - I'm--I'm sorry if you thought... - No, no, no. 我很抱歉讓你誤會(huì)-不用
17:32.30, I get it. 我理解
17:33.58, You're a family man now. 你現(xiàn)在是居家男人
17:39.19, Let's go out there and make this 我們出去讓此次表演成為
17:40.66, the best show Fizbo & Lewis have ever done. 菲茨寶 & 路易斯秀史上最精彩的一場(chǎng)
17:45.08, You got it, partner. 沒(méi)問(wèn)題 搭檔
17:48.11, Ladies and germs, boys and girls, 女士們細(xì)菌們 男生們女生們
17:50.11, say hello to my good friend... 來(lái)見(jiàn)見(jiàn)我的好朋友
17:52.79, little Fizbo! 小菲茨寶
17:59.59, Hello, big people! 大家好 巨人們
18:01.55, Hi! 你好
18:05.01, Let's get this party started! 派對(duì)開(kāi)始啦
18:12.55, Wow, all this dancing sure has made me hungry! 跳舞讓我覺(jué)得好餓啊
18:15.85, Wish I had something to eat! 要是有東西吃就好了
18:20.73, Oh, forgot I had that fish over there. 忘了那邊有條魚
18:22.65, Don't know why he's so mad at me! 搞不懂他為何如此生我的氣
18:24.07, He was fine just a minute ago. 剛才還好好的
18:25.85, Ohh! Okay! 噢 好吧
18:27.13, Somebody's a little punchy today! 某人今天出拳很猛啊
18:29.57, Oh. Hey. 干什么
18:30.69, What's the frying pan doing here? 怎么有煎鍋在這里
18:31.97, When did we add a frying pan to the act? 什么時(shí)候表演需要煎鍋的
18:33.31, We don't need-- nope! Don't need the frying pan! 不需要 不 不需要煎鍋
18:36.48, Why are you doing that? Stop doing that. 你為什么要打我 別打了
18:38.27, Screw you, you traitor. 去死吧 叛徒
18:39.76, Ow! That hurts! 很疼好吧
18:41.05, Seriously, stop it! 說(shuō)真的 住手
18:41.62, Know what hurts? Abandonment. 知道什么疼嗎 被拋棄才疼
18:48.11, Listen to 'em laughing. We could have been something. 聽(tīng)聽(tīng)他們的笑聲 我們本可以出名的
18:50.79, We could have been some-- I can't do this bit by myself! 我們本可以紅起來(lái)的 我一人可成不了笑星
18:58.27, Somebody! Somebody! This isn't pretend! 來(lái)人啊 來(lái)人啊 這不是表演
19:00.64, Someone grab an adult, please! 快去找個(gè)大人來(lái) 快啊
19:07.85, Mitzi. 米茨
19:08.49, Your kid forgot his cereal. 你兒子忘了拿麥片
19:10.30, There's a surprise in every box. 每盒都有意外小禮物
19:12.56, Spoiler alert-- it's diabetes. 劇透下 吃多得糖尿病
19:15.06, You drove all the way over here for this? 你大老遠(yuǎn)開(kāi)車來(lái)就為了送這個(gè)
19:17.42, Okay, look, here's the deal. 好吧 聽(tīng)我說(shuō)
19:18.84, You can have that listing if you want it. 如果你想要 那家代理歸你了
19:20.69, What?-Yeah,the couple are a real pain. 什么-那對(duì)夫妻很難應(yīng)付
19:23.05, I'm too old for that kind of headache. 我已經(jīng)老得經(jīng)不起這樣的折騰
19:24.59, Just keep your mouth shut about it. 你別到處宣傳就行
19:26.63, - Thank you so much. - I just said "Zip it"! 太謝謝你了-我剛說(shuō)了閉嘴
19:29.24, - Oh. You did. - Unbelievable. -噢 是說(shuō)過(guò)了 -真夠白癡
19:30.45, I'm so sorry. But thank you. 對(duì)不起 謝謝了
19:32.43, Bye! 回見(jiàn)
19:34.86, Kids, gather 'round! 孩子們 集合了
19:36.62, We are right here! 我們就在這里
19:39.10, Let me tell you something-- people are fundamentally good. 我要告訴你們 人性本善
19:43.18, The key is, you find that goodness deep within 'em. 關(guān)鍵是 要發(fā)現(xiàn)他們內(nèi)心深處的善良
19:45.90, Twist it, 操縱之
19:47.37, and turn it to your advantage. 為己所用
19:49.66, Hello. 你好
19:51.48, And... there she is. 好了 就是她
19:54.38, What are you gonna hit? 要說(shuō)些什么
19:55.19, College, balloon payment, greatest dad ever. 大學(xué) 氣球付款 最好的老爸
19:57.58, Nice. Do you want me to squirt some tears in your eyes? 很好 要擠點(diǎn)眼淚到你眼中嗎
20:00.13, Dad, please. 爸 拜托
20:01.44, I was fake crying before I could walk. 我學(xué)走路前就會(huì)假哭了
20:03.44, How do you think I got out of eating all those salads? 你以為我是怎么擺脫吃沙拉的
20:12.24, Can you help me reach that box of cereal? 你能幫我拿一下那盒麥片嗎
20:15.19, Oh, hey. You're Mitzi Roth, right? 嘿 你是米茨·羅斯 是嗎
20:17.54, I recognize you from your ads. 我見(jiàn)過(guò)你的廣告
20:19.38, Smokin', huh? 是不是很性感
20:21.07, I can't believe you got that listing back! 真不敢相信你把代理權(quán)拿回來(lái)了
20:23.67, - Sweetheart! - Honey! 寶貝-親愛(ài)的
20:25.78, Honey?-Mm-hmm? 親愛(ài)的-什么事
20:27.40, Ding?
20:28.87, You sure you wanna ding a chatterbox? 你確定要"頂"一個(gè)嘮叨婆嗎
20:33.90, Honey... 親愛(ài)的
20:35.20, Buddy, quick-- 小家伙 快
20:36.40, What's the trick to those fake tears? 假哭的竅門是什么
20:37.85, The three stooges are all dead. 想著"活寶三人組"死絕了
20:40.61, Yeah, that's good. 是啊 妙招啊
20:45.50, Well, it looks like somebody likes Coldplay. 看來(lái)某人喜歡酷玩樂(lè)隊(duì)
20:49.53, Mm. Right. You saw. 是啊 你看見(jiàn)了
20:51.71, Did you see the pictures I posted from thanksgiving? 你們有看到我發(fā)的感恩節(jié)照片嗎
20:54.65, Totes adorbs. 灰??赡?/span>
20:56.50, I'm going to kill myself. 我想死了算了
20:57.65, You gotta check out my wall. Right there. 你得看我的留言板 這里
21:00.49, Spring break, 1990, New Orleans. 1990年春假 新奧爾良
21:03.50, Is that you? 那是你嗎
21:04.70, What? 什么
21:06.11, Some guy from your college tagged you in a picture. 你大學(xué)同學(xué)在照片中把你圈了
21:08.38, What is "Tagging"? What is "Tagging"? 什么叫圈了 什么叫圈了
21:10.87, Why are drinking out of a funnel? 你為什么用漏斗喝酒
21:12.94, Why there's a hand... 為什么會(huì)有只手...
21:15.52, Ok, untag it. 好了 取消圈人
21:17.22, Untag it. 快取消
21:18.37, Girls, I'm serious, untag it. 姑娘們 我說(shuō)正經(jīng)的 快取消圈人
21:20.25, Turn down the wall. 把留言板拆了


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