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聽(tīng)美劇學(xué)英語(yǔ)-摩登家庭第三季 第17集:2月29日





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00:04.76, Come on, boys! 孩子們起床了
00:06.36, It's leap day, not sleep day! 今兒個(gè)可是閏日 不是困日
00:10.60, I love leap day! 我超愛(ài)閏日
00:13.28, It's kind of a big deal in the Dunphy house. 算是鄧菲家的重大節(jié)日吧
00:15.09, This year, we even got Manny involved. 今年我們甚至把曼尼都拉進(jìn)來(lái)了
00:16.73, You're given this gift of 24 extra hours. 老天賜予你多出來(lái)的24小時(shí)
00:19.38, You can't waste it at work or school. 可不能浪費(fèi)在工作或?qū)W習(xí)上
00:21.14, You have to do something extraordinary, 得用來(lái)做些非同尋常的事
00:22.88, something shocking. 令人震驚的事
00:24.93, This year, the entire family is taking a trapeze class. 今年 我們?nèi)乙W(xué)習(xí)玩"空中飛人"
00:28.45, How extraordinary is that? 非同尋常吧
00:29.75, It was my idea. 那可是我的主意
00:30.69, How shocking is that? 震驚吧
00:31.87, I can be spontaneous every four years. 每隔四年我都會(huì)心血來(lái)潮一次
00:34.21, I can't wait. 我都等不及了
00:35.68, Leap day is stupid. 閏日什么的傻爆了
00:37.15, You're not understanding the logic behind it. 你沒(méi)有理解其背后的因果關(guān)系
00:39.55, A year is actually 365.25 days. 一年實(shí)際上有365.25天
00:43.41, Every four years, we gain one day. 所以每隔四年 就會(huì)多出一天
00:45.62, If we didn't adjust the calendar in, say, 40 years, 如果不靠閏日來(lái)調(diào)整的話 大約40年后
00:48.31, February would almost be January. 二月就變成一月了
00:51.15, That's not my problem, and it's definitely not your problem. 關(guān)我屁事 關(guān)你屁事
00:54.88, Look at this. 看看
00:55.52, The housekeeper turned another one of my whites pink. 家政又把我的白衣服染成粉紅了
00:58.43, I can't wear this to a sports bar. 我不能穿著這個(gè)去運(yùn)動(dòng)酒吧
01:00.38, Mm, they're not going to be looking at you, Jay. 群眾的目光又不會(huì)在你身上 杰
01:02.49, Somebody's feeling pretty good about herself. 某人自我感覺(jué)相當(dāng)良好哦
01:04.23, They're going to be watching the match. 他們關(guān)注的是比賽
01:06.57, You meant you a little bit. 你還是暗指了一下自己吧
01:09.71, Okay, put it in there. 好 插在這里
01:11.13, All right, very quietly, 好了 悄悄的哦
01:12.37, we're gonna go to daddy's bedroom, open the door, 我們要去二爸的臥室 打開(kāi)門
01:18.94, Happy birthday to me. 祝我生日快樂(lè)
01:20.48, - I'm 10! - 40! 我滿10歲了-是40歲
01:23.09, I was born February 29th, 我生在2月29日
01:24.61, and there have been ten of those... in my lifetime, 至今為止這日子出現(xiàn)過(guò)10次
01:27.15, therefore I'm 10! 所以人家才10歲
01:28.75, It's fun. 太好玩了
01:29.66, It's so much fun. 相當(dāng)好玩
01:31.63, Anyway, I-I've spent the last four years 總之 我這四年都在琢磨
01:33.91, trying to figure to what kind of party to throw this one. 為我家老公辦什么樣的派對(duì)
01:36.04, Oh, honey, you know I'd be fine 親愛(ài)的 你知道
01:37.35, with just a nice casual evening at home with you. 能和你在家隨便過(guò)一晚我就很滿足了
01:39.42, Don't--don't even. 別 可別這么說(shuō)
01:40.86, No. No! That's what he said last time. 他上次就來(lái)這一套
01:44.66, Okay, birthday boy, what's it gonna be-- 好 小壽星 要看什么呢
01:47.06, Rom com or horror? 愛(ài)情喜劇片還是恐怖片
01:48.70, Or we can do both and watch "Maid in Manhattan." 或者是兼具這兩種風(fēng)格的《女傭變鳳凰》
01:51.17, Whatcha doing? 你干嘛
01:52.31, Canceling our baby. 我不要跟你一起養(yǎng)孩子了
02:07.53, Okay, love to dad. Bye! Mwah! 行 向爸爸問(wèn)好 拜
02:13.06, Daddy, what are you doing? 二爸 你在干嘛
02:14.71, Yeah, daddy, what are you doing? 是啊 二爸 你干什么呢
02:17.00, Snooping for hints about your birthday? 在偷找你生日派對(duì)的線索嗎
02:20.86, No, I'm just excited, and I wanna be helpful. 不 人家只是太興奮了 想幫幫忙嘛
02:23.54, I know party planning isn't your thing. 我知道你不擅長(zhǎng)策劃派對(duì)什么的
02:26.77, Y-you need to trust me, Cam. 你得對(duì)我有點(diǎn)信心 小卡
02:28.54, I know, and I do. 我知道 我真的信任你
02:30.21, It's not like you're gonna do anything tired, 反正你也"不會(huì)"弄什么過(guò)時(shí)的東西
02:32.23, like appletinis or ice sculptures. 比如蘋果馬提尼啊 冰雕啊
02:33.98, Or synthetic napkins or anything mylar. 或者是合成纖維餐巾 聚酯產(chǎn)品之類
02:35.61, Cam, that's enough! 夠了 小卡
02:36.81, I've been paying for your last party for four years. 這四年來(lái)我都在為上次的派對(duì)贖罪
02:39.10, And I find it a little insulting 而且你不相信我能
02:40.91, that you don't think I can pull this off. 辦好這派對(duì) 有點(diǎn)侮辱人呢
02:42.67, You know what? 好吧
02:44.48, I trust you. I'm letting go. 我相信你 我放手不管了
02:46.34, Okay.-Okay? 好吧-好嗎
02:48.41, You know orange is over, right? 你知道橘色已經(jīng)不流行了 對(duì)吧
02:49.58, It's a simple party. I can do it. 不過(guò)是個(gè)簡(jiǎn)單的派對(duì) 我干得來(lái)
02:51.34, Simple. 簡(jiǎn)單
02:53.20, Perfect. 好極了
02:55.13, Yeah, just a simple party. 沒(méi)錯(cuò) 只是一個(gè)"簡(jiǎn)單的"派對(duì)
02:57.23, I'm simply taking Cam's favorite movie, "The wizard of Oz," 我"簡(jiǎn)單地"選了小卡最愛(ài)的電影《綠野仙蹤》
03:00.72, and turning our house into an oz-themed extravaganza-- 把家里變身為綠野仙蹤主題嘉年華
03:03.86, Yellow brick carpet, waitstaff in full costume, 黃磚圖案的地毯 身著戲裝的招待
03:07.32, and custom-made ruby slippers for Cam. 以及為小卡量身打造的紅寶石鞋
03:09.57, Whazzup?! 帥吧
03:11.27, So is this safe? 那活動(dòng)安全嗎
03:12.73, It's a trapeze. 不過(guò)是個(gè)"空中飛人"
03:13.60, Relax. More people are killed by knife-wielding strangers 放輕松 "空中飛人"比被陌生人持刀殺害
03:16.64, than from trapezing. 死得少多了
03:18.56, I'm thinking about going home now. 我有點(diǎn)想直接回家宅著了
03:26.79, Honey, are you okay? 親愛(ài)的 你還好吧
03:28.47, I'm fine. 我沒(méi)事
03:30.24, I'm watching... 我在看
03:31.44, It's so sad. 太催淚了
03:35.13, Oh, no. Not today. 天啊 可別在今天啊
03:37.63, What's wrong? 怎么了
03:38.46, Nothing. No, your mom's just, uh... 沒(méi)事 你媽只是
03:40.92, feeling emotional. 情緒有點(diǎn)激動(dòng)而已
03:41.76, She was like this last month and the month before 她上個(gè)月這時(shí)候就這德行 上上個(gè)月也是
03:44.81, and the month before. 上上上個(gè)月也是
03:45.95, What?! I could kill someone! 啥 老娘要?dú)⑷肆?/span>
03:47.70, No, I can't hear you! 我聽(tīng)不見(jiàn)你說(shuō)話
03:49.25, This stupid phone gets no reception in this stupid house! Aah! 這傻缺電話在這破房子里收不到信號(hào)
03:54.83, Dear god, no. 蒼天啊 不會(huì)吧
03:56.14, I'd heard rumors. 我聽(tīng)過(guò)傳言
03:57.84, Yeah, we all had, 沒(méi)錯(cuò) 大家都聽(tīng)說(shuō)過(guò)
03:59.91, that females living or working in close quarters 女人們?cè)谝黄鸸ぷ魃?/span>
04:02.20, could eventually get on the same... cycle. 最后經(jīng)期就會(huì)變得一致
04:05.04, But I always assumed that was a story designed 不過(guò)我一直以為這說(shuō)法是編來(lái)
04:06.90, to keep women out of submarine corps. 阻止女性加入潛艇部隊(duì)的
04:11.66, This isn't milk. What's wrong with me today? 這不是牛奶 我今天到底怎么了
04:13.82, My brain's not working right. 大腦都不正常運(yùn)轉(zhuǎn)了
04:15.49, No. 不會(huì)吧
04:16.92, I can't focus... 我沒(méi)法集中
04:19.43, Three legs? 三條腿
04:21.05, It's not fair. 太不公平了
04:22.34, I know. 我就說(shuō)嘛
04:23.36, Oh, no! It's sad. 太催淚了
04:25.23, Oh, my god. They're gonna ruin everything. 我的天 這下樂(lè)子全被她們毀了
04:27.36, No. We--we just need to be extra sensitive. 沒(méi)有的事 咱們多長(zhǎng)點(diǎn)心眼就行
04:30.19, Phil, honey, when do we need to leave? 菲爾 親愛(ài)的 什么時(shí)候出發(fā)
04:31.88, Whenever's good for you, sweetie. Maybe 20 minutes? 你準(zhǔn)備好就行 親愛(ài)的 20分鐘后好嗎
04:34.26, - 20 minutes?! - Then which one is it, Phil? -20分鐘 -給個(gè)準(zhǔn)話好嗎 菲爾
04:35.66, Is it whenever it's good for me or is it 20 minutes?! 是等我準(zhǔn)備好還是20分鐘后
04:38.99, Whenever you're ready! 你們準(zhǔn)備好就行
04:40.82, It happened-- Satan's trifecta. 該來(lái)的還是來(lái)了 那些年一起來(lái)的大姨媽
04:43.34, The day I most dreaded had fallen on the day I most loved. 我最恐懼的一天 降臨在了我最愛(ài)的這一天
04:50.71, They're gonna ruin trapezing. 她們會(huì)毀了這次"空中飛人"
04:52.07, I bet they don't even catch me. 我打賭她們已經(jīng)有點(diǎn)錯(cuò)亂了
04:53.93, Why are you so afraid of them? They're reasonable. 你這么害怕干嘛 她們都是通情達(dá)理的人
04:56.34, Why don't we just suggest they stay home, 不如建議讓她們待在家里
04:57.90, - considering they're all on their menst-- - Shh! 好好招待大姨...-噓
05:00.12, The first rule of dealing with the cycle-- 對(duì)付大姨媽的第一要點(diǎn)是
05:02.23, You never mention the cycle. 絕口不提那仨字
05:03.57, You tiptoe around it. 要旁敲側(cè)擊打埋伏
05:05.63, The woman's actually taken great pains 女人要承受異常的苦痛
05:07.58, to hide the monster she's become. 來(lái)壓制身體里的魔鬼
05:09.87, But if you acknowledge it, that brings the monster forth. 但要是說(shuō)出真相 那魔鬼攔都攔不住了
05:13.00, My god. 老天
05:14.55, And there's three of them. 一來(lái)就是三只啊
05:16.09, It's okay. 沒(méi)事的
05:17.98, I have a plan. 我有個(gè)計(jì)劃
05:20.24, It's kind of traditional for people to lean in 通常有人說(shuō)"我有個(gè)計(jì)劃"時(shí)
05:22.89, when somebody says, "I have a plan." 大家就應(yīng)該前傾圍過(guò)來(lái)的
05:26.47, Okay... 好的
05:27.28, Ja! Ja! Ja! Ja! 好 好 好 好
05:31.53, Ooh! No! 不要啊
05:32.65, Si! Si! Si! Si! 沖 沖 沖 沖
05:34.71, Goal! 進(jìn)了
05:37.03, Goal! 進(jìn)了
05:39.47, You should call your country "The Never-lands" 你應(yīng)該管你們國(guó)家叫"荷爛"
05:41.93, - Because you're never-- - Ja, because we are never going to win. 因?yàn)槟銈冇肋h(yuǎn)不可...-對(duì) 因?yàn)槲覀冇肋h(yuǎn)不可能贏
05:44.12, You said that a billion times. 你都說(shuō)了無(wú)數(shù)遍了
05:45.61, Just go home. 回家洗洗睡吧
05:46.85, Why don't you Dutch people go home? 你這荷蘭佬干嘛不回家洗洗睡
05:49.22, Someone should shut your Colombian mouth! 閉上你的哥倫比亞大嘴巴吧
05:51.51, - Okay, I wanna see you try! - Uh, is there a problem over here? 有本事試試看-有什么問(wèn)題嗎
05:53.97, Yes. There is a problem, and you're married to her. 沒(méi)錯(cuò) 大問(wèn)題 你娶的就是個(gè)大問(wèn)題
05:56.61, Really? Well, let me make a suggestion. 是嗎 我倒是有個(gè)提議
05:59.76, Why don't you sit down, I send you over a beer, 你好好坐著 我請(qǐng)你喝杯啤酒
06:01.91, my wife and I watch from over there? 我和我妻子坐到那邊看
06:03.43, That way, everybody enjoys the game-- 這樣就皆大歡喜了
06:05.33, Except me, 'cause I prefer a game where something happens. 除了我 因?yàn)槲腋矚g看激烈點(diǎn)的比賽
06:08.49, Gloria, let's go. 歌洛莉亞 我們走
06:10.87, Let's go. 走吧
06:14.04, I thought you were going to punch that guy back there. 我還以為你剛剛要揍那家伙呢
06:16.48, Ah, I got 60 pounds on the kid. 我比那孩子壯60磅呢
06:18.28, Yeah. It's just that I've heard so many stories about you fighting. 也對(duì) 只是聽(tīng)過(guò)很多關(guān)于你的英勇事跡
06:22.29, And-- it's not worth the trouble. 為這點(diǎn)小事沒(méi)必要的
06:23.98, Yeah, and he has all those friends and... 對(duì)啊 他那兒還有一大幫朋友
06:26.53, Well, his friends had nothing to do with it. 跟人多人少?zèng)]關(guān)系
06:28.03, I mean, sometimes it's better to take the high road. 有時(shí)候 得饒人處且饒人嘛
06:30.09, Yeah, it's better that you walked away. 當(dāng)縮頭烏龜是挺好的
06:33.46, Gloria, I get-- I get the impression 歌洛莉亞 我感覺(jué)你
06:34.62, - you're disappointed I didn't punch that guy. - Of course not. 對(duì)我沒(méi)出手有點(diǎn)失望-哪有的事
06:37.07, Who needs all that manly, protect-your-woman stuff? 誰(shuí)在乎那些為媳婦不顧一切的爺們氣概啊
06:40.98, No, see, like, right there. You're saying one thing, 不是 你看你又這樣 嘴上說(shuō)一套
06:43.12, but it feels like you mean the opposite. 心里想的完全相反
06:44.69, - No. - That's a "Yes." 沒(méi)有-那就是有
06:46.69, Look, Jay, I just came to watch the game. 聽(tīng)著 杰 我就是來(lái)看球賽的
06:49.02, - I don't want to fight. - Neither do I. -我可不想跟人吵 -我也不想[打架
06:51.85, I know. 我就知道
06:53.99, So in keeping with the film, 為了與電影場(chǎng)景一致
06:55.51, this area will be in black and white, 這部分要變成黑白
06:57.15, and then an explosion of technicolor. 然后這邊就是明快的彩色
07:00.47, Best part--as the guests are coming in... 最棒的部分 賓客一進(jìn)來(lái)
07:03.03, Auntie Em! Auntie Em! 埃姆嬸嬸 埃姆嬸嬸[片中臺(tái)詞
07:06.07, A simulated tornado. 模擬龍卷風(fēng)是也
07:07.60, Yeah. Oh, he's gonna love that. 真好 他一定會(huì)愛(ài)死的
07:09.25, - So the appletinis are canceled... - Yes. 蘋果馬提尼不要了-沒(méi)錯(cuò)
07:11.06, The little Toto dog is ordered, and... 小狗托托也訂好了 還有
07:13.04, Please tell me that you are not mixing punch in costume! 別告訴我你穿著戲服還搗鼓潘趣酒呢
07:18.00, Oh, no! W-what is Cam doing home? 不是吧 小卡回家干嘛
07:21.82, Hey.-Hey. 你好-你好
07:23.01, We're the monkeys. 我們來(lái)扮猴子的
07:23.51, Yes, hi. Hi. Come on inside. Quickly, quickly. 你們好 請(qǐng)進(jìn) 快點(diǎn) 快點(diǎn)
07:26.22, Hi. Okay, one second. 你好 等會(huì)就來(lái)
07:28.75, Hey! Whatcha doing home? 回來(lái)干嘛啊
07:30.35, Are you checking on me and the party again? 你又不放心我 回來(lái)檢查派對(duì)情況嗎
07:31.82, No, no. I left my cell phone in your car 沒(méi)有 我把手機(jī)落你車?yán)锪?/span>
07:33.47, and I gotta be in touch with mama today. 一會(huì)兒還得跟我媽聯(lián)系呢
07:34.59, She's talking to the insurance agency for the first time 她今天第一次跟保險(xiǎn)公司談
07:36.75, to see if they're gonna rebuild grandpa's farm. 看看他們能不能重建爺爺?shù)霓r(nóng)場(chǎng)
07:38.96, Rebuild the... 重建
07:40.85, Because of the tornado. 因?yàn)辇埦盹L(fēng)
07:42.98, I totally missed the connection. 我完全忘了這茬
07:44.46, A month after the most devastating twister 就在有史以來(lái)最具毀滅性的龍卷風(fēng)
07:46.41, that ever hit Cam's hometown, 席卷小卡家鄉(xiāng)一個(gè)月后
07:48.54, I throw a party 我籌備了一個(gè)
07:49.84, based on gay cinema's most famous tornado. 以同志電影中最著名的龍卷風(fēng)為主題的派對(duì)
07:54.10, Yeah, you know, it's been a month, 是的 都過(guò)去一個(gè)月了
07:56.26, and she hasn't heard anything, and she's just beside herself. 保險(xiǎn)方面還沒(méi)有任何消息 她都快發(fā)瘋了
07:59.09, And then you know what else? 你知道還有什么很糟糕嗎
08:00.63, Lily succumbed to her injuries. 莉莉因傷去世了
08:02.12, - Your aunt Lily died? - No, the family pig. 你莉莉姨媽去世了-沒(méi)有 是我家的豬
08:04.58, Aunt Lily was a... 莉莉姨媽是頭
08:05.77, We named our daughter after a pig? 咱閨女是以頭豬起名的啊
08:07.16, Could you just witness my pain instead of criticizing? 你能不能看看我的傷痛 暫時(shí)別抱怨了
08:09.86, I just want to be in touch with my family today. 我今天只想跟家人聊聊
08:11.99, Get all this tornado stuff behind me so I can enjoy... 忘掉該死的龍卷風(fēng) 這樣才能享受
08:15.11, the fabulous party you're planning for me! 你為我準(zhǔn)備的超贊派對(duì)
08:18.11, Yeah! You gotta get outta here! 沒(méi)錯(cuò) 趕緊走吧
08:19.53, - Okay. Hey, listen. Hey, Cam? - Yeah? -好的 聽(tīng)著小卡 -咋了
08:21.06, You just call your family, tell them I said "Hi." 你就跟家人敘敘吧 幫我問(wèn)好
08:23.60, And don't worry about being back at 6:00 on the dot. 也不用急著六點(diǎn)整準(zhǔn)時(shí)回來(lái)啦
08:25.86, There's a little breathing room. 你可以先緩緩
08:26.98, Oh, what, are you kidding me? 什么 沒(méi)搞錯(cuò)吧
08:28.77, The sooner I can start to party, 派對(duì)一嗨起
08:30.10, the sooner I can start to forget. 煩惱全忘掉
08:32.16, But then again. 但再說(shuō)一遍
08:32.80, Hey, if you keep running from every reminder of the tornado, 如果你逃避跟龍卷風(fēng)有關(guān)的一切
08:35.78, doesn't the tornado win? 那不就敗給龍卷風(fēng)了嗎
08:37.22, Mitchell, my grandpa runs to his pickup truck every morning 米奇爾 我爺爺天天早上去看小貨車
08:39.30, because he thinks the pitchfork is gonna come back down. 因?yàn)樗X(jué)得草耙隨時(shí)會(huì)從天掉回
08:41.52, The tornado always wins. 龍卷風(fēng)是不可戰(zhàn)勝的
08:43.90, Okay, well, it's gonna be so much fun tonight! 好了 今晚肯定會(huì)非常開(kāi)心的
08:46.69, I know! The big 1-0! 我知道 10歲大關(guān)
08:48.66, 4-0! 40大關(guān)啦
08:49.79, Hey, Mitchell! 注意點(diǎn) 米奇爾
08:51.72, - I'm over here! - I could've hit you! 我在這兒-差點(diǎn)撞到你
08:53.45, But you didn't! I'm doing my "I love ya" dance. 但是沒(méi)撞到 我在跳愛(ài)意舞
08:55.28, Okay, I'm doing my "I love you" car dance. 好的 我在開(kāi)愛(ài)意車
08:57.33, Look at you! 瞧你
08:58.60, Stop that! Okay! Go! 別這樣 好了 回去吧
09:01.36, This is dangerous. 太危險(xiǎn)了
09:02.19, - Okay, okay. - Go. 我不跳了-回去吧
09:03.02, Get out of here, you. 你快開(kāi)車吧
09:03.88, It's my birthday! 今天我過(guò)生日啦
09:07.28, All right, guys, come here. We need to talk. 好了各位 過(guò)來(lái) 咱們得談?wù)?/span>
09:13.40, - There they are. - Stop rushing us! 終于來(lái)了-別催我們
09:16.04, Buddy, what's wrong? 小家伙 怎么了
09:17.35, Yes, you've been a little off all morning. 是啊 你整個(gè)早上都不在狀態(tài)
09:20.14, I've been feeling a lot of stress lately. 最近我感到特有壓力
09:22.43, My head's all foggy, and I'm kind of emotional. 腦袋昏沉沉的 而且有些情緒化
09:24.83, Oh. Well, I sure hope you feel better soon 希望你能很快好起來(lái)
09:26.95, cause you really need your wits about you when you're trapezing. 玩"空中飛人"時(shí) 頭腦要相當(dāng)?shù)那逍?/span>
09:30.51, This is weird because the three of us 真奇怪 因?yàn)槲覀內(nèi)齻€(gè)
09:32.73, haven't exactly been feeling our best today either. 今天也感覺(jué)非常不舒服
09:35.34, Really? 真的嗎
09:36.11, I can't find my other sock! 我找不到另一只襪子了
09:37.63, Try looking under the one you have one. 看看是不是穿一只腳上了
09:39.37, I am not you. I don't do that. See? 我不是你 不會(huì)這么蠢 看到?jīng)]
09:43.35, Oh, god, I am you. 天啊 我和你一樣蠢
09:45.80, Would you mind if we sat out trapezing? 我們不去玩"空中飛人"了 你不介意吧
09:48.18, Really?-Yeah. 是嗎-是啊
09:48.83, Are you sure? Okay. 你確定嗎 好的
09:50.53, Why does he do that? 他為什么要這個(gè)樣子
09:51.80, Every month. 每月如此
09:52.93, Yeah, I get a little moody, 沒(méi)錯(cuò) 我是有點(diǎn)喜怒無(wú)常
09:55.04, but unrelentin physical discomfort 但身體不適的煩躁
09:56.70, will do that to a person. 就會(huì)讓人這樣
09:58.73, Doesn't he know 他知不知道
09:59.71, that tiptoeing around someone like they're crazy 他越是旁敲側(cè)擊 當(dāng)我們瘋子一樣
10:02.00, makes them crazy? 越是令我們抓狂
10:03.53, All right, you and Manny go ahead. 好的 你跟曼尼去吧
10:04.76, - Luke can just stay here with us. - Wait. What? 盧克不舒服就留下來(lái)-等等 什么情況
10:06.94, Luke's actually looking better. 其實(shí)盧克看起來(lái)已經(jīng)好多了
10:08.54, - I am better. - Well, let's not take any chances. 我好些了-還是穩(wěn)妥點(diǎn)好
10:10.72, - He can stay here. You go ahead. - Dad? -他在家休息 你們?nèi)グ?-爸
10:13.19, Daddy? 爸爸
10:14.92, See you later, buddy. 回見(jiàn)了 小家伙
10:16.95, What are we going to do? 我們?cè)趺崔k
10:18.02, We leave no man behind. 不能讓任何一個(gè)兄弟掉隊(duì)
10:19.83, I think I'm just gonna go home. 我看我還是回家吧
10:23.36, We have time. 還有時(shí)間
10:24.09, Just take down the decorations and have a normal party. 撤掉這些布置 辦一場(chǎng)普通派對(duì)
10:26.55, Yeah, and throw a boring party in our house 在自家辦場(chǎng)悶死人派對(duì)
10:28.07, that looks like I just threw it together this afternoon? 一看就知道是今天下午倉(cāng)促準(zhǔn)備的
10:30.08, - Think! - Okay, we have a few options. 動(dòng)腦子-有其它選擇
10:31.93, I can get you the back room at Amelia's. 我可以在"阿米莉亞"餐廳給你弄到包間
10:33.79, Spilled juice on the owner's white rug 曾經(jīng)把果汁灑在老板家白色地毯上
10:35.08, and almost killed her toddler. Next. 還差點(diǎn)害死她的小孩 再想
10:36.66, Bowling alley? 保齡球場(chǎng)
10:37.36, Not classy enough. What have you got? 不夠有檔次 你有什么想法
10:38.94, You're no help. You. 真沒(méi)用 你說(shuō)
10:40.35, Well, last weekend, I did a party on a boat. 上周末 我去船上參加了派對(duì)
10:42.94, You said you were visiting your parents. 你說(shuō)你去看望爸媽了
10:44.36, You're suffocating me. 我需要離開(kāi)你透透氣
10:45.24, What's this boat? Tell me about the boat. 什么樣的船 說(shuō)清楚點(diǎn)
10:46.75, Okay, we did an elegant dinner party on a luxury yacht 我們?cè)诤廊A游艇上舉辦了一場(chǎng)別致晚宴
10:49.27, for about 25 people. 參加人數(shù)大約25個(gè)
10:50.26, It takes you around the harbor, dancing under the moonlight. 可以在海灣轉(zhuǎn)轉(zhuǎn) 在月光下起舞
10:52.96, Okay, okay. Uh, maybe we can-- we can make a theme out of this. 好的好的 也許可以想個(gè)主題
10:55.88, You know, Cam's life is like a long voyage. 小卡的人生就是一次遠(yuǎn)航
10:57.88, Sometimes choppy but--but always forward, ever forward. 有時(shí)波濤洶涌 但永遠(yuǎn)一往直前
11:00.88, - We have two hours. - Book it. 只有兩小時(shí)-快訂吧
11:04.60, Hey, you survived trapeze class, huh? 你居然挺過(guò)了"空中飛人"
11:07.17, Didn't happen, 沒(méi)去成
11:08.03, and common decency prevents me from telling you why. 本著基本的做人道理 我還是不說(shuō)原因了
11:11.23, How was the soccer match? 足球比賽怎么樣
11:12.22, Thrilling. 1-1 tie. 激動(dòng)人心 一比一打平
11:14.23, One of the goals was an accident. 有個(gè)進(jìn)球是個(gè)意外
11:15.79, I'm sure my mom was happy you went. 你去了我媽肯定很開(kāi)心
11:17.14, I don't know what to make of her today. 我不知道她今天是怎么了
11:18.76, She got into it with this guy, 她和一個(gè)家伙杠上了
11:20.01, and I swear she was pushing me into a fight with him. 我肯定她有意慫恿我和那家伙打一架
11:22.94, Now is that something she'd want? 她現(xiàn)在喜歡暴力嗎
11:24.23, I don't know. 我不知道
11:25.32, I always thought of women as the more evolved sex. 我一直以為女人進(jìn)化得比男人成熟
11:27.83, But after today... I've seen things, Jay. 但是今天 我才真是大開(kāi)眼界 杰
11:30.08, Cause, you know, I had my share of fights in my time. 我年輕時(shí)可不是省油的燈
11:31.95, You know that. 知道不
11:34.27, It's too warm for me. 太燙了
11:36.97, Yeah, I remember this time I was crossing the street with Dede, 我記得有一次 我和迪迪過(guò)馬路
11:39.15, and some jackass almost clipped her. 有個(gè)混蛋差點(diǎn)開(kāi)車撞到她
11:41.46, I had the guy on the ground, my foot on his neck, 我把他揍到地上 腳踩在他脖子上后
11:43.74, before the car stopped moving. 他的車才停下來(lái)
11:45.32, Yeah, we've heard all those stories. 你的光榮歷史大家都聽(tīng)過(guò)
11:47.17, Maybe my mom wouldn't mind a glimpse of that Jay. 也許一睹真漢子杰的風(fēng)采 才是我媽的期望
11:50.76, That's her. 是我媽
11:51.62, She wants me to help pick out Cam's gift. 她要我?guī)兔θソo小卡挑禮物
11:53.43, I'm still that guy, you know. 100%. 我還是原來(lái)的真漢子 百分百純爺們兒
11:56.01, What the hell? How do you cut your finger on a cracker? 見(jiàn)鬼 怎么弄個(gè)餅干都把手劃破了
11:58.18, Anyway, if I thought there was a fight worth fighting, 總之 如果我認(rèn)為值得一戰(zhàn)
11:59.95, I'd fight it. 我絕對(duì)會(huì)挺身一戰(zhàn)
12:00.99, Ow! Now I got salt in this. That stings! 鹽進(jìn)傷口了 痛死了
12:08.82, Next time, don't scream at your boss 下次 別沖你老板大喊大叫
12:10.98, so that he doesn't make you work during the weekends. 這樣他就不會(huì)讓你周末工作了
12:15.79, Si. Adios. 好了 再見(jiàn)
12:18.15, Hey, mom. Who were you yelling at? 媽 你在罵誰(shuí)呢
12:20.22, Your father, baby. 你老爸 寶貝
12:22.06, He cannot make it this weekend. 他這周末沒(méi)空
12:27.00, Okay, I admit it. 好吧 我承認(rèn)
12:28.42, I wanted Jay to kick that little dutch man's ass at the bar. 我希望杰在酒吧里猛揍那個(gè)荷蘭佬一頓
12:32.76, But two seconds on the phone with Javier, 可在電話里和哈維爾講了幾句后
12:34.85, and I remember what that stupid hothead behavior gets you- 我意識(shí)到了沖動(dòng)魯莽的下場(chǎng)
12:39.16, Nothing. 沒(méi)有好下場(chǎng)
12:40.26, It's better to be calm like Jay. 像杰這樣冷靜其實(shí)更好
12:42.66, Like Jay and me. Like Jay. 像杰和我那樣冷靜 好吧 我自覺(jué)排除在外
12:48.82, I'm back! 我回來(lái)了
12:50.27, Wouldn't you know, I forgot my ding-dang sunglasses. 誰(shuí)會(huì)想到 我把帥呆了的太陽(yáng)眼鏡給忘了
12:55.57, Luke, could you give me a hand? 盧克 來(lái)給我搭把手行嗎
12:56.88, What were the chances that Phil had come back to apologize 從來(lái)不奢望菲爾會(huì)回來(lái) 為他搞的那些花樣
12:59.99, for all the game playing 向我道歉
13:01.37, and have an open conversation with me 然后跟我開(kāi)誠(chéng)布公地
13:03.34, about what I was feeling? 談?wù)勎业母惺?/span>
13:04.87, Okay, I got a bottle of fake blood out of the Halloween supplies. 我去萬(wàn)圣節(jié)商店買了瓶假血
13:08.37, Put a dab on your finger, say you cut it. 在手指上抹一點(diǎn) 說(shuō)你割到指頭了
13:10.30, I say I need to run you by the doctor. Easy trapezy. 然后我說(shuō)得帶你去看醫(yī)生 輕松當(dāng)飛人
13:12.81, Got it? 知道了不
13:13.51, See ya on the other side, brother. 咱飛人天堂見(jiàn) 哥們
13:16.07, Just once, I would like Phil to have a little empathy, 一次也好 我希望菲爾能表示一下同情
13:19.68, give me some sense that he understands what women go through. 向我表達(dá)一下他理解女性的痛苦
13:24.24, You feeling any better? 你們感覺(jué)好點(diǎn)兒了沒(méi)
13:26.22, Hate to see the whole team on the D.L. 真不愿看見(jiàn)我家姑娘們都這么窩著
13:28.53, Ow! My finger! 我的手指頭
13:29.85, I don't like the sound of that. 聽(tīng)起來(lái)不妙啊
13:35.60, I said a little bit! 我說(shuō)的是一點(diǎn)兒
13:36.81, The cap fell off. I decided to just go with it. 蓋子掉了 然后我決定將計(jì)就計(jì)
13:39.04, Okay, we gotta get you out the back. 好吧 得先把你弄出去
13:41.51, - God, what happened?! - Oh, it's just a little cut. -天啊 這是怎么了 -就一個(gè)小傷口
13:44.15, But to be safe, I'll run him by the doctor. 不過(guò)保險(xiǎn)起見(jiàn) 我得帶他去看看醫(yī)生
13:45.80, No, are you crazy?! Call 9-1-1! 你瘋了嗎 得打急救電話
13:48.15, No, no, they're so busy. 不不 他們忙著呢
13:49.42, Where's the wound?! We need to put pressure on it, right? 傷口在哪 我們得按住傷口吧
13:51.40, - I'm gonna be sick! - My--my finger. 我要吐了-在指頭上
13:52.63, Oh, he needs a tourniquet! Where do I put it?! 得給他上止血帶 該往哪綁
13:54.59, - On my finger. - Stop! There is nothing wrong with him. 我指頭上-住手 他什么事都沒(méi)有
13:57.32, - Luke, what's going on? - I cut my finger? -盧克 這是怎么回事 -我割到手指了
14:00.55, Dad?-How crazy is that? 老爸-多神吶
14:01.88, They were in my pocket the whole time. I'll see you. 原來(lái)眼鏡一直在我兜里 待會(huì)見(jiàn)
14:03.72, Phil! 菲爾
14:05.50, What is going on, Luke? 到底是怎么回事 盧克
14:06.65, Dad staged the whole thing 這一切都是老爸導(dǎo)演的
14:07.81, so we could go on the trapeze without you three. 好讓我們?nèi)ネ骘w人 不帶你們仨
14:10.21, Why? 為什么
14:11.13, Because... 因?yàn)?/span>
14:12.53, B-because... 因?yàn)?/span>
14:14.17, Because of this! You're all monster-ating! 就因?yàn)檫@個(gè) 你們都跟魔鬼一樣
14:16.95, - Luke, no! - Are you kidding me?!Oh, my god! Oh, my lord. 盧克別-開(kāi)什么玩笑 神啊
14:19.54, Sorry! I know you told me not to say it, but I... 抱歉 我知道你說(shuō)過(guò)要嚴(yán)守黨的機(jī)密 可我
14:21.89, Phil! 菲爾
14:23.13, Is this what you've been teaching our son? 你就是這樣教兒子的嗎
14:24.95, That--that women are some kind of unclean lepers 女人都是不干凈的麻風(fēng)病人
14:27.24, that should be hidden away under sheets for a week? 得在床單下隔離一周嗎
14:29.82, Do you have any idea how offensive that it? 你知道這樣有多冒犯嗎
14:31.58, I do, honey. 我知道 親愛(ài)的
14:33.00, And from the bottom of my heart, 我從內(nèi)心深處表示
14:34.98, I am so... 我感到非常
14:36.52, s-s-scared. 害怕
14:39.31, Ugh! Oh, no! 不是吧
14:41.74, Oh, my. 老天
14:48.36, Okay. 好了
14:49.61, 3, 2, 1! 三 二 一
14:51.91, Surprise! 驚喜
14:53.52, Oh, my gosh! Oh, it's amazing! 我的天 太不可思議了
14:55.52, - Yeah, it's a boat party. - Oh! Because? 是船上派對(duì)-用意何在
14:57.27, Your life is like a voyage. 你的人生就像一次遠(yuǎn)航
14:58.67, Oh! Well, everyone's is, but I love it 每個(gè)人不都是嗎 不過(guò)我喜歡這個(gè)
15:00.85, because none of our other friends have ever done it. 我們的朋友都沒(méi)玩過(guò)這個(gè)
15:03.96, Aw. That's so sweet. 太貼心了
15:05.93, Oh, it must be easy with no dirty, broken woman in the relationship. 感情關(guān)系里沒(méi)有骯臟崩潰的女人一定很爽吧
15:12.35, What are you laughing at? 你笑什么笑
15:13.44, Okay, everybody follow the birthday flag! 大家跟著生日旗幟走
15:13.44, [flag也指同志  
15:16.34, What'd you call me? Oh. Uh, oh, yes. 你叫我什么 哦對(duì)
15:18.27, Oh, my gosh. It's so elegant. I'll bet Pepper is dying. 我的天 太優(yōu)雅了 胡嬌肯定嫉妒死了
15:21.14, Oh, you know, actually, Pepper couldn't come. 那個(gè) 實(shí)際上 胡嬌沒(méi)來(lái)
15:22.79, Because he hates boats. You know, after the navy. 因?yàn)樗憛挻?參加過(guò)海軍的人 你懂的
15:25.18, Yeah. Oh, yeah. 對(duì) 對(duì)
15:26.40, I guess Longinus got over his fear of--of water? 我猜朗吉納斯已經(jīng)戰(zhàn)勝了怕水的問(wèn)題吧
15:29.44, Mnh. No, no. 不 不
15:29.98, Why don't we just focus on the 30 people who are here, 我們還是把注意力放在到場(chǎng)的30人吧
15:31.72, having a great time! 好好玩
15:33.68, Ew! It smells like somebody's dead. 惡 聞著有股死人味道
15:36.51, Ugh! What is that smell? 那是什么味道
15:38.15, That faint odor is-- is a tiny, tiny blue whale 那淡淡的味道來(lái)自于 一只小小的藍(lán)鯨
15:41.05, who apparently has indeed died, uh, nearby. 倒確實(shí)是死在附近的
15:43.73, But... 不過(guò)呢
15:44.80, Si, but it's getting all over my coat. 搞的我外套上全是這個(gè)味
15:47.13, I don't smell anything. 我什么也聞不到
15:48.80, Maybe that's because you smell like a bouquet of flowers. 大概是因?yàn)槟懵勂饋?lái)像是一捧花
15:51.99, Oh, yeah. Watch out for that. 對(duì)了 小心腳下
15:53.79, Ugh! It smells like puke married poop 這味道好像是嘔吐物跟大便結(jié)婚
15:56.37, and had the ceremony in my nose. 然后在我鼻子里舉行婚禮
15:58.54, You paint with words. 畫(huà)面感太強(qiáng)了
15:59.87, Okay, don't worry, everybody. 好 大家別著急
16:01.29, Soon we'll be way, way out at sea, bouncing on the waves 馬上我們就會(huì)遠(yuǎn)在海上 乘風(fēng)逐浪
16:04.36, with all of his sweet-smelling brothers and sisters. Okay? 聞到的都是藍(lán)鯨兄弟姐妹們的甜甜香氣
16:07.10, - Mitchell Pritchett? - Oh, yes. Hi. 米奇爾·普里契特-是的 你好
16:08.34, Hi. I'm your captain tonight. We've got a problem. 你好 我是今晚的船長(zhǎng) 我們遇到點(diǎn)問(wèn)題
16:10.37, I can't fit this many people on my boat. 我沒(méi)辦法讓這么多人上船
16:11.90, No, no. I was--I was told you could take 30. 不要吧 之前告訴我能載30人的
16:13.72, I have exactly 30 guests. 我剛好有30名客人
16:14.96, Plus six in help. You gotta drop a few people. 我有6名船員 你得留下幾個(gè)人
16:17.79, Come on. There--there must be something that we can do here. 拜托 一定有點(diǎn)什么辦法的
16:19.78, Well, we have bigger boats, 我們有大點(diǎn)的船
16:20.90, But this is the best I could do on two hours' notice. 不過(guò)提前兩個(gè)小時(shí)訂 就只有這個(gè)了
16:23.02, What is the problem? 有什么問(wèn)題嗎
16:24.98, Apparently, 很明顯呢
16:25.66, Mitchell started planning my birthday party two hours ago. 米奇爾兩小時(shí)前才開(kāi)始籌劃我的生日派對(duì)
16:28.00, Mnh-mnh. No. No, I-I did not. 不不 不是的
16:30.18, Uh, apparently, we have too many people for his boat. 顯然 我們?nèi)颂嗖荒苌洗?/span>
16:32.91, - So... - That's crazy. 所以-太扯了吧
16:34.53, I've seen more people clinging to a floating door. 我見(jiàn)過(guò)抓在一塊門板上漂的人比這都多[偷渡
16:37.47, I'm sorry, lady. It's a safety issue. 抱歉女士 這涉及到安全問(wèn)題
16:39.11, Oh, no. You're going to have a safety issue 不 你如果不把我們從這臭鯨旁送走
16:41.21, if you don't take me away from this whale. 你就會(huì)有安全問(wèn)題
16:43.64, Okay, little too much finger, little too much attitude. 不要指指點(diǎn)點(diǎn) 態(tài)度也不要這么惡劣
16:45.52, What's all this? 這是怎么了
16:46.32, Uh, two hours of Mitchell's hard work going down the drain. 米奇爾辛苦了兩小時(shí)的成果就要化為烏有了
16:48.98, Look, I can't fit more than 30 people on the boat, 這船不能承載超過(guò)30個(gè)人
16:52.22, As I was just explaining to the lady here. 我在跟這位女士解釋
16:53.84, Well, first of all, that "Lady" is my son. 注意了 你說(shuō)的"女士"可是我的兒子
16:55.81, He wasn't talking about me. 他說(shuō)的不是我
16:57.37, I was talking about her. 我說(shuō)的是她
16:58.69, Oh. Her. Oh, it's "Her" now. 她 又變成"她"了
17:00.65, Well, "Her" happens to be my wife. 而她是我的老婆
17:02.75, You got a problem with her, you got a problem with me. 你跟她過(guò)不去 就是跟我過(guò)不去
17:05.26, No, no, Jay... 別這樣 杰
17:06.56, - Calm down. - I didn't have a problem before, 冷靜-我之前沒(méi)跟誰(shuí)過(guò)不去
17:08.25, but now I'm starting to. 現(xiàn)在老子就是要為難一下你們
17:09.13, No, your problem's about to get a lot bigger. 跟老子過(guò)不去你他媽的絕對(duì)沒(méi)好下場(chǎng)
17:11.39, No, Jay, I know you think this is what I want, but it's not. 杰 你以為這是我想要的 其實(shí)不是
17:13.97, - I've got this, Gloria. - No, Jay. -交給我處理 歌洛莉亞 -別這樣 杰
17:15.70, I was just being stupid today. I like that you're calm, 今天是我犯傻了 我喜歡你那么冷靜
17:18.90, that you think first, and you act second. 你總是三思而后行
17:21.85, I need that in my life. 我的生活需要這樣的你
17:23.51, Yeah, so walk away, grandpa. 閃邊去吧 爺爺
17:25.05, You know what? 說(shuō)什么呢
17:26.44, Nobody call him "Grandpa"! 誰(shuí)都不能叫他"爺爺"
17:28.71, I do. 我叫啊
17:29.78, Okay, that's it! 行了 夠了
17:31.65, No boat! Everybody off my dock, or I'm calling the cops! 不許上船 所有人滾下去 否則我報(bào)警
17:34.56, So no party now? 現(xiàn)在連派對(duì)都沒(méi)了嗎
17:35.94, No! No, of course! Just... 不是 當(dāng)然有 拜托...
17:37.75, Just... Just give me a minute okay? 拜托給我一分鐘好嗎
17:39.19, Oh, after what you did with two hours, 兩小時(shí)做的都不過(guò)如此
17:40.44, - I can't wait to see what you do with a minute. - Cam! 真等不及看你一分鐘的成果-小卡
17:44.33, Poor Cam. He seems so upset. 可憐的小卡 他好生氣啊
17:46.39, Oh, is that hard for you, Phil, 你覺(jué)得難受嗎 菲爾
17:47.53, That he's have a feeling around you? 就因?yàn)橛星榫w的人出現(xiàn)在你身邊
17:49.10, - I'm so sorry. - Too many emotions? 好抱歉哦-好情緒化哦
17:50.80, Okay, okay, I give up! 好了 好了 我認(rèn)輸了
17:53.95, Yeah, I made a mistake today. 是的 今天我錯(cuò)了
17:56.43, But only because the three of you ganged up on me 那也是因?yàn)槟銈內(nèi)齻€(gè)聯(lián)合起來(lái)對(duì)付我
17:58.39, like when the wolfman, Dracula, and Frankenstein 就好像狼人 吸血鬼 科學(xué)怪人
18:00.59, show up in the same movie, 扎堆在一部電影里
18:02.28, except this wasn't awesome! 但絕不是以很酷的方式扎堆
18:04.89, I have been on an emotional roller coaster all day today. 我今天的情緒就跟翻江倒海似的
18:07.98, I'm afraid. I'm mad. I'm mad because I'm afraid, 我害怕 我生氣 我生氣因?yàn)槲液ε?/span>
18:09.95, and now I can't even think straight 現(xiàn)在我腦袋都成漿糊了
18:10.80, because I'm in so much pain from what just happened over there! 因?yàn)閯倓偨O的那一下讓我好痛
18:13.63, And the whole thing makes me so sad, and I'm not even sure why, 這一切讓我好傷心 我卻不知道為什么
18:15.81, and I'm nauseous from that smell but I'm so hungry. 這臭味令我惡心 但是我卻好餓
18:22.30, Yeah. 沒(méi)事的
18:25.45, Cam, the--the boat wasn't even part of the plan. 小卡 我最初根本不是想辦游船派對(duì)
18:27.88, No, it's fine. 沒(méi)關(guān)系
18:28.77, It's my fault for letting my expectations get too high. 期望太高是我的錯(cuò)
18:31.49, - I'll get over this one, too. - No, no. 這次我也不會(huì)計(jì)較的-不不
18:33.09, I had this whole "Wizard of OZ" party planned, 其實(shí)我早就計(jì)劃好了"綠野仙蹤"主題派對(duì)
18:35.62, only today I realized that it might be 只不過(guò)我今天才意識(shí)到可能
18:37.58, a-a little too tornado-y. 太過(guò)"龍卷風(fēng)"風(fēng)格了
18:39.52, - Today? - Yes! 今天-是的
18:40.44, I'm sorry I-I didn't make the connection, okay? 抱歉我之前沒(méi)想到這點(diǎn)
18:42.54, Probably 'cause I've been planning for months 可能是因?yàn)槲揖挠?jì)劃了幾個(gè)月
18:44.61, so that you could have the perfect party and be happy, 力圖使你可以擁有完美的派對(duì) 可以開(kāi)心
18:46.91, which now I don't even think is possible. 而現(xiàn)在我覺(jué)得根本沒(méi)可能了
18:49.11, Oh, I'm sorry that I would like to have 我想擁有一個(gè)美好的
18:50.67, a nice 10th birthday party. 10歲生日派對(duì)是我的錯(cuò)
18:52.80, Well, you can't have it, Cam! 你不可能擁有 小卡
18:54.26, You wanna know why?! Because you're 40! 想知道原因嗎 因?yàn)槟?0歲了
18:57.20, You're a 40-year-old man! 你是個(gè)40歲的大男人
19:02.37, I am 40. 我40了
19:06.73, - I'm 40. - Yes. 我40了-沒(méi)錯(cuò)
19:10.77, Oh, Cam, stop it. 小卡 別這樣
19:12.30, I'm 40 and I'm--I'm on this stupid--wait, what is that?! 我40了 而我卻坐在這破...這什么東西
19:15.88, Oh, it's this... 這個(gè)
19:17.84, thing! 破玩意兒
19:18.58, Suddenly, it all made sense. 一下子 我開(kāi)竅了
19:20.47, Cam's craziness all day wasn't about a party. 小卡整天的抓狂表現(xiàn)不是因?yàn)榕蓪?duì)
19:23.45, it was about turning 40. 而是因?yàn)樗?0歲了
19:25.26, And once he realized that, everything got much worse. 一旦他意識(shí)到這點(diǎn) 情況變得更糟糕
19:29.13, - I've done nothing with my life! - Oh, w--stop it. 我根本一事無(wú)成-別這樣
19:31.87, Come on. How--how can you say that? 別這樣 怎么能這樣說(shuō)呢
19:33.52, You're--you're a wonderful father. You... 你是個(gè)好父親 你...
19:36.39, You--you graduated from clown college. 你從小丑大學(xué)畢業(yè)了
19:38.64, You've been to France. 你去過(guò)法國(guó)
19:41.08, I don't want to be 40. It's not fair! 我不想要40歲啦 好不公平
19:43.56, - I know. - Nothing's fair. 我了解-世上本就沒(méi)公平可言
19:45.70, 2 miles from here is an amusement park 兩英里外就是個(gè)游樂(lè)園
19:47.27, full of happy families swgiging on a trapeze. 擠滿了玩"空中飛人"的歡樂(lè)家庭
19:50.98, That's all I wanted for my special bonus day. 四年才多出的一天 我只有這個(gè)小小要求
19:57.35, What? 什么
19:58.41, I'd been trying so hard 我絞盡腦汁
19:59.62, to figure out what Cam wanted for his birthday. 想琢磨出小卡生日到底想要什么
20:03.08, He'd been telling me all along. 其實(shí)他一直都在告訴我
20:05.76, He wanted to be 10. 他只想要10歲
20:17.69, Seriously? There's nothing you can do? 真的嗎 你沒(méi)有辦法嗎
20:19.98, I'm sorry. You just missed the cutoff. 抱歉 到結(jié)束時(shí)間了
20:21.98, How about we see you next time? 不如下次再來(lái)玩吧
20:23.82, How about you make an exception and strap him in there? 不如你破個(gè)例 讓他上去飛飛
20:27.23, Yeah, we're, like,ten minutes past your deadline, anyway. 是啊 我們不就遲了10分鐘嘛
20:29.55, And you don't want to make us angry today. 你今天最好別惹我們
20:31.32, - Ladies, uh, I really can't make any exceptions. - "Ladies"? -女士們 沒(méi)法破例 -女士們
20:38.07, And that was how they apologized to me. 這就是她們向我道歉的方式
20:41.55, Come on, Phil! 加油 菲爾
20:44.79, Oh, god, Phil! 天啊 菲爾
20:47.71, You did it! 你成功了
20:49.18, At least, I-I think it was. I could never ask them. 我想應(yīng)該是道歉吧 我不好意思開(kāi)口問(wèn)
20:57.11, This is so satisfying! 感覺(jué)太爽了
20:58.47, Best I've felt all day! 今天就這時(shí)候感覺(jué)最爽
21:02.20, Can I rent one of these on a monthly basis? 我可以每月租一次這個(gè)嗎
21:06.65, Yes! 太棒了
21:08.62, Oh, yay! 好耶
21:11.61, Best 40th birthday party ever. 最開(kāi)心的40歲生日派對(duì)
21:13.35, No, no. 10th. 不不 10歲
21:15.73, Really?-Yeah. 可以嗎-可以
21:17.40, In fact, you're still that sexy little 8 year old 事實(shí)上 你還是那個(gè)我愛(ài)上的
21:19.33, I fell in love with. 性感8歲小男孩
21:23.76, No, just go. 算了 走吧


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