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聽美劇學(xué)英語-摩登家庭第三季 第19集:競(jìng)選投票





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00:02.09, Councilwoman Dunphy, how do you respond 鄧菲女議員 請(qǐng)問你如何回應(yīng)
00:04.52, to allegations that you look super sexy in your new suit? 外界認(rèn)為你身穿新套裝性感非凡的觀點(diǎn)
00:07.88, Uh, I haven't been elected yet. 我還沒當(dāng)選呢
00:09.69, Come on, kids! We gotta vote! 快點(diǎn) 孩子們 我們得去投票了
00:11.95, - Honey, come on. Please stop filming. - I'm just excited! -親愛的 拜托你別拍了 -人家太興奮了嘛
00:14.28, After today, you are going to be a councilwoman, 從今以后 你就是個(gè)女議員了
00:17.89, and I am going to be a first husband. 而我則會(huì)成為第一丈夫
00:20.11, And if you don't stop filming, 你要是再不停拍
00:21.24, you're going to be my first husband. 你就將成為我的前一任丈夫了
00:23.23, All right, everybody, come on! 好了 大伙兒都趕緊的
00:24.47, Do you know what you're doing, kids? 你們記住自己的職責(zé)了嗎 孩子們
00:25.99, You guys are manning the phone banks. 你們幾個(gè)負(fù)責(zé)電話銀行[電話聯(lián)絡(luò)選民拉票
00:28.19, Alex, you're in charge of that. 艾麗克斯 你是他們的頭兒
00:29.32, Wh-why is she in charge? And what's--what's a phone bank? 憑什么該她當(dāng)頭兒啊 什么是電話銀行啊
00:31.95, That's why. 這就是原因
00:33.36, Phil.-I got it. 菲爾-我知道
00:34.44, I will be driving 50 of our finest senior citizens to the polls, 我負(fù)責(zé)接送50名十佳老人去投票站
00:37.43, assuming, of course, that they remember that I'm coming for them. 當(dāng)然 前提是 他們還能記得這件事
00:39.58, - Where you at? - High-five. "你這是在哪兒呀"-說得好
00:41.30, Old people occasionally forget things. 老年人就愛忘事
00:43.30, Okay. All right, everybody, let's go. Let's go. 好了 各位 我們出發(fā)吧 出發(fā)吧
00:44.84, Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait! Real quick! 等等等等等等 馬上就好
00:46.07, Sorry. Everybody get in there. Jump in there. 抱歉 大家都圍過來 快點(diǎn)
00:48.85, I just want to say how proud of you we all are. 我要說的是 我們?yōu)槟惚陡序湴?/span>
00:51.75, You're an inspiration. 你就是鼓舞人心的榜樣
00:53.60, Who would have thought that 20 years ago 誰能想到20年前
00:55.02, when you were still in the bloom of your youth-- 當(dāng)你正值青春大好年華時(shí)
00:56.63, Okay, I'm gonna go start the car. 夠了 我要去開車了
00:59.00, Claire likes to win. 克萊爾喜歡爭(zhēng)強(qiáng)好勝
01:00.34, When she was 8, a little girl scout friend of hers 她8歲時(shí) 一個(gè)參加女童子軍的朋友
01:02.42, bragged she could sell the most cookies. 吹噓自己能賣出最多的餅干
01:04.63, Damn if Claire didn't walk the neighborhood 結(jié)果克萊爾挨家挨戶推銷
01:06.58, till she got blisters on her feet and won by ten boxes. 走到腳板起泡 比她多賣了10盒餅干
01:09.97, Best part is 最精彩之處是
01:11.64, Claire wasn't even a girl scout. 克萊爾甚至都不是女童子軍
01:15.13, The choice is Claire! 克萊爾 您的用心之選
01:17.36, Vote Claire Dunphy for town council. 鎮(zhèn)議員選舉 請(qǐng)投克萊爾·鄧菲一票
01:21.47, Aw, I love it! 愛死這個(gè)了
01:23.22, - What do you think, huh? - I love it. 怎么樣-我太喜歡了
01:25.77, We got it on Craigslist. 我們從克萊格分類廣告網(wǎng)站上買的
01:30.90, Came off a taco truck. 原本是小販吆喝玉米餅的
01:31.85, - It did. - I love that you're doing this for me. 真的-我很感激你們?yōu)槲易龅囊磺?/span>
01:33.80, - Thank you! - You're welcome. 多謝了-沒事
01:35.77, I know how important winning is to Claire. 我知道克萊爾把輸贏看得有多重要
01:37.80, And I love to festoon things. 而我又喜歡裝飾打扮
01:39.50, We're her dream team. 我們就是她的夢(mèng)之隊(duì)
01:40.67, So we cleared the whole day, dropped Lily off at school, 所以我們專門騰出今天 送莉莉去學(xué)校后
01:42.59, and voted first thing. 馬上就去投票了
01:44.01, Although, uh, one of us had a bit of a dimpled chad situation. 盡管某人"基"情爆發(fā) 難以自控
01:48.24, Can you tell me how this machine works again, Chad? 能請(qǐng)你再演示一次如何使用這機(jī)器嗎 基德
01:50.92, Oh, sure. No problem. 當(dāng)然 沒問題
01:53.61, Just wanna look in here. Just-- 我就看一眼 就看一眼
02:07.68, Thank you. Thank you. 謝了 謝了
02:09.65, - Bye! Bye!- Thank you, guys! -再見 再見 -有勞了各位
02:10.87, I can see Clairely now that Duane is gone. 我"克"以肯定杜恩輸定了
02:15.68, Bye! Thank you! Oh, my gosh. 再見 謝了 我的媽呀
02:18.56, Okay, everybody, get in the car. Let's go. Let's go. 行了 大伙兒快上車 出發(fā) 出發(fā)
02:20.45, Good luck today, Claire. 祝你好運(yùn) 克萊爾
02:21.66, Oh, Laurie, thank you. 勞莉 謝謝你
02:23.29, Hey, by the way, we have some really good news. 隨帶一提 我們家有天大的好消息
02:26.11, - What's that? - Becky got into the University of Oregon. 怎么了-貝琦被俄勒岡州大學(xué)錄取了
02:28.22, Oh, congratulations! 恭喜了
02:29.99, Any news, Haley? 你有什么消息嗎 海莉
02:31.13, Uh, uh, no, not-- not yet, 暫 暫時(shí)還 還沒有
02:32.72, but, you know, super psyched! 不過 真為你感到開心呢
02:34.99, This whole waiting-to-hear thing has been a nightmare 等待錄取的過程就如同一場(chǎng)噩夢(mèng)
02:37.24, since the very first letter. 從收到第一封回信就開始了
02:40.02, I'm too nervous. I can't do it. 我太緊張了 我不敢看
02:44.10, Dear miss Dunphy, 親愛的鄧菲小姐
02:45.55, we regret to inform you..." 我們抱歉地通知你
02:50.44, What?! Don't leave me hanging! 然后呢 別吊我胃口啊
02:53.49, After that, I decided to only tell my parents good news. 從那以后 我決定只把好消息帶回家
02:57.17, I have one school left, 就只剩一所學(xué)校沒回信了
02:58.78, and the only good news I've gotten 而我唯一收到的好消息
03:00.11, is that my annoying neighbor Becky 就是我那煩死人的鄰居貝琦
03:01.36, is moving back east to Oregon. 要搬去俄勒岡了
03:03.99, - Manny, write this down. - I didn't bring a pen. -曼尼 拿筆記下來 -我身上沒帶筆
03:06.28, Election day is America at its finest. 選舉日就是美國(guó)最輝煌的時(shí)刻
03:09.36, The people speak, and the government listens. 人民當(dāng)家做主 政府俯首聽命
03:11.79, I don't know what they do in Colombia. 我不知道你們哥倫比亞是怎么運(yùn)作的
03:13.06, No one does, and don't ask. 鬼才曉得 別問了
03:14.33, I mean, we know that voting's a privilege, 雖說投票本身就是一項(xiàng)特權(quán)
03:15.85, but for my daughter to have her name on that ballot, 可當(dāng)選票上出現(xiàn)我女兒的名字時(shí)
03:17.87, it just means so much more-- 意義就特別重大了
03:21.64, You know what? I think I'm gonna vote later. 算了 我還是晚點(diǎn)再投票吧
03:23.09, What? Where are you going? 為什么 你要去哪里啊
03:24.36, Ah, the line is too long. 隊(duì)伍排太長(zhǎng)了
03:26.49, It's only three people! And nobody has a gun! 就3個(gè)人而已 而且又沒人帶槍
03:31.48, We are here, we are queer [改編自同志口號(hào)]
03:31.48, We're here, we're Claire, 我們?cè)谶@里 我叫克萊爾
03:33.95, get used to it! 接受這個(gè)事實(shí)吧
03:36.88, You know, I'm not sure if that's tracking. 我不確定那口號(hào)能讓人記得住
03:38.20, Here, let me try one. 來 讓我試一試
03:40.31, You don't have to be Clairevoyant to know who to vote for. 無需千里眼 也"克"看"出萊"該選誰
03:44.21, Vote Dunphy for town council. 鎮(zhèn)議員選舉 請(qǐng)投鄧菲一票
03:46.38, Uh, uh, uh, Claire Dunphy. 是克萊爾·鄧菲
03:48.72, Uh, C-Caire's her first name. 她名叫克萊爾
03:50.57, I'm sorry if that wasn't Claire. 抱歉我說得不太清"克"[楚
03:53.58, Oh, my God. Look at that. There's a trash can right there, 我的天 你看 明明眼前就是垃圾桶
03:56.28, and that guy just threw his paper on the sidewalk. 那男的還隨手亂丟廢紙
03:59.03, Hey! You in the yellow jacket. 喂 穿黃夾克的那個(gè)
04:01.34, Pick it up and put it in the trash. 撿起來 丟進(jìn)垃圾桶里
04:06.63, - Oh, my God. He did it. - Yes, he did. -我的媽呀 他還真照做了 -是的
04:10.04, Ooh, here. Let me try one.I'll try... 來 讓我試一下
04:12.34, Hey, dragon tattoo, no jaywalking! 喂 龍紋身的女孩 不要隨意亂穿馬路
04:16.60, oh, my gosh. 親娘啊
04:17.36, This is an instrument of power. 小喇叭真有威力
04:19.55, How could they not sell tacos? 用來賣玉米餅怎么就不暢銷呢
04:21.39, You know what we could do with this thing? 你知道我們可以怎樣利用這玩意嗎
04:22.96, Cam, we could really make a difference. 小卡 我們絕對(duì)可以造福社會(huì)啊
04:25.46, We could be the voice of change. 我們可以化身為"改變之聲"
04:27.02, Ooh, I got it! 我懂了
04:28.33, Let's go yell at the dry cleaner that lost my shirt. 立刻去那家弄丟我襯衫的干洗店吼吼看
04:31.60, Come on, gang. 快過來 伙伴
04:33.75, Today is the Dunphys at their best. 今天鄧菲一家要全力出擊
04:40.33, I'm from the "Weekly Saver." Mind if I ask you 我是《每周救星》報(bào)的記者 介意我
04:42.04, - a couple questions about the big election? - Not at all. 問幾個(gè)有關(guān)選舉的問題嗎-隨便問
04:44.54, Fire away. 向我開炮吧
04:45.62, Who are you voting for today? 你今天會(huì)投誰一票呢
04:47.91, Claire Dunphy. 克萊爾·鄧菲
04:49.31, Finally. I've been waiting for someone to say that name. 總算聽到有人提這名字了
04:51.30, Why? 為什么
04:52.53, Uh... Because I am Claire Dunphy. 因?yàn)樵谙戮褪强巳R爾·鄧菲
04:54.78, Oh, sorry. They moved me over from ad sales. 抱歉 我是從廣告營(yíng)銷部調(diào)過來的
04:57.70, We take turns reporting. 我們輪流報(bào)道新聞
04:58.72, How do you feel about your chances today? 你對(duì)于今天的勝算有多大把握
05:00.47, Not as good as I did a few minutes ago. 比我?guī)追昼娭邦A(yù)想的要差了很多
05:02.44, No, she feels great. 不 她信心滿滿
05:03.78, Um, her spirits are high. The whole family's high. 志在必得 全家人都志在必得
05:06.85, - There's your headline. - Phil, no. 拿去編頭條新聞吧-菲爾 別
05:08.36, Uh, how about a photo of all of you? 來張全家福怎么樣
05:09.60, - Yeah. Sure. Yes. - Mom, mom, mom. Tag. 當(dāng)然沒問題-媽媽 標(biāo)簽
05:11.63, - Tag's still on. - Oh, my Goodness. 衣服標(biāo)簽還在呢-我的天
05:12.59, Thank you. 謝了
05:13.12, That would have been a really awkward picture. Okay. 不然拍照可就尷尬了 好
05:19.22, No! 天啊
05:19.86, What is that? 那是什么啊
05:20.61, Is that a tooth? 是牙齒嗎
05:21.63, - Ew! - Awesome! 好惡-太強(qiáng)悍了
05:23.01, How old are you? No! 你都多大了
05:24.27, - Do it again! - How does that even happen? 再來一次-怎么會(huì)這樣啊
05:25.96, It's a-a fake tooth from an old ice-skating injury. 以前溜冰時(shí)摔的 就裝了顆假牙
05:28.75, - It just fell out. - Oh, my gosh. Why today?! 現(xiàn)在松脫了-天吶 干嘛非得是今天啊
05:30.69, - What about the... - Let's not overreact. 怎么辦啊-別大驚小怪
05:31.94, - Let's--let me see it. - Okay. All right. 讓我看看-好吧 好
05:37.60, Got it. Thanks. 拍好了 謝謝
05:45.43, What happened back there? 你剛剛怎么了
05:46.60, Line was too long. I couldn't wait. 太多人排隊(duì) 我懶得等
05:48.51, I've seen you wait 45 minutes in line for sherbet! 你買冰沙還等過45分鐘呢
05:51.43, Well, I happen to like sherbet, okay? 那是因?yàn)槲蚁矚g吃冰沙 行嗎
05:53.50, That place I take you 我?guī)闳サ哪堑胤?/span>
05:54.82, has the greatest sherbet on the west coast. 有全西海岸最好吃的冰沙
05:56.40, They got lime sherbet, they got coconut sherbet. 他們有檸檬冰沙 椰子冰沙
05:59.23, Why are we talking about sherbet? 怎么聊到冰沙去了
06:00.37, He's clearly changing the subject. 他明顯是在轉(zhuǎn)移話題
06:01.71, Why aren't you in school? 你怎么沒上學(xué)啊
06:02.82, He's doing it again. 他又轉(zhuǎn)移話題了
06:04.30, Manny's right. You're being very ardilla. 曼尼說得對(duì) 你就像只"阿迪亞"
06:06.86, - "Ardilla"? - Yeah, you know, the-- "阿迪亞"-沒錯(cuò) 就是那種
06:08.85, The one that--that-- 就是那什么
06:10.53, - Rabbit? I was being rabbit-y? - No, another one -兔子嗎 我像兔子嗎 -不 不是
06:11.85, - With the cheeks and the tail and... - Chipmunk? -是大臉蛋 大尾巴的 -花栗鼠嗎
06:13.80, Possum?-Okay,obviously she means squirrel. 負(fù)鼠嗎-她說的明顯是松鼠
06:15.86, You were being squirrely then, 你之前"古怪如松鼠"
06:16.96, - You're being squirrely now. - Better than being a rat. -現(xiàn)在也是"古怪如松鼠" -總比像老鼠好
06:19.70, Manny, give us a minute. 曼尼 讓我和他談?wù)?/span>
06:21.11, Oh, sure. I served him up on a silver platter. 當(dāng)然好 我毫不費(fèi)力就戳穿了他
06:27.69, What? 怎么了
06:30.67, All right, it's no big deal. 好吧 沒什么大不了的
06:32.85, There was a woman working there. 有個(gè)女人在那兒工作
06:34.35, I didn't want her to see me. 我不想讓她見到我
06:35.77, - Who is she? - Her name is Dottie. 她是誰-她叫多蒂
06:37.42, She's the first woman I dated after my divorce. 她是我離婚后的第一任女友
06:40.11, You dated a Dottie after Dede? 你跟迪迪離婚后勾搭上了多蒂
06:41.98, Y-you're focusing on the wrong thing here. 你搞錯(cuò)重點(diǎn)了
06:43.50, The--the point is it ended badly. 重點(diǎn)是 我和她不是好聚好散的
06:45.80, I tried to let her down easy, but, uh, 我試圖和平分手 可是
06:48.39, she didn't take it too well. 她沒能坦然接受
06:50.04, Actually, I don't know how she took it, 其實(shí) 我也不知道她是怎么接受的
06:51.33, cause I wasn't there. 因?yàn)槲覜]看見
06:53.37, We dated a few weeks, then after we... You know, 我們恩愛了幾周 然后就 你懂的
06:56.74, I slipped out of her house before she woke up 我趁她沒醒 從她家偷偷溜了
06:58.49, and never called her again. 再也沒聯(lián)系過她
06:59.98, Put my pants on in her yard, put the car in neutral, 在她家院子里穿的褲子 把汽車掛的空擋
07:02.50, let it roll down the driveway, lights off. 使之緩緩駛出車道 車燈都沒敢打開
07:04.41, Hey, I can't talk about this anymore. 哎呀 可恥歷史我說不下去了
07:06.55, So because of this woman, 所以就因?yàn)槟莻€(gè)女人
07:08.43, you didn't vote for your daughter? 你沒給你女兒投票
07:10.48, It's Claire! We need her to win! 那是克萊爾啊 我們要讓她贏
07:12.95, I don't want to be around when something that tight comes unraveled. 我可不希望她肺都?xì)庹ǖ?把怒火都撒在我們頭上
07:15.99, I'll figure out something. 我會(huì)想辦法的
07:17.06, Maybe those poll workers take shifts. 也許工作人員是輪班的
07:18.83, Stop hiding in your little cave like a-- 別膽小地躲在自己的窩里
07:21.85, Like, you know. Like the-- the--the-- 像那啥一樣 那什么...
07:24.95, - I really don't wanna do this again. - No, the-- 別再讓我猜了-不是
07:26.16, No. No. The big one, like, uh, the monster furry one. 不不不 那種大家伙 渾身長(zhǎng)毛的
07:29.69, Ay, why can't I remember any animal names? 唉 我怎么老是記不住動(dòng)物名字
07:33.25, Climb aboard the Dunphy Express. 歡迎乘坐鄧菲快車
07:36.84, Next stop--democracy. 下一站——民主
07:38.91, - Well--no, no... - Please don't go. -別 別 -請(qǐng)留步
07:39.97, I won't do that anymore. I promise. 我保證 不再開玩笑了
07:42.11, Oh. Uh, we need to make a quick stop. 對(duì)了 我們半路停一下
07:44.53, I gotta pick up my new glasses. 我要取我的新眼鏡
07:45.78, No can do. I, uh... 不行啊 我...
07:48.51, I got a lot of people waitin', so... 還有很多人等著我呢
07:50.18, It'll just take two minutes. 就兩分鐘而已
07:51.95, I can't even see the ballot without my glasses. 沒有眼鏡 我連選票都看不清
07:55.27, I mark the wrong box, 我要是投錯(cuò)了票
07:56.87, next thing you know I'll be married to a guy. 新一屆議會(huì)就會(huì)叫我和男人結(jié)婚了
07:58.92, Yeah, I-- I don't think it's mandatory, Walt. 允許同性婚姻 不代表強(qiáng)制同性結(jié)婚 沃特
08:01.63, I'm a good dancer. They'll come for me. 我跳舞風(fēng)度翩翩 基佬們不會(huì)放過我的
08:05.34, Oh, yeah. 必須的
08:06.76, They will break all your buttons... 他們會(huì)把你的衣服扣子弄壞
08:08.33, and say you brought it in that way. 然后說你們送來時(shí)就是這樣
08:10.41, Okay, go, go, go! 好 快跑 快跑
08:12.07, Turns out we had a lot of axes to grind. 世間不平事太多 正好趁機(jī)泄私憤
08:14.65, And a hybrid, so there was virtually no stopping us. 而且裝備齊全 所以我倆就玩?zhèn)€不停了
08:17.99, Do not see that movie! 別看那電影
08:20.02, You will neither laugh nor cry! 那電影會(huì)讓你哭笑不得
08:22.42, Best pizza in the city? 全市最棒披薩
08:23.54, Not even the best pizza on this street. 其實(shí)連"全街最棒"都算不上
08:25.62, They do not do the hair of the people on those pictures! 宣傳照上的發(fā)型根本不是在這家店做的
08:29.96, Totally free checking? 完全免費(fèi)檢查
08:31.48, Don't bank on it! 別做夢(mèng)了
08:32.86, Okay, that was really fun, 好了 剛剛很好玩
08:34.41, But now we gotta go back to campaigning for Claire. 但我們得回去幫克萊爾拉票了
08:36.58, We've been saying that for two hours. 這話我們說了兩小時(shí)了
08:37.93, Yes, but now I-I really mean it. 沒錯(cuò) 但現(xiàn)在我是說真的
08:39.97, - Oh, my god, there's Sandy! - Sandra Bullock? -天吶 那是桑迪 -桑德拉·布洛克嗎[名演員
08:42.04, Yeah, Sandra Bullock. 是啊 桑德拉·布洛克
08:43.29, We're such good friends, I call her "Sandy," So... 我和她是好朋友 所以我叫她桑迪
08:45.54, No, Sandy who works at Lily's preschool. 逗你的 是莉莉幼兒園的桑迪啦
08:47.48, - Right there. - Oh, yeah. 她在那兒-哦 對(duì)
08:48.37, - You know, she got engaged. - No! -你知道嗎 她訂婚了 -不是吧
08:50.82, - To the gay boyfriend? - Totally. 跟她那基佬男友嗎-是啊
08:52.58, Oh, how does she not see it? 不是吧 她怎么沒看出來啊
08:54.48, If I was with somebody that gorgeous, 要是我男朋友也那么帥
08:55.58, I'd overlook a few quirks, too. 我也不會(huì)在乎他的"口味"了
08:57.06, First of all, thank you. 首先 謝謝夸獎(jiǎng)
08:58.32, Second of all... 其次
08:59.63, point well taken. 說得太有道理了
09:01.26, I don't know. Poor Sandy. I feel so bad for her. 唉 可憐的桑迪啊 真替她傷心
09:03.81, - Well, it's better than being alone. - Is it? 還不如單身一人呢-是嗎
09:05.75, She's looking over here. 她看過來了
09:07.21, - Oh, my god. - Mitchell, you're sitting on the button. 我的天吶-米奇爾 你坐到按鈕了
09:09.03, What? No--no, I'm not. No, I'm not! 什么 我沒有 沒坐到
09:10.73, The--it's stuck! 它卡住了
09:12.09, And you're the one that had it last 最后一次是你用的
09:13.01, - when you were talking to the cheese shop! - Because you know what? 你用它向奶酪店喊話-因?yàn)榘?/span>
09:14.81, If you advertise truffle cheese, 如果你要推銷松露奶酪
09:16.19, - there are certain expectations... - Hi, Sandy. 就要抓住顧客的期望-你好啊 桑迪
09:21.02, Yeah, I'm calling on behalf of Claire Dunphy. 我代表克萊爾·鄧菲致電給您
09:23.99, - What a beautiful name. - She used to be a citizen. 多美的名字啊-她曾是普通百姓
09:25.52, I'm calling on behalf of Claire Dunphy for town council. 我代表鎮(zhèn)議會(huì)候選人克萊爾·鄧菲致電給您
09:27.47, All right. How about this? 好 要不這樣吧
09:29.31, if you vote for Claire Dunphy... 如果你投票給克萊爾·鄧菲
09:30.89, You won't have to pay taxes for the rest of your life. 你這輩子都不用交稅了
09:34.67, Vote for Claire! 投克萊爾一票
09:36.96, Luke! What are you doing? 盧克 你這是干嘛
09:38.64, You can't say that! 你不能這么說
09:39.55, Oh, like she'd be the first politician 政客都是這樣的
09:41.68, to make a promise she can't keep. 競(jìng)選承諾向來不用兌現(xiàn)
09:43.41, Well, maybe I don't want to talk to you, either. 是嗎 也許我也不想跟你說話
09:45.83, Maybe you are the one that is bothering me! 也許是你在煩我
09:47.94, How do you like that? Eh? 你覺得好受不
09:50.55, Gloria, I'm gonna have to ask you again 歌洛莉亞 我得再次提醒你
09:52.98, to please stick to your script. 請(qǐng)照著稿子讀
09:55.63, But everybody's saying no to me! 可是每個(gè)人都拒絕我
09:57.31, I don't get it. 我搞不懂
09:58.37, Usually when I ask someone to do something, 平時(shí)我叫別人干嘛
10:00.20, they just do it! 別人就干嘛
10:01.20, Maybe it's because these people can't see you. 也許因?yàn)槟切┤送ㄟ^電話無法看到你的美貌
10:03.51, I don't like it. 我不喜歡
10:04.76, Can't you just hook me up to some sort of camera? 你不能給我弄個(gè)視頻電話嗎
10:08.84, Well, thank you, Maggie, for the vote. 謝謝你 麥琪 謝謝支持
10:10.31, Okay. Bye-bye. 好的 再見
10:13.97, Here's your seat. 請(qǐng)坐在這兒
10:15.41, Thank you. Um, you'll have to excuse me. 謝謝 請(qǐng)?jiān)?/span>
10:18.07, I'm a little nervous. I've never been on the radio before. 我有點(diǎn)兒緊張 我從沒上過電臺(tái)
10:20.79, Don't worry about it. 別擔(dān)心
10:21.92, - Just think of it as a conversation. - Okay. 就當(dāng)是聊天好了-好的
10:24.25, Here are your headphones. Volume control. 這是耳機(jī) 音量控制
10:26.53, - Don't get too far from the mike. - Okay. 別離麥克風(fēng)太遠(yuǎn)-好的
10:28.51, Make sure your cell phone's off. 請(qǐng)確認(rèn)手機(jī)關(guān)閉
10:30.00, Oh. Cell phone. Right. Um... 哦 關(guān)掉手機(jī) 對(duì)...
10:31.48, And you're not chewing gum, are you? 確認(rèn)下你沒在嚼口香糖 對(duì)吧
10:32.84, No, I'm not. I just had some temporary 沒 我沒在 只是剛做了些臨時(shí)性的
10:35.28, dental work done. 牙科類小手術(shù)
10:35.95, The last thing I need-- 最后我只需要...
10:39.65, And welcome back to "A matter of record." 歡迎回到《時(shí)事記錄》
10:42.21, I'm Cecil Van Gundy. 我是希瑟·范·甘迪
10:44.54, Joining us now in studio is district 43 今天來到演播室的是來自43區(qū)的
10:47.54, town council candidate Claire Dunphy. 鎮(zhèn)議會(huì)候選人克萊爾·鄧菲
10:52.61, Thank you, Cecil. 謝謝 希瑟
10:55.18, It's a pleasure to be here. 很高興能參加這個(gè)節(jié)目
10:56.41, So... You're a first-time candidate. 那么...你本次是首次參選
10:58.70, Tell us what got you involved. 跟大家說說你是怎么有這個(gè)念頭的
11:00.31, It all started with a, um... 一切都始于一個(gè)...
11:02.50, With a stop sign. 一個(gè)停車標(biāo)志
11:04.46, I was concerned about safety in our neighbourhood 我憂心于我家周圍的街道安全
11:08.05, and I was not getting any satisfaction from city hall. 并且我沒有從市政廳得到滿意的答復(fù)
11:12.76, What's wrong with mom? 老媽是抽什么風(fēng)了
11:14.27, Oh, this isn't good. 哦 這下可不妙
11:15.69, She sounds drunk! 她聽起來跟醉了一樣
11:17.21, That's not her drunk voice. 你是沒聽過她喝醉后的聲音
11:18.71, Tell us about some of the other issues facing our town. 再說說咱們鎮(zhèn)上存在的其他問題吧
11:21.25, Where do you stand on the city's 你對(duì)本市針對(duì)污水和可持續(xù)發(fā)展的
11:23.62, sewage and sustainability initiative, 倡議提案持什么樣的觀點(diǎn)
11:25.51, the so-called S.S.I.? 就是所謂的"污持案"
11:28.01, One cannot really talk about 如果我們要討論
11:29.84, s-s-sewage and sustainability 淤...淤水和可持續(xù)發(fā)展的問題
11:32.15, without first discussing... recycling. 就不得不先探討...循環(huán)利用的問題
11:35.56, This city can do more... 政府方面可以做得更多...
11:37.49, - What the hell's wrong with her? - with the recycling program... 她是想鬧哪樣-針對(duì)循環(huán)利用問題
11:39.06, She sounds drunk! 跟喝醉了一樣
11:40.13, - ...currently... - It's a tooth thing. 當(dāng)前...-都是牙給鬧的
11:43.27, What's wrong? 怎么了
11:43.88, Oh, I'm almost out of air. Oh, boy. 氧氣快吸完了 天啊
11:45.94, Is that serious? 那很要緊嗎
11:47.19, Is oxygen serious? 你覺得氧氣要緊嗎
11:49.31, You know what? I lost a ton of time getting your glasses. 說實(shí)話 幫你取眼鏡耽誤了我大把時(shí)間
11:51.64, I'm just gonna drop you at home. 我還是把你丟家里吧
11:52.90, You can get your air. I can drive other people. 你能好好吸氧 我也好去接其他人
11:55.30, I don't have any more tanks at home. 我家里沒有多余的氧氣瓶了
11:57.27, Why? That seems like bad planning. 怎么會(huì) 你要學(xué)會(huì)未雨綢繆啊
11:59.25, Well, I forgot to order them. 我忘記再多訂點(diǎn)了
12:00.72, My pills make me forget things. 服的藥總讓我很健忘
12:03.45, Oh, shoot! I gotta take my pill! 哦 靠 我該吃藥了
12:05.39, Please tell me you have it with you. 你別告訴我你藥也忘帶了
12:06.68, Of course I do, but I have to take 'em with food. 當(dāng)然帶著了 但我必須和食物一起服下
12:09.02, - Don't I? - Are you asking me? 是的吧?-你問我我問誰去
12:10.80, Uh, yes! I do take them with food! 對(duì)的 我就是和食物一起服下的
12:13.43, Ooh. I don't feel so well. 哦 我感覺不大好
12:15.00, Okay, I'll get you whatever you want! 好的 你要什么我都給你弄來
12:16.75, I'll get you the air, I'll get you the food. 給你去搞氧氣 給你去搞食物
12:18.87, Then I'll vote for your drunk wife. 然后我去給你的醉媳婦兒投上一票
12:20.55, That is not her drunk voice! 那可不是她酒醉的聲音
12:23.43, Thank you so much for voting. 非常感謝你參與投票
12:25.66, We appreciate it. 非常感激
12:31.21, Hi. I'm terribly sorry. Excuse me. Jay Pritchett. 嗨非常抱歉打擾下 我是杰·普里契特
12:33.62, Uh, can I get in-- in and out really quick? 能不能讓我速戰(zhàn)速?zèng)Q
12:35.47, Thank you. This is all I needed. 謝謝 給張選票就成
12:36.23, Thank you very much. Thank you very much. 非常感謝 非常感謝
12:39.77, All right. Claire, Claire, Claire. 好的 克萊爾 克萊爾 克萊爾
12:41.72, Claire, Claire-- ahh, ahh. Here. 克萊爾 克萊爾 在這里
12:46.61, I'm sorry! I'm sorry, I'm sorry! 抱歉 抱歉 抱歉
12:49.89, Hello, Dottie! 好啊 多蒂
12:55.48, Jay! It's so nice to see you! 杰 見到你可真開心
12:58.66, - Is it? - Oh, why wouldn't it be? 是嗎-哦 為什么不開心
13:02.33, That was a long time ago. Water under the bridge. 都是陳年舊事 過眼云煙了
13:04.78, - We're good. - Oh, that's great. 沒關(guān)系的-哦 那就好
13:06.88, Thank you so much for voting. 非常感謝你參加投票
13:09.02, You remember my daughter Claire. She's-- 還記得我女兒克萊爾嗎 她現(xiàn)在...
13:11.06, She's running for town council. 正在參選鎮(zhèn)議會(huì)議員
13:12.57, - Oh, isn't that neat? - Yeah, I'm so proud. -哦 真是不錯(cuò)啊 -我真為她驕傲
13:17.16, So you're gonna put it in there, huh? 你該把選票放進(jìn)去吧
13:18.83, Oh, yeah, of course. Yeah. Definitely. 是啊當(dāng)然 當(dāng)然要放進(jìn)去
13:21.23, cause every vote counts, you know. 每一票都很重要 是吧
13:23.39, Thank you so much for voting. 非常感謝你能參與投票
13:26.41, - You know... - Yeah. 我說...-是啊
13:27.32, Boy, I'd sure like to see the sweet sight 天啊 我要親眼看到我這寶貴的
13:29.49, of my vote... counting. 一票...計(jì)算在內(nèi)
13:32.77, Why would I say I'd do something and not do it? 我為什么要許諾某事卻不履行呢
13:34.93, That would make me a liar... 我這不就成了個(gè)騙子了嘛
13:36.95, instead of a trusting widow 我只是個(gè)容易輕信別人的寡婦
13:38.61, Who fell asleep in the warm embrace 曾經(jīng)睡倒在一個(gè)男人溫暖的懷抱中
13:40.62, of a man who promised to make breakfast. 他可答應(yīng)我 要給我做早餐呢
13:42.73, Okay, here it is. 很好 該來的躲不掉
13:44.84, Look, I am so sorry. 聽著 我十分抱歉
13:47.51, You were the first woman I'd been with besides my ex-- 和前妻離婚后你是我遇到的第一個(gè)女人
13:50.59, 35 years. 35年的婚姻
13:52.20, I panicked. 我慌了手腳
13:53.08, An-and it wasn't 'cause y-you weren't pretty naked 我倒不是說你脫光了就不漂亮
13:55.64, or anything like that. 或者類似的什么原因
13:56.70, I'd have run from Angie Dickinson. 我要躲著安琪·迪金森啊
13:58.31, - Oh, lucky her. - Dottie-- -哦 她可真幸運(yùn) -多蒂
14:00.14, - Good-bye, Jay! - Dottie, Dottie, please. -回見 杰 -多蒂 多蒂 拜托
14:01.76, I'm just trying to get my ballot in the box. 我就是想把我的票塞進(jìn)"洞"
14:03.47, oh, yeah, that sounds familiar. 果然還是老樣子
14:05.04, Yeah, but you don't have to do anything. 恩 都不用麻煩你做什么
14:06.78, Just let me put it in! 讓我自己把它"插進(jìn)去"
14:08.29, Uhh. Shouldn't have said that. 我這話聽起來真別扭
14:11.63, We are so sorry. 我們實(shí)在太對(duì)不起了
14:12.94, We did not mean for you to hear any of that. 我們不是故意讓你聽到那些話的
14:15.89, Yes, and you know what? 對(duì) 其實(shí)
14:16.51, We shouldn't have been gossiping in the first place. 我們一開始就不該八卦你的
14:18.51, But what if you're right? 萬一你們是對(duì)的呢
14:19.39, What if Gregory is gay? 格雷戈里就是個(gè)同性戀怎么辦
14:21.69, When my mom said it, I didn't believe her. 我媽跟我說過 我沒敢信她
14:23.28, She lives in Iowa. 畢竟她住在愛荷華[允許同性婚姻
14:24.03, But coming from you two! 不過要是你們也這么認(rèn)為
14:25.33, - Means nothing. - No. 完全證明不了什么-對(duì)
14:26.50, We barely know your fiance. 我們對(duì)你的未婚夫一無所知
14:28.35, - If he says he's straight, he's straight. - Mm. Straight. -他說自己是直男 他就是 -直男
14:31.36, We're getting married in a month. 我們下個(gè)月就要結(jié)婚了
14:32.82, People are flying in. 人們都往這兒趕來了
14:34.05, He signed us up for dance classes. 他為我倆報(bào)了舞蹈課
14:35.54, Oh, my god! 哦 天啊
14:36.83, No. No, no, no. Hey. 別 不要這樣 嘿
14:38.33, - This is what gays do. - Yeah. 基佬就愛這樣-對(duì)
14:39.65, - We gossip. - We gossip a lot. 喜歡聊八卦-大聊特聊
14:40.76, He gossips! 他也愛八卦
14:41.97, No. No. You're missing the point, okay? 不是的 你沒理解我的意思
14:44.36, We see a great-looking guy like Gregory, 每當(dāng)我們看到像格雷戈里那樣的美男子
14:46.00, and we say he's gay because we want him to be gay! 就會(huì)說他是基佬 因?yàn)槲覀兿M?/span>
14:48.87, - Really? Really? Are you sure? - Yes. Yes. -是嗎 你們確定嗎 -是這樣的
14:50.81, Absolutely. Look at what we do with movie stars. 就是這樣 見過我們?cè)趺磳?duì)待影星嗎
14:53.00, Okay. 對(duì)
14:53.44, You know? Hugh Jackman-- he sings, he dances, 知道嗎 休·杰克曼 他又會(huì)唱又會(huì)跳
14:55.77, He's dreamy! 真是夢(mèng)中情人
14:57.05, So obviously we would want him on our team! 很明顯我們特想他與我們站在"同"一戰(zhàn)線
15:00.23, - Yeah. - But he's straight. 對(duì)-但他就是個(gè)直男
15:01.49, Trust me, I know. 相信我 我很清楚的
15:03.57, I said hello to him once in a restaurant, 有一次我在餐廳里跟他打招呼
15:05.27, and there was absolutely no chemistry. 那一刻我嗅不到絲毫的基情
15:08.34, Well, if that isn't proof... 是啊 說到這份兒上你要還不信...
15:10.37, Three weeks later, Sandy and Gregory got married, 三個(gè)星期后 桑迪和格雷戈里結(jié)了婚
15:12.57, and everyone said the wedding was beautiful. 每個(gè)人都說那婚禮美極了
15:14.75, Gregory did the flowers.... 那些花可都是格雷戈里布置的
15:17.58, Which is perfectly normal for a straight guy. 對(duì)于一個(gè)直男來說 其實(shí)一點(diǎn)都"不奇怪"
15:22.78, The Greeks do one thing right, and it's lamb! 希臘人就一件事做得靠譜 就這羊肉
15:25.67, All right. Let's go vote. 好了 咱趕緊去投票吧
15:27.41, Why the hell does your wife want to be a politician, anyway? 你家媳婦兒哪根經(jīng)搭錯(cuò)了非要跑去當(dāng)政客
15:30.19, You heard her. She wanted to put up 她不剛說過 她就想在布雷斯托街和
15:31.88, a stop sign at Bristol and Greenleaf, 綠葉街那兒放塊停車標(biāo)志
15:33.57, But then she ran into-- 然后她遇到...
15:34.48, Wait, wait, wait! 等等 慢著
15:35.22, That's near where I live! 我住的地方就離那不遠(yuǎn)
15:36.73, Yeah. We're neighbors. Let's go! 對(duì)啊 我們是鄰居呢 走吧
15:39.03, No way I'm voting for that! 我才不會(huì)給這事投票呢
15:40.81, Too much government already. 政府已經(jīng)管得太寬了
15:42.95, I didn't fight a war so some politician 我去打仗可不是為了讓政客來告訴我
15:44.62, could tell me where I have to stop my car. 我該在哪個(gè)地方停車
15:47.42, You don't even drive! 你根本就不開車
15:48.80, That's 'cause that Barack Obama took my license away. 那是因?yàn)閵W巴馬那家伙把我駕照吊銷了
15:51.41, I don't think he was involved in the decision! 我可不覺得那事跟他有關(guān)
15:54.32, I left the house today to get 50 votes for my wife. 我今天出門是要給我老婆拉到50票的
15:56.51, I'm not going home with zero. 我才不要一票都沒有就回家
15:57.72, The least you can do is walk right in there 你至少能幫幫忙 走進(jìn)去
16:00.14, and punch a hole for the woman 替我家媳婦投上一票
16:01.49, who drags your garbage can up your driveway every Tuesday! 她每周二都幫你把垃圾桶推上車道啊
16:04.38, I don't like it! Goes against everything I believe in. 我不喜歡 那跟我的全部信仰都背道而馳
16:06.98, Really? A stop sign?! 是嗎 就一個(gè)停車標(biāo)志
16:08.80, But I'll do it, 'cause you're a good kid. 不過我會(huì)去的 因?yàn)槟闶莻€(gè)好孩子
16:11.76, And I had a nice day... 我今天原本過得也還不錯(cuò)
16:13.87, till you started yelling at me. 直到你沖我吼了起來
16:16.05, So sorry. Thank you. 十分抱歉 謝謝你了
16:19.00, Here you go. 走吧
16:20.33, You know, my wife was an alcoholic, too. 告訴你 我老婆以前也是個(gè)酒鬼
16:23.32, Okay. Let's just go vote. 好吧 投個(gè)票而已
16:25.04, That's veteran political reporter 那是老兵政治記者
16:28.38, Walter Shapiro. 沃特·夏皮洛
16:28.95, Hi, everyone! 大家好啊
16:32.06, - Any news? - Not yet, not yet, 有什么新聞嗎-還沒 還沒
16:34.00, But even if I lose, at least now I know 不過即使我輸了 至少我知道
16:35.99, I have a future in radio. 我在播音界還是有點(diǎn)前途的
16:38.27, I couldn't. People need to see me. 我就不行 人得要看見我的臉才行
16:41.19, Before we get the results, I just want to thank you all 在拿到結(jié)果之前 我想要感謝你們大家
16:43.79, for everything you've done for me. 感謝你們?yōu)槲易龅乃惺?/span>
16:46.45, Mitch and Cam, for campaigning for me all day 米奇和小卡 謝謝你們一整天
16:50.51, in your little Claire-mobile. 開著你們的"克萊爾號(hào)"為我競(jìng)選
16:52.26, - It's the least we could do. - Yeah. 那是我們至少可以做到的-對(duì)
16:53.94, Literally. 是真的"少"
16:55.05, We probably did more for Hugh Jackman's career 我們?yōu)樾?middot;杰克曼的電影做的宣傳
16:56.81, than we did for Claire's. 可能都比為克萊爾做的多
16:59.00, And, Manny and Gloria, 還有曼尼和歌洛莉亞
17:01.19, thank you for making all those phone calls. 謝謝你們打了那么多電話
17:03.91, And, dad... 還有 爸爸
17:05.30, for all your support. 謝謝你的支持
17:06.69, I don't think I convinced anyone to vote for Claire. 我覺得我沒有說服一個(gè)人為克萊爾投票
17:09.70, I don't think I even voted. 我自己好像都沒投上票
17:11.64, And my husband... 還有我老公
17:14.94, who drove around 四處開車
17:16.09, I don't know how many senior citizens today to the polls. 送了不知道多少位老人去投票
17:21.84, One. 一位
17:22.98, And my beautiful children, 還有我可愛的孩子們
17:25.22, whose faith has given me the confidence 是你們的信念讓我有信心
17:28.12, to believe that I can do this. 相信我可以做到
17:30.26, I can--oh. 我可以
17:31.16, - Somebody else answer it. I lost. - Mom. Mom. -誰來接 我輸了 -媽媽 媽媽
17:32.76, - I can feel it. I-- - Mom. 我可以感覺得到-媽媽
17:33.39, You can do it. Mom. Answer the phone. 你可以的 媽媽 接電話吧
17:38.03, Hello? 你好
17:39.53, This is she. 我就是
17:44.01, Thanks so much for calling. 謝謝你打電話通知我
17:46.02, Bye-bye. 再見
17:50.48, I have some bad news. 有個(gè)壞消息
17:53.94, Because someone's gonna be busy now that she's a councilwoman? 因?yàn)槟惝?dāng)上議員要變忙了嗎
18:00.23, No, no, I wasn't doing that fake thing. 不 我沒有在跟你們開玩笑
18:01.88, - I really lost. I lost. - Ay, no. -我真輸了 我輸了 -不是吧
18:06.73, I'm so sorry. But you know what? 真遺憾 不過 你知道嗎
18:10.85, We are still just so proud of you. 我們都還是非常為你驕傲
18:11.85, 恭喜 克萊爾  
18:12.70, 哀悼 克萊爾  
18:16.12, Yeah! I-- I don't know about you, 我不知道你們?cè)趺聪氲?/span>
18:18.32, But, um... I could use a glass of wine. 反正 我要喝一杯酒
18:24.67, Ohh. Now you're gonna hear her drunk voice. 現(xiàn)在你們能聽到她喝醉的嗓音了
18:31.33, Mom? 媽媽
18:33.65, You okay? 你還好吧
18:34.43, Yes. Fine. I'm good. 是的 好著呢
18:36.29, I'm fine. I'm not fine. I wanted to win, 我很好 我不好 我是想贏的
18:38.25, And... and I'm so embarrassed. 然后 我現(xiàn)在很尷尬
18:42.78, I mean, everybody out here worked so hard for me, 外邊所有人都為我而努力
18:46.64, and they believed in me, 都信任我
18:48.65, and I let 'em down. 而我讓他們失望了
18:53.01, Oh, honey. 親愛的
18:54.84, Oh, sweetheart. 乖女兒
18:56.52, Well, don't cry. I'm gonna be fine, sweetie. 別哭啊 我會(huì)沒事的
19:00.07, Really, I am. 真的 我會(huì)沒事的
19:02.76, Just knowing you care so much makes me feel better. 知道你這么在乎 我就已經(jīng)好多了
19:06.03, No, I got four rejection letters 不是 我收到4封拒信
19:08.03, I never told you guys about. 一直沒告訴你們
19:12.21, What? 什么
19:13.93, I got rejected from U.C.S.B., Oregon, Wisconsin... 加州圣巴巴拉分校 俄勒岡 威斯康辛
19:18.17, - Oh, no. - And Northwestern. 不是吧-還有西北大學(xué)的
19:19.54, Well, we were overshooting on that one. 那一個(gè)我們是有點(diǎn)高攀了
19:22.41, What about, uh... 那那個(gè)
19:23.56, It came today. My last chance. 今天收到的 最后的機(jī)會(huì)了
19:27.88, I'm too scared to open it. 我不敢打開
19:29.98, Whatever it says in there, 無論它怎么說
19:31.40, your father and I are crazy proud of you. 你爹和我都超級(jí)為你自豪
19:34.53, Okay? 好嗎
19:35.76, I did start trying this year. 我今年真的有開始努力
19:37.45, I know you did. You did. 我知道的 你努力了
19:39.40, You have nothing to be ashamed of. 沒有什么好羞恥的
19:43.07, Neither do you. 你也一樣
19:46.43, It's a little bit different. 還是有點(diǎn)不一樣的
19:48.04, No, it's exactly the same. 不 其實(shí)完全一樣
19:50.91, Except you tried really hard the whole time, 不同的是 你一直都很努力
19:53.57, not just at the end. 而不是臨時(shí)抱佛腳
19:56.96, You're right. 你說的對(duì)
19:58.07, It is the same. 是一樣的
19:59.50, We have nothing to be ashamed of... 我們沒什么可感到羞恥的
20:01.45, So let's open that together. 一起把它打開吧
20:04.40, Yeah, open it. 對(duì) 打開吧
20:05.83, What? No! What are you doing here? 什么 不行 你們?cè)谶@兒干嗎
20:07.63, No. Come on, haley. We believe in you. 來嘛海莉 我們都相信你
20:09.80, Do it! 開封吧
20:11.17, You can always work for me. 實(shí)在沒學(xué)校要 就來給我打工
20:12.59, Come on. You can do it. You can do this. 來吧 你可以的 你可以的
20:14.20, - Come on, Haley. - All right. 來吧海莉-好吧
20:15.09, Open. Open, open, open. 打開 打開 打開 打開
20:21.09, Dear Miss Dunphy, 親愛的鄧菲小姐
20:23.01, We regret to inform you..." 我們很遺憾地通知你
20:24.80, Oh, honey. 寶貝兒
20:26.09, While we cannot offer you admission at this time, 雖然我們現(xiàn)在不能給你入學(xué)通知
20:28.82, You are a promising candidate, and therefore 但你是很棒的候選人 因此
20:31.00, We would like to place you on our wait list!" 我們很樂意將你放在候選名單中
20:32.58, Oh, my god, I got wait-listed! 我的天 我進(jìn)候選名單了
20:34.76, We will take it! 我們收下了
20:35.62, Yeah! 太好了
20:38.17, Congratulations! Congratulations! 恭喜啊 恭喜啊
20:39.48, Our daughter might be going to college! 我們女兒可能要去上大學(xué)了
20:48.12, Phil, look. 菲爾 看
20:51.72, A stop sign. 一個(gè)停車牌
20:53.46, It's addressed to you. 寫著你收
21:00.16, Dear Claire, I won. You lost. 親愛的克萊爾 我贏了 你輸了
21:02.56, Here's your stupid stop sign. 收下你傻兮兮的停車標(biāo)志
21:04.24, Next time you think about bothering me, 下次要想來煩擾我
21:05.73, Please take its advice. 請(qǐng)也停止"吧
21:07.58, Your councilman, the honorable Duane Bailey." 議員 可敬的杜恩·貝利敬上
21:11.30, Honey, you did it! 親愛的 你做到了
21:12.79, I did it. 我做到了
21:14.03, I made our neighborhood a little bit safer. 我讓鄰里變得更安全了
21:16.03, I may have even saved life. 我搞不好已經(jīng)救了人命了
21:21.41, You idiot, there's stop sign! Can't you read? 你個(gè)傻缺 有停車標(biāo)志呢 你不識(shí)字嗎
21:26.28, we need speed bumps. 我們需要減速帶
21:27.07, No, no. No! Honey! 不不 不行 親愛的


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