What are you doing? Stop it!Make me.Yes?
你干嘛呢 快停下 轉化我吧 誰啊
Excuse me, Miss Katherine.Miss Pearl is here to seeyou.
打擾了 凱瑟琳小姐 珍珠小姐來找你
I'll be down soon.Please ask her to wait.Thank you, Emily.Fun's over.Hmm, no.
我馬上就下去 你讓她稍候 謝謝 艾米莉 享樂要結束了 不要
It's good to see you, Pearl.Perhaps we could talk outside.
很高興見到你 珍珠 我們還是去外面談吧
Emily, would you please tell Mr. Salvatore that I've stepped away?Which one?Both.
艾米莉 請你告訴塞爾瓦托先生 我出門了 哪位塞爾瓦托 都說一下
How long do you plan on staying with the Salvatores?
People talk, Katherine.You, carrying on with both brothers,doesn't help the situation.
凱瑟琳 別人都議論紛紛 說你同時跟兩兄弟交往 對眼下的局勢來說更加不利啊
The Salvatores have been kind to take me in.
As far as everyone here knows,I'm a poor orphan girl from Atlanta,lost her family in the fires.
小鎮(zhèn)上的人只知道 我是亞特蘭大來的可憐孤兒 家人都在火災中喪生了
A match you lit, no doubt.Honey, please be careful.
毫無疑問 是你點的火 寶貝 小心點
Honorary Fell came by the apothecary yesterday With a case of this elixir.
費爾夫人昨天來過藥店 帶來了此種藥水
She asked that it be sold at a reduced rate.I don't follow. Try it.
她要求將之降價銷售 我不明白 你試一下
What in hell? Vervain.Why is there They know.
怎么會這樣 馬鞭草 這里怎么會 他們知道了
They're trying to find us,and they're getting crafty about it.
他們想找到我們 變得越來越精明了
The townspeople ingesting vervain?That's inconvenient.
鎮(zhèn)上的人在服用馬鞭草 那可不妙了
It might be time for us to move on again.No. I like it here.
或許我們又該換個地方了 不 我喜歡這里
I'm not interested in leaving just yet.Can we go, mama?
我現(xiàn)在還不想離開 我們能走了嗎 媽媽