a Nantucketer, a Vineyarder, a Cape man.
Now, it being Christmas when the ship shot from outher harbor, for a space we had biting Polar weather,though all the time running away from it to thesouthward;
and by every degree and minute of latitude which we sailed, gradually leaving that mercilesswinter, and all its intolerable weather behind us.
It was one of those less lowering, but still grey and gloomy enough mornings of thetransition, when with a fair wind the ship was rushing through the water with a vindictivesort of leaping and melancholy rapidity, that as I mounted to the deck at the call of theforenoon watch, so soon as I levelled my glance towards the taffrail, foreboding shivers ranover me.
Reality outran apprehension; Captain Ahab stood upon his quarter-deck.