This is also when they learn what psychologists call symbolic play; that is, using gestures orobjects to symbolize other events and objects. Just as the abstract words of a language cansymbolize real things, the word “house” for a real house, a child's play doll might come tosymbolize a real baby. What's more, just as language starts with words, then moves graduallyto sentences, symbolic play starts with discrete episodes pretending to change the baby,pretending to answer the phone then moves to more elaborate games.
這段時期也是孩子們學習心理學家稱為象征性游戲的時期,即用手勢或者物體來象征其它事件或者物體。正如抽象的單詞可以象征真實的事物,例如:單詞“house” 象征著一間真正的房子,孩子的玩具娃娃可能用來象征一個真正的孩子。更重要的是語言學習是從單詞開始,逐漸發(fā)展到句子,象征性游戲也是這樣,從不連續(xù)的情景開始,例如假裝給小孩換尿布,假裝在回電話,然后換成更為復雜的游戲。
A number of psychologists have studied the connection between play and language mastery.One group found that they could predict how quickly children would learn to speak by carefullywatching how they played. Another study seems to indicate that you can actually improve achild's mastery of language by training him or her in the basics of symbolic play, althoughmore research is needed to confirm this.