許多人都曾經(jīng)有過記憶幻覺的經(jīng)歷。déjà vu 一詞是法語,意為“似曾相識的感覺”,表示人們突然間強(qiáng)烈感到現(xiàn)在發(fā)生的事在以前同樣發(fā)生過。
To a cognitive psychologist, déjà vu is proof of theimmense amount of knowledge and experience westore in our brains. When we experience déjà vu,what actually happens is that, in a fraction of a second, we retrieve bits of many differentmemory fragments and piece them together, producing what seems to be a complete memory.
So, if you experience déjà vu in a mall restaurant while waiting for a pepperoni pizza with yourbest friend, your mind has taken perhaps hundreds of stored memories of various experiences,and put together fragments from those memories to give you the sensation of having beenthere before, even though you haven't been there before at all.
Cognitive psychologists who study how we use language are not surprised at the brain's abilityto create déjà vu. Actually, language comprehension and déjà vu have many parallels. Whenyou hear someone speak, you usually understand them even though you've probably neverheard their words presented in exactly the same way.
You understand these sentences because your brain is able to remember the individualmeanings of words, based on hundreds of past experiences with those words. Your brain takesthe meanings of individual words and splices them together to comprehend their meaning as awhole. As with déjà vu, this entire process happens in a split second.