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百科知識(shí)視頻之煎蛋小學(xué)堂41 人類能有超人的力量嗎?





We all have a fascination with muscles and strength.whether we want to be stronger,feel better,or look like superman;and there are many proposed strategies and exercise regimens to get this done.But what if I told you that it was out of your control,and that your genetic may be entirely holding you back?

我們都會(huì)迷戀肌肉和力量 無論我們想要更強(qiáng)壯 感覺更好 或是看上去像超人;同時(shí)我們可以通過許多方法和鍛煉方式來達(dá)到目的。但如果我告訴你 這在你的控制范圍之外,你的基因可能完全在阻止你“肌肉化”呢?

Conversely,what if there was a secret out there that could lead you to super human strength?The truth is:your muscle size has a limit.Sure,it may seem obvious when you hear it,but your muscles are under the strict control of a protein called Myostatin,which determines exactly how large a muscle can become.And this limit is different for everyone depending on their myostain levels.As a muscle reaches this limit,myostatin prevents any further growth.But if the myostatin itself is limited or absent,this muscle limit suddenly goes away.

相反 如果真的有能讓你擁有超人力量的秘訣呢?其實(shí)是 你的肌肉大小是有限的。的確 聽上去似乎是理所當(dāng)然的,但是 你的肌肉其實(shí)是受到肌生成抑制蛋白嚴(yán)格控制的,正是它決定著你肌肉最大的大小。這個(gè)大小限制因人而異 取決于其體內(nèi)肌生成抑制蛋白的水平。當(dāng)肌肉達(dá)到極限后 肌生成抑制蛋白組織肌肉繼續(xù)生長。但是如果肌生成抑制蛋白分泌受限或者不分泌,肌肉大小限制就會(huì)突然間消失。

This phenomenon was first noticed in Belgian Blue Cattle.These cows developed 2-3 times more muscle mass than a normal cow,and it was later discovered that they had a deletion of the gene GDF-8,which just so happens to create myostatin.As a result,without any exercise or special diet,these cows have incredible muscle mass.Similar cases have been documented in dogs,mice,and even a few cases of human babies lacking the GDF-8 gene.These findings have helped scientists understand why some people bulk up easily,while others struggle to.Lower levels of myostatin=more muscle mass.

這個(gè)現(xiàn)象首先是。在比利時(shí)藍(lán)牛中發(fā)現(xiàn)的。這種奶牛的肌肉質(zhì)量比普通奶牛多2-3倍,之后人們發(fā)現(xiàn) 他們體內(nèi)缺失一種叫GDF-8的基因,這種基因恰巧是生產(chǎn)肌生成抑制蛋白的。正因如此 若無鍛煉和特殊食譜控制 這些奶牛的肌肉會(huì)特別大。類似的情況已在狗類 鼠類中有所記載,甚至還有少數(shù)人類嬰兒缺少GDF-8基因的案例。這些發(fā)現(xiàn)也已幫助科學(xué)家理解為何一部分人肌肉容易發(fā)達(dá),而其他人卻難以達(dá)到。低肌生成抑制蛋白水平=大塊肌肉。

In fact,some studies have even shown that many champion body builders have naturally lower levels,or even entire deletions of the myostatin gene.If you look at somebody like Arnold Schwarzenegger,as a teen,he just looks naturally muscular.As such,perhaps many champion bodybuilders owe their success more to genetics than their training or drug use.

實(shí)際上 一些研究顯示 許多健美冠軍身體中 肌生成抑制蛋白水平較低 或者干脆沒有這種基因。如果你看到位像施瓦辛格一樣的人 從青少年角度看,他看上去只是肌肉自然發(fā)達(dá)而已。同樣 也許很多健美冠軍都將他們的成功 歸結(jié)于基因 而不是鍛煉或藥物。

Eventually,it may be possible to develop drugs which deplete or block myostatin.Of course,it's a double edged sword;

有朝一日 我們也許能生產(chǎn)完全阻斷肌生成抑制蛋白的藥物。當(dāng)然 這又是把雙刃劍;

On the one hand,patients with muscular dystrophy,or muscle loss from aging could regrow and restore muscle.

一方面說 肌肉萎縮癥患者或是,因衰老損失肌肉的人可以此使肌肉重生 恢復(fù)。

On the other hand,the potential for abuse as performance enhancers seems...inevitable.But,the prospect of seeing a real-life human Hulk...,seems kind of cool.

另一方面 為提升健身效果而濫用藥物似乎也在所難免。不過 若是能見到一個(gè)真人浩克。。??瓷先ヒ餐岬?。

Besides,should those who already have low levels of myostatin be considered to have an unfair advantage?It's hard to say.Regardless,be weary of anybody selling or promoting this unproven and unregulated treatment.At the end of the day,whether you have naturally low or high myostatin levels,remember this is the level that is optimal for your mechanical and metabolic efficiency.

那么 是否該認(rèn)為那些體內(nèi)肌生成抑制蛋白含量較低的人 具有不公平的優(yōu)勢呢?很難說。無論如何 別輕信那些兜售或推行這種未證實(shí) 無監(jiān)管療法的人。最后 無論你體內(nèi)本身含有的蛋白水平是高是低 請記住 這只是你身體機(jī)能及代謝效率的最佳水準(zhǔn)。

With proper exercise and general health,you'll reach your own unique physiological peak,And while you may not be destined to pack a punch like Superman,you can push your own limits through training and hard work.But what if you could punch as hard as Superman?

通過適當(dāng)?shù)腻憻捙c健康的生活方式,你會(huì)達(dá)到自己獨(dú)一無二的生理極限。同時(shí) 盡管你不太可能打出超人般的一擊,你仍可以通過努力鍛煉提升自己的極限。但是 如果你能打出超人的一擊呢?

Our friend Jake over at Vsauce3 has the answer to this smashing superhero question which you definitely need to check out.And if you want to know how much myostatin you have...there's only one real way to find out,Get working.

Vsauce3的Jack對這個(gè)碉堡問題給出了碉堡的答案 你一定得去看看。另外如果你想知道你體內(nèi)肌生成抑制蛋白含量的話。。。只有一種方式能知道答案 去鍛煉吧。


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