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BBC News:印巴邊境自殺式爆炸襲擊已造成50多人死亡 布基納法索人民游行要求還政于民




BBC news with Sue Montgomery

Sue Montgomery為您播報(bào)BBC新聞。

Police in Pakistan says suicide bombers have killed at least 50 people and wounded more than 70 close to the border with India. The Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has condemned, what he described as, a dastardly act of terrorism. Shahzeb Jillani reports.

巴基斯坦警方稱發(fā)生在其與印度邊境的自殺式人體炸彈襲擊已經(jīng)造成至少50人死亡70多人受傷。印度總理納倫德拉穆迪譴責(zé)了此次襲擊事件,稱這是一種卑鄙的恐怖主義襲擊行為。Shahzeb Jillani發(fā)回報(bào)道。

“The suicide bomber struck at the end of a parade at the Wagah border crossing. It’s the only crossing between Pakistan and India, and hundreds gathered there daily to watch soldiers conduct a flag lowering ceremony as the border closes. Among those killed are women and children. A militant group linked to the fraction of Taliban Jundallah said the bombing was retaliation against Pakistani military’s offensive in the north Uzistan tribe region.”


A number of other militant groups have also said they carried out the attack. India says the daily flag lowering ceremony would be called off for three days at Pakistan’s request.


Voting has ended in eastern Ukraine for the elections of the regional assembly and heads of government in the self-proclaim Donetsk and Lugansk Republics. The election is seen as illegal by Kiev and by the international community. David stern is in Kiev has more details.

在烏克蘭東部關(guān)于頓涅茨克和盧甘斯克組建政府的選舉已經(jīng)結(jié)束。基輔和國(guó)際社會(huì)都視此次選舉不具備法律效應(yīng)。David stern 在基輔為您發(fā)回詳細(xì)報(bào)道。

“We have the first exit polls in fact from the self-declared Donetsk People’s Republic. As expected, the current acting leader Alexander Zakharchenko is well in the lead with 81% of the vote, that’s the exit poll. The outcome of this election was really not in doubt. The question really is what is going to happen next, given the very strong denunciation of these elections by the western governments, by the fact the United Nations said that is not going to contribute to the peace process and fears, of course, this would in fact lead to a further escalation.”

我們對(duì)自稱為頓涅茨克人民共和國(guó)的人民做了一次民意調(diào)查,正如預(yù)期那樣,目前的代理領(lǐng)袖Alexander Zakharchenko占據(jù)投票比重的81%。選舉的結(jié)果并不令人感到驚奇。真正的問(wèn)題是接下來(lái)西方政府對(duì)此行為的強(qiáng)烈譴責(zé)。聯(lián)合國(guó)方面也表示這一做法不會(huì)促進(jìn)世界的和平進(jìn)程,事實(shí)上會(huì)進(jìn)一步加劇關(guān)系緊張。

A series of bombing in Iraqi capital Baghdad has killed more than 30 pilgrims on the eve of the Shiai’s religious festival Ashura, One of those explosions killed 14 people who gathered as refreshment tempts in the southern city district. Ashura Ceremony was targeted in the past by Sunni militants. S reports.


Ashura is always a tense time in Iraq, but never more so than this year. The fear raised as the Sunni militants belonging to or linked with ISIS would launch attacks on the hundreds of thousands of Shiai pilgrims gathering in Kebla for the religious festival. The latest bombings in Baghdad targeted pilgrims preparing to go to the city. But Sunnis who fight back against ISIS have also suffered. In the past few days, Jihadists have lined up and shot at least 200 members of the Albernimer Tribe in Anbar province, including women and children.

阿舒拉節(jié)舉行時(shí)期在伊拉克是非常緊張的時(shí)刻,但是從沒(méi)有像今年這樣。自遜尼派加入到了或者與ISIS有聯(lián)系之后緊張的氣氛頓時(shí)顯得更加恐懼。遜尼派將會(huì)在宗教節(jié)日上在聚集數(shù)百名朝圣者的Kebla發(fā)動(dòng)襲擊。在巴格達(dá)發(fā)生的最新一次爆炸襲擊目標(biāo)為準(zhǔn)備前往該城市的朝圣者。但是遜尼派同樣也遭到了襲擊。在過(guò)去的幾天里,圣戰(zhàn)分子射殺了至少安巴爾省Albernimer 地區(qū)的200人,其中包括婦女和兒童。

A prominent politician in Yemen has been killed in the capital a day after political parties agreed to allow a new technocratic government to be formed. Muhamad Mahamudiali was shot dead by gunmen on a motor cycle.

也門著名政治家在政黨同意組建新的技術(shù)官僚政府的一天后被殺。Muhamad Mahamudiali被騎摩托的槍手擊中身亡。

BBC news


A UN’s panel of experts on climate change has released what its leader has called, the most robust report yet, challenging policy makers to eradicate greenhouse emission, or face irreversible damage. The report says the global warming is unequivocal, and that it is mainly caused by human activities rather than by other factors. It says electricity generation must be almost totally carbon-free by the mid of the century if dangers to be avoided.


The army in Burkina Faso has fired chokes into the air to disperse protesters at the headquarters of the State’s Broadcaster in the capital Ouagadougou. Opposition demanded that the civilian-led transitional government take charge until the next presidential elections. Earlier United States envoy in the city warned of the possible sanction if the military kept the power.


The Africa Union, the Economic Union of West African States, and United Nations are ready to work with all parties for a rapid return to a constitutional rule. The missions encourage all parties to take part to respect human rights, so that the transition is managed in a way that respects the will of the people.


Police in southern Indian have taken 30 people into P of custody as a number of young people gathered in a beach at southern city of Kuqi to hold hands and kiss in public. A group of social activists has called for the kiss of love demonstration. They were protesting against what they said was excessive moral policing after a group of hard-line Hindus launched a violent raid in a cafe to prevent the public displays of affection between men and women.


The British clarinettist Acker Bilk, who helped to shape the trend judged revival of the 1950s and 60s, has died at the age of 95. He was shot to international fame with his looting signature tune, stranger on the shore.

英國(guó)黑管演奏家艾克比爾克去世享年95歲。曾幫助復(fù)興20世紀(jì)50年代到60年代音樂(lè)。他憑借作品stranger on the shore一舉成名。

BBC news


BBC news with Sue Montgomery

Police in Pakistan says suicide bombers have killed at least 50 people and wounded more than 70 close to the border with India. The Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has condemned, what he described as, a dastardly act of terrorism. Shahzeb Jillani reports.

“The suicide bomber struck at the end of a parade at the Wagah border crossing. It’s the only crossing between Pakistan and India, and hundreds gathered there daily to watch soldiers conduct a flag lowering ceremony as the border closes. Among those killed are women and children. A militant group linked to the fraction of Taliban Jundallah said the bombing was retaliation against Pakistani military’s offensive in the north Uzistan tribe region.”

A number of other militant groups have also said they carried out the attack. India says the daily flag lowering ceremony would be called off for three days at Pakistan’s request.

Voting has ended in eastern Ukraine for the elections of the regional assembly and heads of government in the self-proclaim Donetsk and Lugansk Republics. The election is seen as illegal by Kiev and by the international community. David stern is in Kiev has more details.

“We have the first exit polls in fact from the self-declared Donetsk People’s Republic. As expected, the current acting leader Alexander Zakharchenko is well in the lead with 81% of the vote, that’s the exit poll. The outcome of this election was really not in doubt. The question really is what is going to happen next, given the very strong denunciation of these elections by the western governments, by the fact the United Nations said that is not going to contribute to the peace process and fears, of course, this would in fact lead to a further escalation.”

A series of bombing in Iraqi capital Baghdad has killed more than 30 pilgrims on the eve of the Shiai’s religious festival. One of those explosions killed 14 people who gathered as refreshment tempts in the southern city district. X Ceremony was targeted in the past by Sunni militants. S reports.

Asure is always a tense time in Iraq, but never more so than this year. The fear raised as the Sunni militants belonging to or linked with ISIS would launch attacks on the hundreds of thousands of Shiai pilgrims gathering in Kebla for the religious festival. The latest bombings in Baghdad targeted pilgrims preparing to go to the city. But Sunnis who fight back against ISIS have also suffered. In the past few days, Jihadists have lined up and shot at least 200 members of the Albernimer Tribe in Inba province, including women and children.

A prominent politician in Yemen has been killed in the capital a day after political parties agreed to allow a new technocratic government to be formed. Muhamad Mahamudiali was shot dead by gunmen on a motor cycle.

BBC news

A UN’s panel of experts on climate change has released what its leader has called, the most robust report yet, challenging policy makers to eradicate greenhouse emission, or face irreversible damage. The report says the global warming is unequivocal, and that it is mainly caused by human activities rather than by other factors. It says electricity generation must be almost totally carbon-free by the mid of the century if dangers to be avoided.

The army in Burkina Faso has fired chokes into the air to disperse protestors at the headquarters of the State’s Broadcaster in the capital Ouagadougou. Opposition demanded that the civilian-led transitional government take charge until the next presidential elections. Earlier United States envoy in the city warned of the possible sanction if the military kept the power.

The Africa Union, the Economic Union of West African States, and United Nations are ready to work with all parties for a rapid return to a constitutional rule. The missions encourage all parties to take part to respect human rights, so that the transition is managed in a way that respects the will of the people.

Police in southern Indian have taken 30 people into P of custody as a number of young people gathered in a beach at southern city of Kuqi to hold hands and kiss in public. A group of social activists has called for the kiss of love demonstration. They were protesting against what they said was excessive moral policing after a group of hard-line Hindus launched a violent raid in a cafe to prevent the public displays of affection between men and women.

The British clarinettist Acker Bilk, who helped to shape the trend judged revival of the 1950s and 60s, has died at the age of 95. He was shot to international fame with his looting signature tune, stranger on the shore.

BBC news


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