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BBC News:維珍銀河公司已對飛船爆炸事故原因展開調(diào)查 愛爾蘭群眾反對政府收取水費舉行游行




BBC News with Julie Candler.

Julie Candler為您播報BBC新聞。

The founder of Virgin Sir Richard Branson said lessons will be learned following the explosion of a Virgin Galactic rocket during a test flight in California. Sir Richard joined US Federal investigators at the crash site, looking at why Spaceship II broke up in midair. Our correspondent David Willies reports from the Mojave Desert.

維珍公司創(chuàng)始人Richard Branson表示在加利福尼亞州的銀河火箭首次試飛失敗事件中應(yīng)該吸取教訓(xùn)。Richard Branson加入到了美國聯(lián)邦對爆炸現(xiàn)場的調(diào)查,試圖發(fā)現(xiàn)飛船在起飛之后發(fā)生爆炸的原因。下面是本臺記者David Willies從莫哈維沙漠發(fā)回的報道。

A visibly shaken Sir Richard Branson said yesterday's disaster was a considerable setback to his mission and in the light of what had happened, he wouldn't be pushing on blindly. He indicated that Virgin Galactic's future would ultimately depend on the outcome of the crash investigators' inquiry. Spaceship II broke apart a couple of minutes after separating from the mother ship during a test flight here. One of the pilots ejected and seriously ill in hospital. The other didn't survive.

Richard Branson感到震驚,并說昨天的爆炸對他的工作是相當大的打擊,關(guān)于事故的原因他不能就這樣被無辜指責(zé)。他表示維珍銀河公司的未來取決于事故調(diào)查的結(jié)果。飛船二號在離開母體后兩分鐘后開始試飛隨后發(fā)生爆炸。其中一名飛行員被強行彈出受重傷在醫(yī)院接受治療。其他飛行人員無一生還。

The opposition in Burkina Faso says it won't accept a military takeover of the country and is going to take to the streets on Sunday in protest. President Blaise Compaore stepped down on Friday after a popular uprising. The army has named lieutenant-colonel Issac Zida as the country's new leader. The African Union has called for a civilian-led transition leading to free and fair elections as soon as possible. Here is our West Africa correspondent T. F.

布基納法索反對黨表示不會接受該國家的軍事接管事宜,并在周日舉行游行示威??偨y(tǒng)布萊斯孔波雷在周五人民起義之后辭職下臺。軍隊已任命中校Issac Zida為國家的新任領(lǐng)導(dǎo)人。非洲聯(lián)盟呼吁群眾領(lǐng)導(dǎo)的過渡運動將會盡快推動展開自由公平的選舉。下面是本臺非洲記者發(fā)回的報道。

After 24 hours of a power struggle within the army to decide who should lead the country, opposition parties and civil groups are claiming the victory from the popular uprising that forced President Compaore to resign. They say the management of the transition belongs to the people and shouldn't be confiscated by the army. They've called for a mass rally in the morning. There is growing concern among the population that this week's events may now be hijacked by a military coup.


Tens of thousands of people have been protesting through the Republic of Ireland over the introduction of charges for tap water. The average household will have to pay about 300 dollars a year. Chris Pay reports.

成千上萬的人就愛爾蘭自來水費的收取展開抗議。平均每戶家庭水費將達到300美元一年。Chris Pay發(fā)回報道。

Campaigners have held almost 100 demonstrations across the Republic of Ireland. Some protesters burned registration forms for the water charges scheme. In January of next year, people will have to pay for a domestic water supply for the first time. It's a consequence of the international financial bailout which Ireland accepted in 2010. The multi-billion Euro package rescued the country's economy, but the condition was that Ireland had to reduce its national debts.


Police in Hong Kong have arrested a British man over the murders of two women. The victims were found in a luxury flat in the Wan Chai District. Police said one of the bodies had been stuffed into a suitcase and left out on a balcony. Media in Hong Kong are reporting that the man arrested at the scene was a 29-year old banker with a top global firm and that the women were sex workers.


World News from the BBC.


Iraqi officials say Islamic State militants have carried out a new mass killing of members of a tribe in Anbar Province. The officials say the Jihadists lined up and shot at least 50 men and women of the al-Bulimia Tribe in retaliation for their resistance to IS. The al-Bulimia had fought the militants for several weeks.

伊拉克官員稱伊斯蘭武裝分子在安巴爾省進行了大規(guī)模屠殺。警方表示圣戰(zhàn)分子排隊槍殺了至少50名對抗IS組織的al-Bulimia Tribe男人女人。al-Bulimia Tribe與武裝分子之間已經(jīng)進行了數(shù)周的激烈交火。

Rights activists in Saudi Arabia said the pioneering female lawyer Suad al-Shamery has been arrested for comment she made on twitter which had been portrayed by her opponents as insulting Islam. Our Arab Affairs editor Sebastian Usher reports.

沙特阿拉伯人權(quán)活動家稱創(chuàng)業(yè)女律師Suad al-Shamery因在推特上對其對手伊斯蘭教使進行詆毀被逮捕。下面是本臺阿拉伯記者Sebastian Usher發(fā)回報道。

Suad Shamery has long been a thorn in the sight of religious establishment in Saudi Arabia. She's persistently questioned the good faith of some Islamic clerics whom she sees as one of the main obstacles preventing Saudi women from obtaining more rights. She received threats earlier this year for suggesting that the adoption of long beards as a sign of being a devout Muslim was silly. She is now facing police interrogation over the similar twits. The signs are not good. She had set up a group called Saudi de Libros. Her co-founder R. B. is currently serving a 10-year sentence for insulting Islam.

Suad Shamery一直是沙特阿拉伯宗教機構(gòu)中的眼中刺。她一直對一些伊斯蘭神職人員保持懷疑態(tài)度,因為她認為這是阻礙沙特婦女獲得更多權(quán)利的障礙。在今年早些時候她受到了威脅,因為她稱選擇留長胡子作為虔誠的穆斯林表示是非常愚蠢的行為。她現(xiàn)在正面臨著相似指控的審問。但是跡象表明并不良好。她創(chuàng)建了一個叫Saudi de Libros的組織。她的共同創(chuàng)始人R.B.目前正因為詆毀伊斯蘭教進行10年服刑。

An Argentine judge has asked Spain to arrest and extradite two Spanish former ministers accused of involvement in murder during the military rule of General Franco. They can not be tried in Spain because of an amnesty law. But the officials could be prosecuted in Argentina. The families of alleged victims have asked Argentina for help because it has an extradition treaty with Spain.


The authorities in Bangladesh say they are struggling to restore electricity supplies after the whole country was hit by a power blackout. The first time this has happened in seven years. A director of state-run power development board acknowledged that the national grid had collapsed. He said efforts to bring power back had failed repeatedly. Officials say there is a glitch in the transitional line to India opened last year.


BBC News.


BBC News with Julie Candler.

The founder of Virgin Sir Richard Branson said lessons will be learned following the explosion of a Virgin Galactic rocket during a test flight in California. Sir Richard joined US Federal investigators at the crash site, looking at why Spaceship II broke up in midair. Our correspondent David Willies reports from the Mojave Desert.

A visibly shaken Sir Richard Branson said yesterday's disaster was a considerable setback to his mission and in the light of what had happened, he wouldn't be pushing on blindly. He indicated that Virgin Galactic's future would ultimately depend on the outcome of the crash investigators' inquiry. Spaceship II broke apart a couple of minutes after separating from the mother ship during a test flight here. One of the pilots ejected and seriously ill in hospital. The other didn't survive.

The opposition in Burkina Faso says it won't accept a military takeover of the country and is going to take to the streets on Sunday in protest. President Blaise Compaore stepped down on Friday after a popular uprising. The army has named lieutenant-colonel Issac Zida as the country's new leader. The African Union has called for a civilian-led transition leading to free and fair elections as soon as possible. Here is our West Africa correspondent T. F.

After 24 hours of a power struggle within the army to decide who should lead the country, opposition parties and civil groups are claiming the victory from the popular uprising that forced President Compaore to resign. They say the management of the transition belongs to the people and shouldn't be confiscated by the army. They've called for a mass rally in the morning. There is growing concern among the population that this week's events may now be hijacked by a military coup.

Tens of thousands of people have been protesting through the Republic of Ireland over the introduction of charges for tap water. The average household will have to pay about 300 dollars a year. Chris Pay reports.

Campaigners have held almost 100 demonstrations across the Republic of Ireland. Some protesters burned registration forms for the water charges scheme. In January of next year, people will have to pay for a domestic water supply for the first time. It's a consequence of the international financial bailout which Ireland accepted in 2010. The multi-billion Euro package rescued the country's economy, but the condition was that Ireland had to reduce its national debts.

Police in Hong Kong have arrested a British man over the murders of two women. The victims were found in a luxury flat in the Wan Chai District. Police said one of the bodies had been stuffed into a suitcase and left out on a balcony. Media in Hong Kong are reporting that the man arrested at the scene was a 29-year old banker with a top global firm and that the women were sex workers.

World News from the BBC.

Iraqi officials say Islamic State militants have carried out a new mass killing of members of a tribe in Anbar Province. The officials say the Jihadists lined up and shot at least 50 men and women of the al-Bulimia Tribe in retaliation for their resistance to IS. The al-Bulimia had fought the militants for several weeks.

Rights activists in Saudi Arabia said the pioneering female lawyer Suad al-Shamery has been arrested for comment she made on twitter which had been portrayed by her opponents as insulting Islam. Our Arab Affairs editor Sebastian Usher reports.

Suad Shamery has long been a thorn in the sight of religious establishment in Saudi Arabia. She's persistently questioned the good faith of some Islamic clerics whom she sees as one of the main obstacles preventing Saudi women from obtaining more rights. She received threats earlier this year for suggesting that the adoption of long beards as a sign of being a devout Muslim was silly. She is now facing police interrogation over the similar twits. The signs are not good. She had set up a group called Saudi de Libros. Her co-founder R. B. is currently serving a 10-year sentence for insulting Islam.

An Argentine judge has asked Spain to arrest and extradite two Spanish former ministers accused of involvement in murder during the military rule of General Franco. They can not be tried in Spain because of an amnesty law. But the officials could be prosecuted in Argentina. The families of alleged victims have asked Argentina for help because it has an extradition treaty with Spain.

The authorities in Bangladesh say they are struggling to restore electricity supplies after the whole country was hit by a power blackout. The first time this has happened in seven years. A director of state-run power development board acknowledged that the national grid had collapsed. He said efforts to bring power back had failed repeatedly. Officials say there is a glitch in the transitional line to India opened last year.

BBC News.


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