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BBC News:中國船只探測到疑似失蹤馬航飛機脈沖信號



BBC News with Natalia Rolleston


The outgoing President of Afghanistan Hamid Karzaihas praised Afghan voters for turning out theirmillions in election to replace him. He said they'vemade the country proud demonstratingAfghanistan's democracy to the world. President Obama congratulated the Afghan people,calling the vote an important milestone. Estimates by the electoral authorities for the turnout58%. The chairman of the Free and Fair Election Foundation, Nader Nadery told the BBC, thiswas the best election in Afghanistan yet.

即 將離任的阿富汗總統(tǒng)哈米德·卡爾扎伊贊揚了數(shù)百萬阿富汗選民參加投票來選舉新總統(tǒng),他說他們使得阿富汗能驕傲地向世界展示本國的民主。奧巴馬總統(tǒng)對阿富汗 人民表示祝賀,稱這次選舉是重要的里程碑。選舉當局估計投票率是58%,自由和公平選舉基金會主席納德利告訴BBC,這是阿富汗舉行的最好的選舉。

The election itself was not only for the people casting a vote to choose their next leader, butthey were in a way, voting for continuation in the traditionalization of democracy in thiscountry. And I think that the verdict is very clear, and they do want to see democracy andpeople's role and rule to be institutional life, and it was a clear message of defiance, to theTaliban, to those across of Afghanistan's border who want to see this country fail.


The Chinese ship involved in the hunt for the missing Malaysian plane is said of detected apulse signal in the Southern Indian Ocean. The Australia coordinator of the search said thefrequency of the signal as reported by Chinese state media was consistent with that of aflight recorder, but they stressed they couldn't say whether it was any connection to flightMH370, which vanished a month ago. More details from Nick Childs.


This may be significant, but with so few detail so far and with so many false leads before, theyare must also be considerable caution about this report. The most intriguing element is theapparent frequency of the signal pick up 37.5kHz, that is consistent with the beacon on theblack box. But the contact was as seen as only fleeting, the search area was also still vast that84,000 square miles.


The government of Guinea has praised aid workers trying to contain an outbreak of Ebola afterthey came under attack from local people. The charity, Medecins Sans Frontier closed thetreatment center after the attack. Richard Hamilton reports.


A government statement said angry mob attacked the treatment center because the rumorsthat the MSF had brought Ebola into Guinea, where the disease had never been seen before.The MFS said they will work with the authorities to try to resolve the problem, said they couldstart treating people again. The government praised the efforts of medical charity and urgedthe population to stay calm, stressing the need for greater education about the virus. About90 people in Guinea and neighboring Liberia have died from Ebola.

政府聲明稱,由于傳聞稱無國界醫(yī)生組織將埃博拉病毒帶到幾內亞這個從未出現(xiàn)過 這種病毒的國家,憤怒的暴徒就襲擊了治療中心。無國界醫(yī)生組織稱將于當局一道努力解決這一問題,稱將會繼續(xù)給人們治療。政府贊揚了該慈善組織的努力,敦促 民眾保持平靜,并強調有必要加大對病毒知識的教育。幾內亞和鄰國利比里亞約有90人死于埃博拉。

Suspected Islamist militants in northeastern Nigeria have shot dead at least 17 worshipers in amosque. Witnesses said gunmen struck as residents of a village gather for dawn prayers.Mosques have been a frequent target of militants who threatened clerics preaching against theextremism. The militant Islamist group, Boko Haram has killed more than 1,200 people thisyear.


BBC news


The French government has announced that it's pulling out the 20th anniversarycommemorations for the Rwandan genocide. The decision follows an accusation by theRwandan President Paul Kagame that France participated in the mass killings in 1994. Mr.Kagame has previously made similar allegations. The French Foreign Ministry spokesman saidthe remarks went against reconciliation efforts between the two countries.


Pakistan International Airline says it sacked 300 employees over the past six months for fakingtheir academic qualifications. The Pakistani National Carrier has been ordered to review thecredentials of all of its employees.


Abigail Mosley reports.

A spokesman for Pakistan International Airline said those who'd lied about their qualifications,included pilots and engineers as well as the cabin crew and staff from other departments. Hesaid on top of the 300 who'd already been sacked, another 50 cases of employees who'd fakedtheir credentials were currently under a review. PIA is undergoing the memos task of verifyingthe qualifications of about 16,000 of its workforce following an order by the Pakistan SupremeCourt.


Police in Colombia say they've arrested a man suspected of throwing acid at a woman's face, ina case that has caused outrage in the country. He is said to be a former neighbor of hers.


A Roman Catholic archbishop in the United State says he will sell his expensive mansion justthree months after he'd moved into it. Wilton Gregory, the archbishop of Atlanta in Georgia hasbeen heavily criticized by lay Catholics for having a Tudor-style mansion with more than $2mbuild for him. This comes at a time when Pope Francis is setting a tone of austerity andhumility in the Church. Archbishop Gregory has publicly apologized.


And that's the latest World News from the BBC



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