嫩肉 tender meat; 瘦肉 lean meat;
肥肉 fat meat 或 fatty meat;
腌制肉 cured meat; 煙燻肉 smoked meat;
肉干jerky; 肉松 meat floss;
煙燻肉 smoked meat; 香腸sausage;
罐頭肉canned meat
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Open Here 此處開啟 Split Here 此處撕開
Mechanical Help 車輛修理
Do Not Pass 禁止超車 No U Turn 禁止掉頭
U Turn Ok 可以U形轉彎
No Cycling in the School 校內禁止騎車
SOS 緊急求救信號
封面front cover;目錄table of contents;
前頁front matter; 硬封面hardbound;
軟封面softcover; 書脊spine;序言foreword;
前言preface; 章節(jié)chapter;附錄appendix;
索引index; 附注notes;
參考文獻bibliography; 獻詞dedication。