Twitter was originally designed as pretty much a broadcast medium. You send one messageand it goes out to everybody, and you receive the messages you're interested in. One of themany ways that users shaped the evolution of Twitter was by inventing a way to reply to aspecific person or a specific message. So, this syntax, the "@username" that ShaquilleO'Neal's using here to reply to one of his fans was completely invented by users, and we didn'tbuild it into the system until it already became popular and then we made it easier. This is oneof the many ways that users have shaped the system.
Another is via the API. We built an application programming interface, which basically meansthat programmers can write software that interacts with Twitter. We currently know about over2,000 pieces of software that can send Twitter updates, interfaces for Mac, Windows, youriPhone, your BlackBerry ... as well as things like a device that lets an unborn baby Twitter whenit kicks or a plant Twitter when it needs water.