"But I want to help, if I can, to not make this harder for you."
"Well…" He contemplated for a moment. "It was just how close you were. Most humansinstinctively shy away from us, are repelled by our alienness… I wasn't expecting you to comeso close. And the smell of your throat." He stopped short, looking to see if he'd upset me.
"Okay, then," I said flippantly, trying to alleviate the suddenly tense atmosphere. I tucked mychin. "No throat exposure."
It worked; he laughed. "No, really, it was more the surprise than anything else."
He raised his free hand and placed it gently on the side of my neck. I sat very still, the chill ofhis touch a natural warning — a warning telling me to be terrified. But there was no feeling offear in me. There were, however, other feelings…
"You see," he said. "Perfectly fine."
My blood was racing, and I wished I could slow it, sensing that this must make everything somuch more difficult — the thudding of my pulse in my veins. Surely he could hear it.
"The blush on your cheeks is lovely," he murmured. He gently freed his other hand. My handsfell limply into my lap. Softly he brushed my cheek, then held my face between his marblehands.