"Tomorrow, then." I opened the door unwillingly.
"Bella?" I turned and he was leaning toward me, hispale, glorious face just inches from mine. My heartstopped beating.
"Sleep well," he said. His breath blew in my face, stunning me. It was the same exquisite scentthat clung to his jacket, but in a more concentrated form. I blinked, thoroughly dazed. Heleaned away.
I was unable to move until my brain had somewhat unscrambled itself. Then I stepped out ofthe car awkwardly, having to use the frame for support. I thought I heard him chuckle, butthe sound was too quiet for me to be certain.
He waited till I had stumbled to the front door, and then I heard his engine quietly rev. I turnedto watch the silver car disappear around the corner. I realized it was very cold.
I reached for the key mechanically, unlocked the door, and stepped inside.
Charlie called from the living room. "Bella?"
"Yeah, Dad, it's me." I walked in to see him. He was watching a baseball game.
"You're home early."
"Am I?" I was surprised.
"It's not even eight yet," he told me. "Did you girls have fun?"
"Yeah — it was lots of fun." My head was spinning as I tried to remember all the way back to thegirls' night out I had planned. "They both found dresses."
"Are you all right?"
"I'm just tired. I did a lot of walking."
"Well, maybe you should go lie down." He sounded concerned. I wondered what my facelooked like.
"I'm just going to call Jessica first."
"Weren't you just with her?" he asked, surprised.
"Yes — but I left my jacket in her car. I want to make sure she brings it tomorrow."
"Well, give her a chance to get home first."