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[27:57.37]l dumped a lot on your lap this week, but you're doing a great job. Betty 我知道 這周我給你的擔子很重
[27:59.23]但你得知道 你做的非常好
[28:01.11]No. Daniel, l am out of my league here. 不 Daniel 我在這里孤立無援
[28:03.88]Listen, when l started this job, 聽著 當我開始這份工作的時候
[28:05.81]who was the secretary from Queens who saved the Fabia account? 那個來自皇后區(qū)的 挽救了Fabia客戶的小秘書是誰?
[28:09.62]- Me. - And who took all the credit? 我
[28:11.55]- You. - When you get praised for the show, 誰被記功了?
[28:12.54]這個禮拜 當你因為發(fā)布會的成功 得到表揚時
[28:14.65]- who's gonna get the credit? - You. 你覺得功勞該記在誰頭上?
[28:17.06]No, you! l'm gonna make sure of it. 你
[28:17.14]不 是你! 我保證
[28:19.43]You just... You really gotta try and enjoy this. 瞧 你-- 你真的應該努力嘗試 并享受這些
[28:22.06]This is incredible. 那太奇妙了
[28:26.87]l have to go. Find something to do! 我得走了 找點事情做 快點 我們快沒時間了!
[28:29.17]Come on, we are on a deadline!
[28:31.74]Sorry. My assistant's been having a rough day. 抱歉 我助手今天過得不太順
[28:34.77]You are not the Daniel Meade l'd thought you'd be. 你和我想象中的Daniel Meade不同
[28:37.38]Really? Who are you getting your information from? 真的嗎? 你是從哪里 得到有關我的信息的?
[28:41.08]Daniel, l have a little confession to make. Daniel 我要跟你坦白一件事
[28:43.62]- OK. - Your brother... 好的
[28:48.46]Yeah? 怎么?
[28:51.52]l used to date him. 我曾經(jīng)跟他約過會
[29:03.70]You... OK... You can do this. 好吧
[29:03.95]你… 好了
[29:07.44]She is a model. Shiny things confuse her. - 我不行 我不行
[29:07.56]- 她是個模特
[29:10.58]OK, now, just flirt with her, maybe even kiss her, 好吧 現(xiàn)在去和她調(diào)情 甚至親吻也可以
[29:14.95]and that bunny skirt will hop right off her. 那條兔子裙就會被脫下來了
[29:17.58]OK, OK! 好吧 好吧 好吧!
[29:18.99]But if this is anything like my prom night, you're paying for the therapy. 但是如果和我舞會那天的遭遇一樣
[29:23.16]Wait! Come back. 好了 等等 回來
[29:26.59]Go! Go, go! 去 去 去吧
[29:31.00]The brother Alex talked about wouldn't care Alex口中常提起的弟弟
[29:33.40]what kind of day his assistant was having. 不會理會他的助理過的怎么樣
[29:35.64]Yeah, well, things change, right? People change. 是啊 世事無常 人也會變嘛
[29:38.67]- Yes, they do, Danny. - Thank you for coming. 是啊 的確如此 Danny
[29:41.07]- Thank you. Good luck with the show. - Thank you. 謝謝您的到來
[29:41.21]Daniel 謝謝你 祝這時裝周成功
[29:43.68]lt's actually Daniel. 非常感謝
[29:45.65]My brother's the only one who called me Danny. 只有我哥哥叫我Danny
[29:48.35]Do you miss him? 你想他嗎?
[29:50.82]We had a complicated relationship. 我們的關系很復雜 有點競爭性
[29:54.79]Competitive. l mean, you know how he was. 我是說 你知道他這個人
[29:57.96]To be honest, it might sound a little weird, but... 老實說-- 聽起來可能會有點怪--
[29:59.77]但是 嗯 這是種解脫
[30:01.39]...it's kind of a relief to finally be out from under his shadow.
[30:05.03]Oh, l think you're still standing in it, Danny. 噢 我覺得你還生活在陰影下… Danny
[30:11.54]- l've got a little secret for you. - Oh, yeah? What's that? 我有個小秘密要告訴你
[30:14.17]哦 是嗎? 是什么?
[30:20.75]What? 什么? 你到底在說什么?
[30:23.48]- What are you talking about? - Look into my eyes.
[30:26.22]The only thing they couldn't change. 看著我的眼睛 Danny
[30:28.35]ls this some kind of sick joke? 這是個無聊的玩笑吧?
[30:30.56]- Did Becks put you up to this? - Remember Tia Petroni? 什么 Becks--
[30:31.72]- Becks要你來的? - 還記得Tia Petroni嗎?
[30:33.73]The weekend in Vegas l got a little... crazy? 在vegas的那周我有點… 瘋狂?
[30:45.87]Ready for the show, Danny? 準備看好戲了嗎… Danny?
[30:55.58](emcee) Ladies and gentlemen, please take your seats. 女士們先生們 請入座
[30:59.35]Where is Daniel? Unbelievable. Daniel在哪兒?
[31:01.75]He should be here. He knows how important this is. 真不敢相信 他應該在這里的
[31:02.67]他知道這 的重要性

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