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[00:00.00]美劇MP3+LRC 12.08.17 16:34:32
[00:00.60]good morning, upper east siders. 早安 各位富貴閑人
[00:02.70]Gossip girl here-- 流言蜚女駕到
[00:04.00]your one and only source into the scandalous lives of manhattan's elite. 這是你們窺視曼哈頓上流生活 的唯一渠道
[00:08.20]oh, my god. 噢 天啊
[00:09.00]You'll never believe what's on "gossip girl. 你不會(huì)相信 "流言蜚女"上的內(nèi)容
[00:10.70]" Someone saw serena getting offthe train at grand central. "有人在中央車站看見Serena下車"
[00:12.80]I thought everythingwas good between us. 我一位你我直接有很多美好的回憶
[00:14.30]It was...before I found out you had sex with my boyfriend. 曾經(jīng)是...在我發(fā)現(xiàn)你跟我男友 上床之前
[00:17.10]I didn't come back for you. 我不是為你回來的
[00:18.30]Look, blair's my best friend,and you're her boyfriend. 聽著 Blair是我最好的朋友 而你是他的男友
[00:20.90]And she loves you. 她愛你
[00:21.90]You'd really go outwith some guy you don't know? 你真的要跟陌生人一起出去嗎
[00:23.40]Well, you can't be worsethan the guys i do know. 你比我認(rèn)識(shí)的男生強(qiáng)多了
[00:25.00]Well, our kids were bound to meet.It's a small island. 我們的孩子注定會(huì)見面 曼哈頓很小
[00:26.90]Are you sure it's not some ploy, 你確定這不是因?yàn)槟闫拮与x開你
[00:28.10]your using my daughterto get to me now that your wife left you? 而利用我女兒接近我的策略?
[00:31.00]Do you ever feel like our whole lives have beenplanned out for us, 你有沒覺得我們一生都被安排好了
[00:33.40]that we're just gonna end up like our parents? 我們的人生最后就會(huì)像 我們父母一樣
[00:35.60]Man, that's a dark thought. 伙計(jì) 這么想就消沉了
[00:36.70]Your mother and I didn'twork this hard so you can just make things upas you go along. 我和你母親這么辛苦不是為讓你 為所欲為的
[00:40.00]it's a facilityfor the disturbed or addicted. 那是治療精神病和癮君子的 康復(fù)中心
[00:42.60]The question is, what do you do now? 所以問題是 你現(xiàn)在準(zhǔn)備怎么做
[00:44.90]I was thinking... 我想...
[00:46.90]total social destruction? 完全破壞她的社交形象
[00:48.70]And here I thought you were getting soft. 我還以為你已經(jīng)沒什么手段了
[00:50.20]It's becauseof their excellent program 在他們出色醫(yī)療項(xiàng)目的幫助下
[00:52.20]that a student here with ustoday is clean and sober... 我們的一位同學(xué)就是其中的受益者
[00:56.20]at least, for now. 至少 現(xiàn)在是這樣
[00:57.10]She's in rehab? 她在康復(fù)?
[00:58.10]No, it's not her.It's her brother who's there. 不是她 是她弟弟
[00:59.90]I know I said some thingsabout you and your world, and I'm sorry. 我知道我曾經(jīng)批評(píng)過 你本人和你的圈子
[01:04.00]Why did you leavewithout saying good-bye? 你為什么不辭而別
[01:05.80]I didn't know how to beyour friend after what I did. 我不知道做了那事之后還怎么 當(dāng)你朋友
[01:09.70]I'm so sorry. 對(duì)不起
[01:11.30]Spotted in central park-- two white flags waving. 中央公園 兩面白旗高舉投降
[01:14.80]So what will it be-- truce or consequences? 到底會(huì)怎樣 就此休戰(zhàn) 還是不分勝負(fù)誓不罷休
[01:26.80]<font color="#ffff00">gossip.girl Season1 Episode04 <font color="#ffff00">流言蜚女 第一季 第4集
[02:14.10]sorry, but you're not on the list. 抱歉 你不在名單上
[02:15.60]Of course I am. 我當(dāng)然在
[02:18.00]This is my dream! 這是我的夢(mèng)想
[02:19.30]not anymore. 現(xiàn)在不是了
[02:24.50]oh, serena, it's so wonderful to see you. 噢 Serena 見到你太好了
[02:28.80]hey, upper east siders. 嘿 各位富貴閑人
[02:30.30]There's nothing gossip girl likes more than a surprise, 沒什么比驚喜更讓 流言蜚女喜歡的了
[02:33.40]and we hear blair waldorf's got a 2-for-1 special-- 我們聽說Blair Waldorf得到了份 二合一特別驚喜
[02:36.40]her mom eleanor, who just returned from paris, 她剛才巴黎歸來的母親Eleanor
[02:39.30]and serena van der woodsen, brunch buddies. 和早午餐伙伴Serena Van Der
[02:41.80]Hey!You're up. 嘿 你起床了
[02:43.10]Did we have plans? 我們計(jì)劃過嗎
[02:44.00]Darling, it is impolite to interrupt. 親愛的 打斷別人談話是不禮貌的
[02:47.00]I was just telling serena that bendel's is interested in carrying my line. 我正跟Serena說Bendel有興趣 推出我的品牌
[02:52.60]Really? 真的?
[02:53.60]Oh, that's fantastic! 那簡(jiǎn)直太棒了
[02:55.60]Why didn't you say something? 你之前怎么沒提過
[02:56.80]I came back from paris early to put together my lookbook, 我提前從巴黎回來準(zhǔn)備樣本冊(cè)子
[02:59.50]and if they like what they see, 如果他們喜歡上面的款式
[03:01.70]it could be the beginning of an entire lifestyle collection. 說不定就是一整套風(fēng)格時(shí)裝 的誕生
[03:05.30]Because more people should be like you, mother. 那樣 會(huì)有更多的人和你風(fēng)格一樣
[03:07.30]Before you tuck into that, you find a low-fat yogurt more appealing. 在你把那個(gè)塞下去之前 應(yīng)該會(huì)發(fā)覺低脂酸奶更誘人
[03:16.10]I lost 2 pounds when you were away. 你不在的時(shí)候我減了2磅
[03:17.80]And you look marvelous. 你看起來"美"極了
[03:19.50]Wow, these are beautiful, mrs.Waldorf. 這些衣服太漂亮了 Waldorf夫人
[03:21.70]Well, they will be if they're not all squished from traveling. 要不是在旅途中被折壓過 那才叫漂亮呢
[03:25.40]Darling, please. 親愛的 借過
[03:27.00]Serena, you have to come back later when everything is unpacked. 你得等所有東西都整理出來 你一定要過來看看
[03:30.00]I would love to hear your thoughts.You do have such great personal style. 我想聽聽你的意見 你的個(gè)人著裝風(fēng)格如此獨(dú)特
[03:33.00]Oh, thank you, but i don't think we'll be able to. 噢 多謝夸獎(jiǎng) 但我可能沒時(shí)間了
[03:35.30]Blair and I have plans today. Blair和我一整天都有安排
[03:37.40]We do? 我們有嗎
[03:38.50]Serena and blair might have plans for the day, Serena和Blair也許安排了一整天
[03:40.50]but nate and chuck are fully booked for the weekend... 但Nate和Chuck足足安排了整個(gè)周末
[03:43.40]if they survive it. 如果他們能挺過來的話
[03:44.90]- Found it. - Piaget. - 找到了 - 皮亞杰(名表品牌)
[03:46.50]Can't you just call it a watch? 你就不能叫它是表嗎
[03:47.50]If it costs more than 10 grand, it earns a proper name. 如果它身價(jià)1萬 就值得為它正名
[03:51.00]How about this? 這個(gè)怎么樣
[03:52.00]Definitely that. 毫無疑問
[03:53.90]Babe ruth's called shot-- the most famous homer he ever hit. Babe Ruth的必中一擊 他職業(yè)生涯最著名的本壘打
[03:58.60]Better safe than sorry. 小心放好以免遺憾
[04:06.50]here we go. 來了
[04:13.90]you've lived through ivy week and hopefully gained entry to the college of your choice. 你們都經(jīng)過常青藤周的考驗(yàn) 并能有幸進(jìn)入自己所選的大學(xué)
[04:18.50]Now let's ruin those chances. 現(xiàn)在讓我們來顛覆這一切
[04:20.70]Let me remind you of the rules-- 讓我給大家提醒一下規(guī)則
[04:22.40]as of this moment, there is no outside world that I do not show you. 在這一時(shí)刻 沒有什么所謂的 "外面的世界"
[04:25.60]You eat what I provide, practice what I preach, 大家吃由我提供的食物 玩我給你們找的樂子
[04:28.30]and till I say so, 直到我喊停
[04:30.30]the only girls you talk to are the ones I've paid for. 跟你們說話的姑娘們 都是我花錢請(qǐng)來的
[04:33.90]Yeah! 耶
[04:34.51]Let the lost weekend commence! "迷失周末"開場(chǎng)
[04:37.80]one, two, three, twins! 一 二 三 雙胞胎
[04:55.00]who brought the sasquatch? 誰把那個(gè)野人帶來的
[04:56.90]Isn't that carter baizen? 那不是Carter Baizen嗎
[04:58.20]I haven't seen him since he was a senior and we were in the eighth grade. 打從我們八年級(jí)他是高年級(jí)生 那會(huì)我就沒見過他了
[05:01.70]He looks intense. 他看起來挺兇的
[05:03.80]Are you high? 你喝高了嗎
[05:05.40]He looks like matthew mcconaughey between movies. 他那樣兒就像Matthew McConaughey 空檔期的土樣
[05:08.10]The guy's a loser. 那個(gè)人就是個(gè)失敗者
[05:09.20]Look, anyone who trades theirtrust fund for a fanny pack flies in the face of all 任何愿意拋棄自己的信托基金 帶個(gè)小包走天涯 又能回到我們所有人面前
[05:14.50]that is holy to chuck bass. 在我Chuck Bass看來 就是一牛人
[05:16.00]Nate archibald,is that you? Nate Archibald 對(duì)吧
[05:18.10]Baizen, my man!I heard you went rogue! Baizen 嘿 老伙計(jì) 聽說你在道上混啊
[05:21.40]- and lived to tell about it. - Hey. - 還有命回來給你們講講 - 是啊
[05:23.60]Seems like someone's itinerary didn't leave room for interlopers. 看來有人并不歡迎 這冒失的闖入者
[05:27.10]Doesn't chuck know a party isn't a party until someone crashes? 難道Chuch不知道 沒人前來 湊熱鬧 還叫什么派對(duì)啊?
[05:34.00]oh, god. 哦 天啊
[05:35.80]I forgot whatit was like to be with you. 我都快忘了跟你在一起啥感覺了
[05:37.40]No, they were looking at both of us. 噢 他們看的是我們倆
[05:39.50]Don't insult me. 別羞辱我了
[05:40.50]It's beenlike this all morning, starting with your lovely visitwith my mother. 整個(gè)早上都是這樣 先是 你跟我媽媽早上的到訪
[05:43.90]She didn't even call me to tell me she was coming home. 她甚至都沒打電話告訴我 她會(huì)回來
[05:45.80]Well, she was busy. 嗯 她太忙了
[05:46.90]She was rushing to get homeand everything because she wanted to see you. 她匆匆忙忙趕回家是因?yàn)?想見你
[05:50.70]She didn't even wake me up. 她都沒叫我起床
[05:51.90]Well, you know how eleanorfeels about beauty rest. 你知道Eleanor有多重視 美容覺
[05:54.60]She likes you more than me. 她喜歡你比我多
[05:56.00]She does not.You are her daughter. 才不是 你是她女兒啊
[05:57.70]She doesn't like anyonemore than you.She just... 全世界她最愛你 她就是...
[06:00.90]I don't know, doesn't knowhow to show it sometimes. 我也不知道 可能有時(shí)候不表現(xiàn)出來而已
[06:02.50]Okay, I'm going inside.Wait for me.I'll be right back. 好的 在這等我 我進(jìn)去一下 馬上回來
[06:13.00]Humphrey!Dan!Hey! Humphrey Dan 嘿
[06:16.20]Hey! 嘿
[06:17.80]oh, my god, this iswhat I love about this city-- 噢 天啊 我喜歡這個(gè)城市就是因?yàn)?-
[06:20.20]you're alwaysbumping into people. 你總是能碰見熟人
[06:22.60]What are you doing here? 你在這干什么
[06:23.50]Oh, I'm just on my wayback from my mom's, dropping jenny offup in hudson. 剛從我媽那回來 把Jenny送到哈德森區(qū)
[06:26.40]Picked up a couple of cubansfor me and my dad... 給我跟我爸買些古巴商品
[06:28.40]sandwiches, not cigars. 三明治 不是雪茄
[06:34.00]hey, uh, remember you said, uh,we could get together sometime and, um, not talk? 嘿 你還記不記得你說過 我們可以哪天一起出來 但是不談?
[06:39.30]I was just wondering,is it "sometime" yet? 我正想說 "哪天"到了吧
[06:41.40]That was disgusting.The D.O.H.Should shut them down. 太惡心了 衛(wèi)生署應(yīng)該把他們查封
[06:44.00]- The bathroom? - No, the people. - 洗手間不干凈? - 不 那些導(dǎo)購
[06:45.30]It's callednolita, not noshowers. 店名叫"諾里塔" 不是"不沖涼"
[06:48.10]What are you doing here? 你跟這干嘛捏
[06:50.00]Do I smell pork? 我聞到的是豬肉嗎
[06:51.80]And cheese? 還有奶酪
[06:53.80]Okay, well, when you're donewith your charity work, 好吧 等你搞定你的"慈善大業(yè)"之后
[06:56.40]why don't you come find me? 再來找我吧
[06:58.00]I'll be at tory burchlooking at ponchos. 我會(huì)在Tory Burch那看看... 披肩?!
[07:03.50]Isn't that the girlthat told the entire school-- 那女孩不是告訴整個(gè)學(xué)校--
[07:05.00]and, oh, several colleges--that you had a drug problem? 對(duì)了 還有幾所大學(xué) 說你有毒癮嗎
[07:08.90]Yeah. 對(duì)
[07:10.20]but, you know,blair can be a little... 但 要知道 Blair有時(shí)候挺...
[07:13.40]- blair. - Yeah, yeah. - Blair的 - 嗯 嗯
[07:14.90]we're actuallytrying to work things out. 其實(shí)我們正試著冰釋前嫌
[07:16.80]Today's our first dayhanging out together alone. 今天是我們頭一天 單獨(dú)出來逛街
[07:22.10]so I shouldprobably get back. 我可能得回去找她了
[07:23.80]- Yeah.Yeah, sure.That'S... - yeah. - 對(duì) 對(duì) 那肯定... - 嗯
[07:27.30]But, um, call me sometimeso we can get together 不過 有時(shí)間再給我打電話 我們好一起做那件
[07:30.30]and do that thingyou didn't ask me to do. 你沒邀請(qǐng)我一起做的事
[07:39.90]so I don't understand.The last timeI saw your sister, 我搞不明白 我最后一次見你妹妹的時(shí)候
[07:41.70]she said your familyhad locked you out 她說家里把你趕出去了
[07:43.50]and you'd fallen off the face of the earth. 還說你丟盡所有人的臉面
[07:45.30]I didn'T.I just fell offthe face of theirs. 我沒有 我只不過丟了他們的臉
[07:47.60]But once you turn awayfrom money you see it doesn't buy you freedom, 一旦你跟金錢say拜拜 你會(huì)發(fā)現(xiàn)金錢買不來自由
[07:50.50]it pays for your prison. 買來的是讓你深陷牢籠
[07:51.60]They say I disappeared, but all I did was break out. 他們說我失蹤了 其實(shí)我是越出那個(gè)金錢獄
[07:54.30]- Where'd you go? - Where didn't I? - 你去了哪兒 - 我哪兒沒去過啊
[07:55.80]I aided the cleanup post-katrina, spent a yearrebuilding machu picchu-- 我?guī)椭謇肀╋L(fēng)雨后的殘骸 花了一年時(shí)間參加馬丘-比丘的重建
[07:59.30]which, let me tell you,it's changed my life. 你可得聽好了 它改變了我的生活
[08:01.70]I bought an H.D.Cam and started filming it for a documentary-- 我買了部HD的攝像機(jī) 我準(zhǔn)備把它拍成紀(jì)錄片
[08:04.50]you're the guywho gave us our first joint, snuck us into our first club, 我們第一根大麻就是你給的 我們第一次進(jìn)夜總會(huì)也是你偷帶我們?nèi)サ?br /> [08:07.90]and you're gonna tell me the life of youtube filmmakeris better than this? 你卻打算告訴我們Youtube 短片制作人的生活比這個(gè)還好嗎
[08:12.70]You invented the lost weekend. "迷失周末"還是你發(fā)明的呢!
[08:14.60]Hey, who cares about a partywhen you can travel the world? 能周游世界誰還在乎什么派對(duì)啊
[08:17.00]exactly. 對(duì)極了
[08:17.70]In the real world,the only thing that matters is who you are,not what you own. 在現(xiàn)實(shí)世界里 你是誰才最重要 而不是你擁有什么
[08:21.50]As muchas I love the speech about not needingmaterial things 我很欣賞一個(gè)滿腦袋頭油的人
[08:24.90]from a guy who hasthat much product in his hair, 跟我大談無欲無求的理論
[08:27.70]this party is about excess,not exposition. 這是個(gè)放縱的派對(duì) 而不是什么說教
[08:31.70]Stop talking. 別廢話了
[08:33.20]Start partying. 盡情派對(duì)
[08:35.00]Now here is somethingthat doesn't need material. 這件事情就不需要什么物質(zhì)
[08:38.20]As a matter of fact,it's about to come off. 實(shí)際上 需要的是脫掉物質(zhì)
[08:41.00]Who's with me? 誰跟我來
[08:43.70]I think I'm just gonnahang here for a bit. 我想我可能就在這邊待一會(huì)吧
[08:45.70]Fine. 很好
[08:47.50]I'd hate to break upa matched set anyway. 我可不愿棒打鴛鴦
[08:53.50]how about we continue thisover some cards? 我們邊打牌邊聊吧
[08:55.40]None of this crapthese kids are playing. 這些玩意都不是給孩子完的
[08:57.20]Texas hold'em is dead. 如果在德州給人逮到 他死定了
[08:59.70]you know, I'll show yousome real action. 我?guī)闳フ尹c(diǎn)真正的樂子
[09:01.30]You know what? 知道嗎
[09:03.00]I'm in this weekly gamein this, uh, corner in queens. 我參加了一個(gè)每周一次的比賽 在...呃 皇后區(qū)街角
[09:05.90]It goes all night. 比賽通宵達(dá)旦
[09:06.90]It's the real deal--high stakes, big money, 那才是真家伙 高賭注 大筆的錢
[09:08.90]people with the kind of storiesthat would put mine to shame. 那種家伙去會(huì)給我丟臉
[09:12.50]You should--you should come. 你...你應(yīng)該來
[09:14.80]- Yeah. - Yeah? - 嗯 - 嗯
[09:16.40]this one missedher cue at the chlo?show because she was throwing up a pear. 這個(gè)模特沒趕上Chloe時(shí)裝發(fā)布會(huì) 的音樂開場(chǎng) 因?yàn)樗χ鴩I吃下去的梨
[09:20.70]ugh.She was invera's "vogue" spread. 呃 她出現(xiàn)在"時(shí)尚"雜志上 Vera品牌系列的專集里
[09:22.80]I don't use vera's models. 我不用Vera的模特
[09:24.30]None of these are right. 這些都不對(duì)
[09:25.20]Well, that's because you're looking atthe high fashion book 因?yàn)槟憧吹氖歉呒?jí)時(shí)裝的樣本
[09:27.40]when you should belooking for a new face-- 但你需要張新面孔
[09:29.90]you know, someone wholooks good in your clothes. 一個(gè) 呃... 非常適合你服裝的人
[09:31.60]Someone in this book, like I told you. 像我告訴過你的 這本冊(cè)子里的某個(gè)人
[09:34.80]I hate the american appareleffect. 我討厭美國服飾效應(yīng)
[09:36.80]But they're closerto what you need. 但他們更接近你的期望值
[09:38.30]They're--they're now,they're hip. 他們很現(xiàn)代 很潮流
[09:40.10]If this person is supposedto represent waldorf designs, you have to find mesomeone... 如果要找一個(gè)Waldorf時(shí)裝的代言人 你必須要找一個(gè)
[09:45.60]worthy of the clothes. 配得上這些衣服的人
[09:47.90]Someone like me. 一個(gè)像我一樣的人
[09:49.80]Someone like... 像...
[09:52.80]my daughter. 我女兒的人
[09:54.10]Well, why not her? 為什么不用她呢
[09:55.60]You want your line to representthe waldorf lifestyle. 你想要你的系列體現(xiàn)出 Waldorf的生活方式
[09:59.00]Who better to represent you than one of your own family? 還有比你家人更合適的代言人嗎
[10:01.80]She was my first dress form. 她是我第一個(gè)女裝人體模型
[10:04.30]She'd love to! 她樂意至極
[10:05.90]I would? 我嗎
[10:07.00]Eleanor Eleanor?
[10:09.00]Yes. 好啊
[10:10.30]it's perfect. 太完美了
[10:11.40]Eleanor waldorf, meet the new faceof waldorf for bendel'S. Eleanor Waldorf 請(qǐng)見見Waldorf品牌 為Bendel量身打造的新代言人
[10:16.60]Yay! 耶
[10:18.60]is that a smile we see on B.'S lips? 我們?cè)贐臉上看到的是微笑嗎?
[10:20.90]The spotlight'son her for once, and S.Actually helped her get it. 聚光燈為她閃亮過一次 其實(shí)是S幫她爭(zhēng)取的
[10:25.10]I guess miracles can happen. 看來還是有奇跡的
[10:27.90]It's gonna be so hot. 太性感了
[10:28.90]The clothes are gorgeous. 這些衣服太炫了
[10:30.90]They're all right. 差不多吧
[10:32.00]Oh, shut up.They're amazing. 閉嘴 是完美
[10:33.40]I'm justdoing my mom a favor. 我只是幫媽媽一個(gè)忙
[10:35.10]The hair and makeup testis tonight. 今晚為發(fā)型和妝容定妝
[10:37.40]I think this is my best pose. 我覺得這是我最好看的姿勢(shì)
[10:38.70]that's because youcan't see what you look like. 因?yàn)槟憧床坏阶约菏裁吹滦?br /> [10:40.20]You're just a hand model,and that's it. 你要秀也就只能秀個(gè)手
[10:41.60]The right way is this. 這么擺才對(duì)
[10:43.70]Girls, no.This is how you do it. 姑娘們 你們應(yīng)該這么做
[10:45.20]No, no, no. 不對(duì) 不對(duì)
[10:46.60]Gotta curve your spine forward, elongate. 向前拉伸脊背 拉長(zhǎng)
[10:49.30]Oh, no.You guysare doing it all wrong. 噢 不對(duì) 你們都不對(duì)
[10:50.50]- Look, you're missing the key. - Show us. - 你們忘記了重點(diǎn) - 那你擺給我們看
[10:52.00]Look, look, look.You gottaput the hand on the hip and pop. 看著 看著 小手輕撫腰臀 然后一挺
[10:54.80]That's how you gotta do it. 這么做才對(duì)
[10:56.50]- pop.Pop. - No, like this. - 挺 - 不對(duì) 是這樣
[10:59.00]hello? 喂
[10:59.90]Uh-huh, who's this? 呃 你是誰
[11:00.90]Oh! 噢
[11:02.20]Who'd dare interrupt the van der woodsen as she teaches? 誰膽敢打斷Van Der Woodsen授課
[11:04.60]I said, "who?" Give me my phone! - 是誰 - 把電話給我
[11:06.50]- Dan humphrey. - Who is it? - 我是Dan humphrey - 是誰?
[11:07.90]I'm sorry.The number you'vedialed is no longer in service. 對(duì)不起 你撥打的用戶 不在服務(wù)區(qū)內(nèi)
[11:10.00]Stop it!who is it? 別玩了 是誰啊
[11:11.80]I'm doing you a favor. 我可是幫你的忙
[11:13.00]Look, I can hear you.Can ijust please talk to serena? 聽著 我聽得見你說什么 能讓Serena接電話嗎
[11:15.30]Apparently,you can, cabbage patch. 你當(dāng)然能 卷心娃娃傻瓜
[11:17.00]- Come on.Let me have it. - god. - 得了 讓我來接 - 喂
[11:18.30]Hello?Dan!Hey. 喂?Dan!你好!
[11:20.40]I'm so, so sorry about that. 我真抱歉
[11:22.10]And I'm so, so readyto hang up. 我真想掛電話
[11:24.60]Blair was just playing. Blair只是在胡鬧
[11:25.80]You havemy full attention, I promise. 我現(xiàn)在全心全意聽你說話 保證
[11:27.50]Good, 'cause I was calling to ask you to not talk with me at a movie tonight. 很好 我想找你今晚看場(chǎng) "不要談話"的電影
[11:31.60]TonightWhere?What time? 今晚哪里?幾點(diǎn)?
[11:34.00]The sunshine, 7:00. 日光影院 7點(diǎn)
[11:36.40]I'd love to. 好的
[11:37.80]Uh, I'll see you there. 到那兒見
[11:39.50]See you there. 到那兒見
[11:51.80]It's complicated, isn't it? 這畫很復(fù)雜 是不是?
[11:54.20]I can't stop staring at it. 我無法移開自己的視線
[11:55.70]It's difficult work. 很深?yuàn)W的作品
[11:57.20]I mean that in the best way. 從好的意義上講
[11:59.80]It's enigmatic. 感覺撲朔迷離
[12:05.00]It reminds me ofan early bacon or schnabel. 讓我想起早期的培根 或是施納貝爾 (均為20世紀(jì)著名當(dāng)代畫家)
[12:06.80]The artist is in hudson. 這個(gè)畫家住在哈得遜
[12:08.70]I've represented herfor some... 我代理她的作品...
[12:10.70]time. 有段時(shí)間了
[12:12.40]Rufus. 我是Rufus
[12:13.30]Bex simon. 我是Bex Simon
[12:14.50]I've heard a lotabout your gallery. 聽說了很多關(guān)于貴畫廊的事
[12:16.10]I wasn't expecting a piece likethis from a former rock star. 沒想到前搖滾歌手 的畫廊里會(huì)有這種作品
[12:20.80]I prefer"one-hit wonder. 我比較偏好"一曲成名"這個(gè)稱呼
[12:23.50]" what turned you gallerist? 你為什么轉(zhuǎn)行開畫廊?
[12:26.60]I've always hadartistic pursuits. 我一直都有藝術(shù)追求
[12:28.10]We have something in common. 那我們有共同之處了
[12:29.70]I always pursue artists. 我一直追求藝術(shù)家
[12:31.30]I've been in brooklyn all daylooking for work for a client. 我在布魯克林轉(zhuǎn)了一天 幫一個(gè)客人尋找畫作
[12:34.30]I'm a buyer. 我是職業(yè)買家
[12:35.60]I didn't thinkI'd find a piece like this, and I don't thinkit'll be here long. 沒想到會(huì)找到這樣的作品 我想它很快就會(huì)被買走
[12:39.40]I'd to put it on hold. 請(qǐng)暫停出售它
[12:41.50]May I? 可以嗎?
[12:42.70]Yeah, of course. 當(dāng)然可以
[12:44.40]What time do you close? 你幾點(diǎn)關(guān)門?
[12:45.70]I'll stay open. 一直營業(yè)
[12:48.00]Good. 很好
[12:49.70]thank you. 謝謝
[13:00.60]what is carterstill doing here? Carter在這干嗎?
[13:03.00]I invited him. 我請(qǐng)他來的
[13:03.90]Or he invited himself? 是他不請(qǐng)自來吧?
[13:05.50]That is his style. 他總那樣
[13:06.70]Begging us to break freeof our prisons 讓我們沖破牢籠自我解放
[13:08.70]while stuffing his face with free foodand draining our booze. 還大吃大喝 我們提供的免費(fèi)食物酒水
[13:12.60]He's a deadbeatand a hypocrite. 他就是個(gè)游手好閑的偽君子
[13:14.90]And a good ballplayer,if I remember right. 還是個(gè)籃球高手 如果我沒記錯(cuò)
[13:17.40]You sure you just don't wannalose to him there, chuck? 你只是不想輸給他吧 Chuck?
[13:19.40]Maybe if your d...bought you a basketball team instead of a hotel, 如果你老爹送你支籃球隊(duì) 而不是間酒店
[13:21.90]you'd have some skill. 你的技術(shù)會(huì)好點(diǎn)
[13:23.40]Look, this isthe lost weekend for juniors, not senior citizens. 這是少年參加的迷失周末 老人靠邊站
[13:26.00]Go jump into a volcano. 去跳火山吧
[13:27.10]Let's just settle it on the court. 還是球場(chǎng)上分勝負(fù)吧
[13:28.40]Let's settle it right now. 現(xiàn)在就一較高低吧
[13:29.20]Hey, chill out. 冷靜
[13:30.40]No, this is my game.I pick the players. 這是我的比賽 我來挑選手
[13:32.20]I get it.I'll go. 明白 我走吧
[13:36.80]Hey.Hey, man. 等等 老兄
[13:38.10]- Is that card gametonight? - Yeah. - 那個(gè)撲克比賽是今晚嗎? - 對(duì)
[13:40.30]- Hey, text methe address later. - I will. - 遲點(diǎn)發(fā)短信告訴我地點(diǎn) - 好
[13:44.40]You didn't have to do that, man. 你沒必要那樣
[13:45.50]Nobody wanted him here. 沒人想他在這待著
[13:46.70]He's an older brotherbringing everyone down. 他就是個(gè)讓大家掃興的老家伙
[13:49.60]Let's just play some ball. 來玩球吧
[13:52.90]okay, blair, relax.Chin down.Hold it there and... 好 Blair 別緊張 下巴放松 保持...
[13:57.50]okay, you ready? 準(zhǔn)備好啦?
[14:00.10]okay, one more.This time, let's exhale. 再來一張 這一次呼氣
[14:02.60]Jump around, loosen up. 跳一下 放開點(diǎn)
[14:03.70]Now really loosen up on this one.Let's relax into it. 這次再放開一點(diǎn) 放輕松來照
[14:06.30]Now give methe biggest pose you've got. 做最夸張的動(dòng)作
[14:07.70]That's it.Come on, big!Let's think big, big, big. 對(duì) 來吧 動(dòng)作大點(diǎn)!更夸張點(diǎn)!
[14:10.50]1 2 3! One, two, three!
[14:13.40]okay, take a break.Thank you very much. 好 休息一下 謝謝
[14:17.10]Who chose this girl? 這女孩誰選的?
[14:18.50]Eleanor.Why? Eleanor 怎么了?
[14:19.70]She's so prim and stiff,like a bookcase.It's unnatural. 動(dòng)作古板僵硬 書架似的 太不自然了
[14:23.20]Yeah, but she looks stunning in the clothes, don't you agree? 但是她穿著這些衣服漂亮極了 不是嗎?
[14:25.20]Mm-hmm, to my eye,like a goddess. 在我看來 像個(gè)女神
[14:26.80]To this eye?Bleh.like a statue. 鏡頭拍出來? 呃 像個(gè)雕像
[14:28.60]This is retail.It's not editorial.She needs to let go,have fun, loosen up. 這是宣傳用的照片 不是雜志照 她要放開來 享受這一切
[14:32.80]How's the clientgoing to like the dress if the modeldoesn't even like herself? 如果模特都不喜歡自己 客人怎么會(huì)喜歡她身上的衣服?
[14:43.30]hey! 嘿!
[14:44.50]First of all,you look amazing! 首先 你看起來棒極了!
[14:46.20]I know. 我知道
[14:47.50]but look,can I give you a little tip? 我能提供一點(diǎn)建議嗎?
[14:49.30]How did I know this was coming? 我就知道
[14:50.50]No, no, look,all you need to do is maybe you could, 不不 你要做的就是 可能
[14:52.70]uh,loosen up a little, you know? 稍微放開一點(diǎn) 知道嗎?
[14:55.10]shake it out. 盡情搖擺
[14:56.20]Um, maybe you could be goofy,like when we were 10 你也可以裝瘋賣傻 就像我們十歲的時(shí)候
[14:58.10]and we would dance aroundto "genie in a bottle" in your mom's clothes. 穿著你媽媽的衣服 伴著瓶中精靈那首歌瞎跳舞
[15:01.50]Help me.Help me. 幫幫我
[15:04.20]Um, okay. 好
[15:06.20]act like a tiger, okay?Come on. 扮老虎? 來!
[15:08.50]- Rawr! - Rawr. - 吼! - 吼!
[15:10.70]No, no, you gotta roar.Rawr! 不行 你要嘶吼! 吼!
[15:12.40]Rawr! 吼!
[15:13.40]Yeah, yeah, yeah!Give memore tiger!Give me more tiger!You're in that jungle. 沒錯(cuò) 再狠一點(diǎn) 再像老虎一點(diǎn) 你在叢林里!
[15:16.10]- Rawr! - You're a savage! - 吼! - 你是野人!
[15:17.80]Now let's doa prettier one this time, okay? 現(xiàn)在我們扮漂亮點(diǎn) 好不?
[15:19.10]You're venusin the half shell, right? 你是貝殼中的維納斯
[15:20.70]So just look up... 稍稍抬頭...
[15:25.50]let's do something crazylike britney with the umbrella. 然后學(xué)小甜甜拿著雨傘發(fā)瘋!
[15:27.60]Okay, britney with the umbrella.Go! 拿著雨傘的小甜甜 來!
[15:29.00]- Rawr! - At the car!At the car! - 吼! - 對(duì)著車!對(duì)著車!
[15:37.60]posh spice in america.Ready?Go!That's "cyborg spice" to you. - 高貴辣妹在美國 來! - 你那是機(jī)械辣妹 (說小貝夫人捏 厚厚~)
[15:42.50]okay, you gotta pout moreand strike. 噘嘴 然后停下擺造型
[15:44.00]Remember, I taught you the handon the hip. 記得 我教過你手放屁股上
[15:45.50]Strike it and pop. 停下 挺身 擺造型!
[15:46.50]Come on, give me more,give me more, you sexy beast. 來 加油 你是個(gè)性感野獸!
[15:48.30]Oh, it looks so good! 看起來很好!
[15:49.70]You're doing so good!You got it! 你做的很好!就是這樣!
[15:51.70]look how good you are. 瞧瞧你多棒
[15:52.40]- Pout, pout, pout. - What are you doing? - 噘嘴 噘嘴 噘嘴 - 你要干嗎?
[15:54.70]oh, shoot.I gotta go meet dan. 糟糕 我要去見Dan了
[15:56.40]No, you're staying here.I need you. 你得留下 我需要你
[15:59.00]I can't let my mother down. 我不能讓媽媽失望
[16:08.80]hey, you almost here? 你快到了嗎?
[16:10.10]Hey,I'm really, really, sorry, 我真抱歉
[16:12.10]but I'm kind of stuckat this photo shoot with blair. 但我現(xiàn)在走不開 Blair在照相
[16:15.40]It's a long story, but I don't think I'm gonna be able to make it. 說來話長(zhǎng) 我想我去不了了
[16:18.20]Oh, a photo shoot, huh? 哦 照相啊?
[16:19.60]It sounds really superficial,I know. 聽起來超膚淺 我知道
[16:21.30]But it's important to her and, you know,she's important to me. 但這對(duì)她很重要 而她對(duì)我很重要
[16:24.70]But I'll make it up to you, though, I promise. 我保證會(huì)補(bǔ)償你的
[16:26.30]No, it's no big deal, really.Don't worry about it. 沒關(guān)系 真的 別想太多了
[16:27.90]You're the best. 你最好了
[16:28.70]I knew you'd understand. 我就知道你會(huì)理解的
[16:29.80]I'll call you later. 遲點(diǎn)給你打電話
[16:30.60]Yeah, yeah. 好
[16:38.20]how many? 多少張?
[16:41.20]none. 一張也不用
[16:51.20]You're still here. 你還在這
[16:52.60]Yeah, I told you I'd wait. 告訴你我會(huì)等的
[16:53.80]Mm, a man who keeps his word. 守信的男人
[16:55.70]I like it. 我喜歡
[16:57.10]You get a chanceto talk to your client? 你跟你的客人談過了?
[16:59.50]I'm back, aren't I? 我回來了 不是嗎?
[17:01.60]- Write me up an invoice. - Really? - 給我開張收據(jù) - 真的?
[17:06.10]That's great. 太好了
[17:06.80]Well,you're awfully excited. 你好興奮啊
[17:08.60]This isn't your first time,is it? 這是你的第一次 是嗎?
[17:11.40]Selling a painting. 第一次賣出畫作
[17:15.80]few firstsare left for me. 我沒剩什么第一次了
[17:17.90]But the artistwill be very pleased. 但畫家會(huì)很開心的
[17:19.60]She'S... 她...
[17:21.50]been doingother things for a while. 這陣子在忙其他事
[17:23.60]It's kind of a big dealfor her. 這對(duì)她來說很重要
[17:24.70]Well, for my client, too. 對(duì)我的客人來說也很重要
[17:25.80]This is a very special piece. 這是一幅不同尋常的作品
[17:28.60]You wouldn't want to... 你想不想...
[17:31.30]I don't know--celebrate with a drink? 我不知道--喝一杯慶祝一下?
[17:43.20]actually, the previouslymentioned excited artist is my wife. 之前提到那個(gè)興奮的畫家 就是我太太
[17:48.10]I thought you said the artistlived in hudson. 你說那個(gè)畫家住在哈得遜
[17:50.10]Long commute. 來往路程真長(zhǎng)啊
[17:52.30]She lives there. 她住那邊
[17:54.20]I don'T. 我不住那邊
[18:01.40]If the trains everstop running... 如果哪天列車停駛...
[18:15.70]phase three--pub crawl. 第三步 橫掃酒吧
[18:17.20]Five boroughs. 5個(gè)區(qū)
[18:19.60]50 pubs... 50個(gè)酒吧...
[18:20.90]500 chances to get laid. 500個(gè)艷遇的機(jī)會(huì)
[18:22.80]And remember,don't dip your shillelagh...in the wrong pot of gold. 記住 你們的曲棍棒別插錯(cuò)了"黃金"桶
[18:27.90]let's go.You can think aboutyour boyfriend inside. 走吧 進(jìn)去想你的男朋友
[18:30.20]I'm not coming. 我不去了
[18:33.30]seriously,carter baizen sucks. 說真的 Carter Baizen有夠爛
[18:36.90]All right, I don't knowwhat spell he's put you under, but he's not your friend. 我不知道他給你下了什么藥 但他不是你的朋友
[18:39.90]He can't be trusted. 你不能相信他
[18:40.90]And why is that? 為什么?
[18:41.60]'Cause he doesn't believewhat you believe in? 因?yàn)樗幌嘈拍阆嘈诺囊磺?
[18:43.40]It's exactly what he said-- the money, the drugs,the privileges. 正如他所說-財(cái)富 毒品 特權(quán)
[18:46.80]They're just keeping us numbso we don't know 這些東西使我們麻木
[18:48.50]it's--it's better out therein the real world. 這樣我們就不會(huì)知道 現(xiàn)實(shí)世界其實(shí)更好
[18:49.90]The real world?Everyoneout there wants to be us. 現(xiàn)實(shí)世界? 每個(gè)人都想成為我們
[18:53.30]We are what you aspire to, not run away from. 我們是奮斗的目標(biāo) 不是逃避的對(duì)象
[18:57.00]You really don't get me,do you? 你根本不了解我 是不是?
[18:59.80]That dream of yours,you know, what is it, really? 你的夢(mèng)想 到底是什么?
[19:03.00]'Cause I hear you talk about how you don't wantto go to dartmouth 你總說不想去達(dá)特茅斯學(xué)院
[19:07.20]and how you don't want to followin your father's footsteps, 不想遵循你父親的腳步
[19:09.20]but what exactly do you want? 但你到底要什么?
[19:13.50]All I know isit's not this. 我只知道 不是這一切
[19:14.90]Well, you better discoverwhat "it" is 在你拋棄一切去尋找夢(mèng)想之前
[19:16.50]before you throw everything awaytrying to find it. 你最好搞清楚夢(mèng)想是什么
[19:21.70]And where are you going? 你去哪?
[19:48.20]how was the movie? 電影怎么樣?
[19:50.90]Uh, missable... 可以不看的...
[19:52.80]literally. 字面上說來是
[19:56.10]I-I don't knowabout serena, dad. 我不確定跟Serena的事 爸爸
[19:57.80]I-I can't tellif she's worth it. 我不知道她是否值得
[20:01.20]What do you mean? 你什么意思呢?
[20:03.10]Well, uh, she's best friendswith this girl--blair waldorf-- 她最好的朋友 那個(gè)女孩Blair Waldorf
[20:08.80]who is basically everythingI hate about the upper east side 正是我憎恨的上流社會(huì)的代表
[20:11.60]distilled into one 95-pound,doe-eyed, bon mot tossing, 縮水到95磅 小鹿般的眼睛 滿嘴名言
[20:16.70]label-whoringpackage of girlie evil. 全身名牌的女魔鬼
[20:21.30]- no one's that bad. - She is. - 沒人有那么壞 - 她有
[20:23.10]I would barely be exaggeratingif I told you medusa wantsher withering glare back. 說梅杜莎得跟她要回 殺人的眼 都不夸張
[20:27.00]Well, if there's anythingI've learned it's that usually 從我的經(jīng)驗(yàn)來看 通常
[20:30.20]there'ssomething beneath the surface with people like that 這種人其實(shí)都有原因
[20:32.80]to make them act the way they do. 才會(huì)表現(xiàn)成那樣
[20:34.40]Like what-- the O.J.In her mimosa was fromconcentrate, not fresh-squeezed? 什么原因? 就因?yàn)樗π卟蓦u尾酒 里面的橙汁是濃縮的不是鮮榨的?
[20:38.90]And--and what does this sayabout serena, that this isher best friend? Serena有個(gè)這種朋友 這說明她是什么人呢?
[20:47.80]I dateda girl like serena once-- actually, a lot like serena. 我曾跟一個(gè)像Serena那樣的 女孩交往過 很像她的女孩
[20:52.90]And girls like thatare challenging.It's true. 那樣的女孩很難搞 確實(shí)是
[20:56.20]They're complicated and... 她們復(fù)雜而且...
[20:59.00]enigmatic... 難以捉摸...
[21:00.90]and usually worth it. 但通常都很值得
[21:02.70]And the only wayyou'll know for sure is to jump in with both feet. 要確認(rèn)這一點(diǎn) 你要全身心投入才行
[21:06.90]What happened with you? 那你后來怎么樣?
[21:09.80]I swam for a while... 我沉迷了好一陣...
[21:13.90]till I drowned. 直到無法自拔
[21:17.20]Well, that--thanks.That's a great story, dad. 謝謝 真是個(gè)好故事
[21:20.70]Now get some sleep, and I will see youin the morning. 睡覺吧 明早見
[21:26.40]We'll goto the photo shoot together. 我們一起去拍片
[21:31.30]You haven't done thissince I was little. 自我兒時(shí)起你很久沒這樣了
[21:33.30]You haven't been in bed by 10:00since you were little. 你打小就沒10點(diǎn)鐘上過床
[21:37.50]You looked beautiful tonight,you know? 你今晚看起來美極了 知道嗎?
[21:41.40]Really? 真的?
[21:59.40]hello? 喂?
[22:00.30]How was the movie? 電影如何?
[22:01.60]Did I misssomething amazing? 我錯(cuò)過了好東西嗎?
[22:03.90]Well... 哦...
[22:05.30]well, uh,even without the movie. 就算沒有電影 我過的也相當(dāng)精彩
[22:06.70]Don't be cocky. 別吹了
[22:08.20]I'm calling youwith a makeup plan. 我有個(gè)補(bǔ)償計(jì)劃
[22:10.00]- Oh, are you now? - I am. - 是嗎? - 是的
[22:11.90]How would you like to seewhat really happens at a fashion shoot? 你想不想看看時(shí)裝 拍片到底是怎么進(jìn)行的?
[22:15.40]I'm sorry.This is--this is dan humphrey. 不好意思 我是Dan Humphrey
[22:17.90]Are you sure you're nottrying to reach my sister? 確定你不是找我妹妹?
[22:19.50]Look, I know it's a girlieoffer, but chew on this-- I'll be there. 我知道這有點(diǎn)娘娘腔 但想想這個(gè) 我也會(huì)在
[22:23.50]Can I bet on that? 我能賭你會(huì)出現(xiàn)嗎?
[22:25.10]Because law of averagessays I lose my shirt. 考慮到你出席率如此之低 我可能會(huì)賠個(gè)精光
[22:27.40]Oh, come on.It's blair's shoot, so I have to be there for moral support. 是Blair要拍片 我要去給予精神支持啊
[22:31.10]Blair?Well,I'm definitely not going now. Blair?那我絕對(duì)不去
[22:33.00]Look, she's reallynot as bad as you think. 她沒你想得那么糟糕
[22:35.00]Besides, she's gonna beso busy with the shoot that you won't evenhave to see her, 而且她肯定忙翻天 你都不會(huì)看到她
[22:39.00]and since it's so boringon the sidelines, 而且在旁邊站著很無聊
[22:41.80]you'll havemy full attention. 我的注意力全部都會(huì)在 你身上
[22:45.20]Okay, what if I buy you anythingyou want from craft service? 那好 如果我從工作餐那里給你買點(diǎn)東西 怎么樣?
[22:48.80]I thought craft service was free. 工作餐的東西都是免費(fèi)的
[22:50.00]I'll see you in the morningat 8:00.I'm texting you the address. 明早8點(diǎn)見 地點(diǎn)短信告知
[22:51.70]I'm hanging upbefore thou dost protest again. 在汝再次抗議之前掛線
[23:01.50]both feet, humphrey. 現(xiàn)實(shí)點(diǎn)吧 Humphrey
[23:04.20]what's the emergency apartfrom my not getting my sleep before the big day, 除了為了第二天的忙碌好好睡一覺 還有什么緊要的事情?
[23:08.30]laurel, and why couldn't we simply havediscussed it over the phone? Laurel 為什么不能在電話上談?
[23:11.90]Because if we didn'tmeet in person, I couldn't show you these. 如果不見面 就不能給你看這個(gè)
[23:15.50]I don't think this girl iswhat you're trying to say-- 我覺得這女孩并不是你想要的
[23:17.70]unapproachable,controlled, perfect. 難以接近 自制 太過完美
[23:21.20]She is not unapproachable.She is poised. 她不是難以接近 而是穩(wěn)重
[23:24.20]She's regal. 莊重
[23:25.50]Look, I knowshe's your daughter, and I don't want to make problems... 我知道她是你女兒 我不想制造矛盾...
[23:28.40]But your girlis rigid like a twig. 但你女兒跟木頭一樣僵硬
[23:32.50]You know,she's afraid to let you in, 她不肯讓別人與她交流
[23:34.70]so your works of art and she fail to achieve-- 你的作品跟她無法達(dá)到
[23:39.90]what's the word? 該怎么說?
[23:42.90]Symbiosis. 共鳴
[23:49.70]What can be doneat this stage? 到現(xiàn)在還能怎么補(bǔ)救?
[23:51.50]Your daughter is beautiful, yes,but this girl-- 你的女兒很美麗 但這女孩--
[23:54.60]this girl has it. 這女孩有你需要的特質(zhì)
[23:56.90]She is warm like sunshine.She has fun. 她像陽光般溫暖 她充滿樂趣
[23:59.60]She will make the clients thinkif they buy these clothes, 她讓客人覺得如果穿上你的服裝
[24:02.20]then they will have fun, too. 她們也可以享受樂趣
[24:03.50]But this is your line,eleanor. 這是你的服裝 Eleanor
[24:05.40]It's completely your choice. 你說了算
[24:20.70]The rules for a model the day of a photo shoot are 當(dāng)天要進(jìn)行攝影工作的模特的原則
[24:23.40]similar to those of a patient presurgery-- 和要進(jìn)行手術(shù)之前的病人 的原則差不多-
[24:25.70]***rior, wear comfortable clothing 12小時(shí)前不能進(jìn)食 不能喝水 穿舒適的衣服
[24:29.40]and make sure your affairs are in order. 確保你已安排好自己的物品
[24:31.80]You never know what could go wrong in a flash. 你都不知道下一瞬會(huì)出什么差錯(cuò)
[24:37.50]hey, B.You must either be sleeping or already on your way. B 你一定要么還在睡覺 要么已經(jīng)在路上了
[24:40.20]But I can't wait to see you at the shoot. 但是我已經(jīng)等不及 要去看你的攝影了
[24:41.70]We're gonna have so much fun! 我們一定會(huì)玩的很開心
[24:44.40]Oh, thank godyou're awake. 噢 感謝上帝你醒著
[24:47.10]Am I late? 我遲到了?
[24:48.50]Oh, my god.Oh, my god.Did I oversleep? 噢 天哪 噢 天哪 我是不是睡過頭啦?
[24:50.40]Darling,I have some bad news. 親愛的 我有壞消息
[24:52.60]Terry, that foolof a photographer, thinks we need to go in a different direction. Terry 那個(gè)笨蛋攝影師 認(rèn)為我們需要換一個(gè)方向
[24:56.70]With the theme? 換主題?
[24:58.70]With the model. 換模特
[25:02.30]Darling, I hired these peoplefor their expertise, 親愛的 我看上他們的專長(zhǎng) 才雇傭了這些人
[25:05.70]and ultimately,they feel that... 而最后 他們覺得...
[25:08.50]we would be doing the branda disservice. 我們這樣是在給公司造成損害
[25:10.90]I-I cannot apologize enough. 我 我說多少抱歉都不夠
[25:12.50]I know that you were reallylooking forward to this. 我知道你真的很期待這次
[25:14.50]No, I wasn'T. 不 沒有
[25:15.60]I'm--I'm gladI don't have to go. 我--我很高興 我不需要去了
[25:17.40]I hate shoots. 我討厭拍照
[25:18.40]They're so boring. 太無聊了
[25:19.80]You should havealessandra ambrosio, not an amateur. 你應(yīng)該用 Alessandra Ambrosio (某著名內(nèi)衣品牌御用模特) 而不該用外行
[25:22.40]We'll have dinner after,yes? 我們晚點(diǎn)一起吃飯 是吧?
[25:24.60]Steak frites and crepesat caf?des artistes, just like old times. 像以前一樣在藝人咖啡吧 吃些牛扒薯?xiàng)l和煎餅
[25:29.50]I will see you later. 稍后見
[25:35.60]hey, S. 喂 S
[25:36.80], All right,I hope you're not already there, 好吧 我希望你還沒到那里
[25:38.60]because as it turns out, 因?yàn)榻Y(jié)果表明
[25:40.80]my modeling career's over faster thanjessica simpson's acting one. 我的模特生涯結(jié)束得比Jessica Simpson 演部戲還快
[25:46.90]Now that I think about it, 我想了想
[25:49.20]maybe we should crashthe shoot anyway and see whothey replace me with, 也許我們應(yīng)該去攝影場(chǎng)湊湊熱鬧 順便看看他們用誰把我換下來的
[25:54.30]make fun of the skinny bitch? 逗逗那個(gè)瘦不拉即的賤女人?
[25:56.80]how could you? 你怎么能這樣?
[25:59.50]Actually, I like this here. 實(shí)際上 我喜歡把這個(gè)放這里
[26:01.40]This is no joke,humphrey. 這不是在開玩笑 humphrey
[26:05.70]What are you doingwith that? 你拿著那個(gè)干嗎?
[26:06.50]The question is, what are youdoing selling it to me? 問題是 你干嗎把這個(gè)賣給我?
[26:09.70]You... 你...
[26:12.40]you're bex's client. 你是Bex的客戶
[26:13.50]Oh, and you didn't know. 哦 你并不知道
[26:14.50]I'm just surprisedyou hired someone with taste. 我只是驚訝你雇了一個(gè)有品味的人
[26:16.40]Oh, well,I am equally as shocked, 哦 好吧 我也同樣吃驚
[26:18.00]because when she said she foundsomething amazing in brooklyn, 因?yàn)楫?dāng)她說她在布魯克林 找到了什么了不起的東西時(shí)
[26:20.40]your gallery never entered my mind. 而我腦海里并沒出現(xiàn)你的畫廊
[26:22.20]You'o have tactually recognizeart to remember the place. 你應(yīng)該通過感知藝術(shù) 來想起這地方
[26:24.50]What I recognize is the fact that your wife would not wantthis hanging in my house. 我感知的事實(shí)是 你夫人并不想讓這幅畫掛在我的家里
[26:28.40]Alison'sa professional artist. Alison是個(gè)專業(yè)的藝術(shù)家
[26:29.70]She doesn't do background checkson prospective buyers, and neither do I. 她不會(huì)對(duì)未來的買家做什么背景調(diào)查 我也不會(huì)
[26:32.70]Besides,it's been almost 20 years. 而且已經(jīng)過了快20年
[26:35.00]And you still don't know women. 而你還是不了解女人
[26:36.10]And you still know it all. 而你還是都知道
[26:37.20]Your wife despises me. 你夫人看不起我
[26:40.60]I wouldn't say that. 我不會(huì)那樣說
[26:42.50]Well, she did. 她那樣說的
[26:44.30]I mean, she may have beenwearing a slip dress 我是指 她那時(shí)可能穿著呆帶裙
[26:46.10]and doc martens at the time,but she definitely meant it. 和Doc Martens的保健鞋 但是她絕對(duì)是那個(gè)意思
[26:48.70]She's not like you. 她可不象你
[26:50.10]She doesn'thold on to that stuff. 她不會(huì)說出那樣的話
[26:51.40]Why don't you calland ask her? 你干嗎不去給她打個(gè)電話問問她?
[26:53.50]Or are you still giving herher space? 還是你還在給她 留有她自己的空間?
[26:56.80]Because trust me,putting this up in my house, 因?yàn)橄嘈盼?把這個(gè)放在我家里
[26:59.30]even having this conversationwith you, will only drive herfurther away. 甚至跟你這樣談話 只會(huì)把她趕得離你更遠(yuǎn)
[27:05.60]Well, what do youwant me to do then? 那么 你要我做什么?
[27:08.20]Take it back. 把它拿回去
[27:09.40]You can call bexand set up a refund. 你可以打電話給Bex并 開一個(gè)退款
[27:17.90]So what'd you think of it? 那么你覺得這幅畫怎么樣?
[27:20.30]I thought... 我覺得它是...
[27:23.50]it was extraordinary. 非凡的作品
[27:45.70]we got*** talk.where r u 我們要談一談 你在哪?
[28:02.60]***call you later Queens區(qū)的Five Star 稍后再打給你
[28:05.20]hey, no phones. 嗨 禁止用手機(jī)
[28:06.50]Oh, right.Sorry, man. 哦 對(duì) 不好意思 兄弟
[28:08.40]- $5,000 How much you up? - 你贏了多少錢?
[28:12.50]That's insane, amigo. 真不可思議 朋友
[28:13.70]I should probably quitwhile I'm ahead, huh? 我該見好就收 對(duì)吧?
[28:14.60]What?We just started. 什么?我們才剛開始
[28:16.20]Well, I've had a good run. 我已經(jīng)玩了一把好牌
[28:18.00]Plus, it's better to leave while you're up. 而且 當(dāng)你在贏錢的時(shí)候 我最好撤退
[28:19.70]I'm not--I'm not gonnalet you do that, bro. 我不 我不會(huì)讓你這樣做的 兄弟
[28:21.40]The table'sabout to get smaller. 牌桌上的人越來越少
[28:22.50]People are gonna startshowing their real stuff. 人們開始顯示他們真正的實(shí)力
[28:24.60]Up until nowit's been cards, but... 在這之前我們玩的是牌 不過...
[28:28.10]from now on,it's an adventure. 現(xiàn)在開始我們是在冒險(xiǎn)
[28:30.90]Just a couple more hands. 只要再多完幾手
[28:32.70]All right, gents, ante up. 好吧 先生們 下注吧
[28:34.90]Okay. 好
[28:37.20]Let's hit it. 我們賭一把
[28:49.00]you've got to be kidding me. 你一定在跟我開玩笑
[28:50.50]Fantastic.One, two, three, come on--oh! 好極了 1 2 3
[28:53.40]There she is.Blair!Come on, quick. 噢!她在那 Blair! 快過來
[28:55.60]What took you so long? 你怎么這么久才來?
[28:59.50]Hey. 喂
[29:01.70]Blair Blair.
[29:05.30]blairBlair, wait,where are you going? Blair Blair 等等 你要去哪里?
[29:07.70]Blair, wait.Why are you so mad? Blair 等等 你干嗎這么生氣?
[29:09.50]Why am I mad? 我干嗎這么生氣?
[29:10.70]You meanwhy aren't i furious? 你是指我干嗎不暴跳如雷?
[29:12.40]I can't believefor one second I thought that it'd be different this time! 我真是一秒鐘都不能相信 我還以為這一次會(huì)有不同
[29:15.00]You thoughtwhat would be different? 你以為什么會(huì)有不同?
[29:16.00]You couldn't deal withthe spotlight shining on me for once, could you? 聚光燈照在我身上一次 你都不能接受 是吧?
[29:19.50]What are you talking about? 你在說什么?
[29:20.80]I was told we weredoing this together. 有人告訴我 我們會(huì)一起做這個(gè)
[29:22.70]What, did you not get my message? 什么 你沒收到我的信息嗎?
[29:24.10]What about this morning then? 那么早上呢?
[29:25.60]When you glanced at the call sheet,did you see my name on it? 當(dāng)你瞥一眼通告時(shí) 你看到我名字在上面了嗎?
[29:27.90]When I wasn'tin hair and makeup, didn't that seem strange? 當(dāng)我沒做頭發(fā)也沒化妝時(shí) 看上去不是很奇怪嗎?
[29:30.30]When the dressing roomonly had your name on the door, 當(dāng)化妝間門上只有你的名字時(shí)
[29:32.10]what, did you think they just forgot? 怎么 你以為他們只是忘了寫上去嗎?
[29:33.50]I was toldyou were running late, and they asked meto do some test shots first. 有人告訴我你來晚了 他們要我先拍攝一些試驗(yàn)照
[29:36.90]Blair, they told me you wanted me here. Blair 他們告訴我 你需要我在這里
[29:39.40]And you believed them? 你就相信了?
[29:40.90]Look, blair,I encouraged you to do this. 聽著 Blair 我鼓勵(lì)你去做這個(gè)
[29:43.10]Why would I try to stealsomething from you that I pushed you to do? 既然我鼓動(dòng)你去做的事 我干嗎還要從你那偷過來做?
[29:46.10]Because you take everythingfrom me! 因?yàn)槭裁礀|西 你都要從我這里搶走!
[29:47.80]- Blair! - Nate, my mom! - Blair! - Nate 我媽媽!
[29:49.20]You can't even help it. 你甚至管不住你自己
[29:50.40]It's who you are. 你就是這樣
[29:54.30]I just thought maybe this timeit would be different. 我還以為可能這次會(huì)有不同
[29:57.30]I should have knownI'd be wrong. 我早該知道我是錯(cuò)的
[30:02.00]Great. 很好
[30:04.20]Spotted-- lonely boy's rude awakening. 寂寞男孩 夢(mèng)醒時(shí)分
[30:07.10]Upper east side queens aren't born at the top. 上東城皇后 并不是生來就在最高處
[30:09.90]They climb their way up in heels, no matter who they have to tread on to do it. 她們用鞋跟往上爬 不管她們是踩著誰上去的
[30:15.00]terry, I think it's very good. Terry 我覺得不錯(cuò)
[30:16.30]I like the bridgein the background, but we need her back. 我喜歡背景里的橋 但我們需要她回來
[30:17.80]I know.What-- here you are 我知道 啊 你來了
[30:18.90]terry wanted me to tell you how perfect you looked... Terry要我告訴你 你穿這些裙子看起來...
[30:21.00]- eleanor, I quit. - With these now. - Eleanor 我不干了 - 是多么的完美
[30:22.50]Wait a minute.Why? 等一下 為什么?
[30:24.40]I think you know why. 我認(rèn)為你知道為什么
[30:25.60]Because of blair? 因?yàn)锽lair?
[30:27.10]I know that she will support my decision... 我知道她會(huì)支持我的決定...
[30:29.10]Once I explain it to her. 一旦我解釋給她聽時(shí)
[30:30.50]You know you love the spotlight.You always have. 你知道你熱愛聚光燈 你一直都愛
[30:32.60]It's part of your charm. 這是你魅力的一部分
[30:33.60]There is nothing wrong with that-- 這沒有一點(diǎn)兒錯(cuò)--
[30:36.60]who are you? 你是誰?
[30:37.90]What are you doing here? 你在這里干什么?
[30:42.20]I have no idea, actually.I... 我不知道 其實(shí) 我...
[30:55.90]hey, I k--I kinda overheard youguys in the stairwell there. 喂 我 我在樓梯間 無意中聽到你們說話
[30:58.10]Dan, look, I really can'tgonow. Dan 聽著 我真的不想談這件事
[31:01.00]O-okay, well, forgetI said anything then. 好吧 那么忘掉我說的話
[31:03.30]In fact, you know what?I'm mute.I'll just stand hereand blink real quiet. 事實(shí)上 你知道嗎?我不出聲 我就站這里 安靜地眨眼
[31:08.00]- Unless you want me to-- - hand me my jeans? - 除非你要我... - 把我的牛仔褲遞給我?
[31:10.20]Yes, please. 是的 謝謝
[31:15.00]It's just, uh, I thought you wantedto be on the sidelines here. 只是 呃 我認(rèn)為你是來旁觀的
[31:20.10]I thought you wanted to be herefor your friend blair. 你是想在這里支持你的朋友Blair
[31:23.50]You know, we weregonna get craft service, and I'd haveyour "full attention"? 你知道 還說什么工作餐 什么你的注意力都會(huì)放在我身上
[31:31.20]Say it. 說下去
[31:34.00]I-I don't think I have to. 我 我覺得沒有必要再說
[31:36.70]So my best frienddoesn't believe me, 我最好的朋友不相信我
[31:39.50]and neither doesthe guy I like. 我喜歡的人也不相信我
[31:45.50]Look, dan, blair's mom basicallytricked me into coming here 聽著 Dan Blair的媽媽 基本上是把我哄騙到這里來
[31:48.60]because she didn't want blair. 因?yàn)樗幌胗肂lair
[31:51.10]How do you tell your best friendsomething like that? 這樣的情況你該怎么 跟你最好的朋友說明?
[31:56.40]I-I didn't--I guess I didn't-- 噢 我不 我想我不--
[31:57.40]look, you know what, dan? 聽著 你知道嗎 Dan?
[31:58.10]Just go, okay? 走吧 好嗎?
[31:59.50]I-I need to clean up, and ijust need to get out of here. 我 我需要卸妝 我只想離開這
[32:11.70]Serena send you hereto talk to me? Serena派你來和我談的?
[32:15.30]No, believe it or not,I actually came here myself. 沒有 不管你相信不相信 我實(shí)際上是自己要過來
[32:20.30]normally, wouldn'tbe this close to you without a tetanus shot. 通常 不打破傷風(fēng)針 我才不會(huì)靠你這么近
[32:39.60]my, uh, my mom kinda left usa couple months ago... 我的 呃 我的媽媽 幾個(gè)月前離開了我們...
[32:46.00]only my... 只有我的...
[32:48.10]my dad and my sister don't really see that... 我爸爸和我妹妹并沒看出來
[32:53.10]'cause she told us she hadto go away for the summer to, 因?yàn)樗嬖V我們她夏天要離開 去...
[32:56.40]um, to follow her dreamof being an artist. 呃 去追尋她當(dāng)一個(gè)藝術(shù)家的夢(mèng)想
[33:00.30]But it's--it's not summer anymore, 但是 現(xiàn)在已經(jīng)不是夏天了
[33:03.20]and she's still up there, 她還是在那里
[33:05.30]and that's all she seemsto care about right now. 而且看起來她只關(guān)心自己的夢(mèng)想
[33:08.20]Every time I go to see her, I tell myself, this time, 每次我去看她的時(shí)候 我告訴自己 這次
[33:11.80]I'm gonna tell her what I think. 我要對(duì)她說我的想法
[33:12.80]This time, I'm gonnalook her in the eye and say, 這次 我要看著她的眼睛說
[33:16.10]"either come homeor leave for good. "要么回家 要么為了大家好 徹底的離開"
[33:20.00]" And so there I was,just the other day. 所有我就去了 就在前天
[33:22.20]I was sittingacross the table from her, 我坐在她對(duì)面
[33:23.50]looking herstraight in the eye, and I didn't say anything. 看著她的眼睛 我什么都沒說
[33:30.70]Why not? 為什么不說?
[33:34.60]I don't know, but I wish I had, 我不知道 但我希望我說了
[33:39.80]'cause evenif it didn't change anything, she'd know how I felt. 但是即使說了 也不會(huì)改變什么 但起碼她知道我的感覺
[33:50.80]bullet, gentlemen. 下注吧 先生們
[33:53.30]First bet. 第一注
[33:59.10]5 to call. 跟注5000
[34:01.30]Hey, I don't have the money.Call his bet. 喂 我沒錢了 你跟他的注吧
[34:03.00]It's all luck. 全靠運(yùn)氣了
[34:04.10]Hey, you guysokay with a marker? 喂 我用期票 你們沒意見吧?
[34:09.40]I don't thinkthat's such a good idea. 我覺得這不是個(gè)好主意
[34:10.90]If you're ever gonnatake a risk, start now. 如果你還想冒險(xiǎn)的話 現(xiàn)在開始吧
[34:14.60]What's the pointof anything less? 再輸點(diǎn)也沒什么區(qū)別?
[34:21.70]it's fine. 那好
[34:28.80]You sure he's goodfor it? 你確定他沒問題?
[34:30.00]Of course he is. 當(dāng)然
[34:31.10]He's an archibald. 他可是Archibald
[34:34.90]make it $10,000. 加到 $10,000
[34:36.40]five to call. 跟注5000
[34:41.80]call. 跟
[34:46.50]Show your cards. 你開牌吧
[34:53.40]Trip bullets.The trip aces take it. 三條勝 三條A勝
[34:56.30]- That's rough. - You told me to. - 太殘酷了 - 你告訴我的
[34:57.50]It's the luck of the draw,my friend. 風(fēng)水輪流轉(zhuǎn) 我的朋友
[34:59.00]He--he had three aces. 他有3條A
[35:00.70]Look, I don't, um, it might take me a little while to get the money. 聽著 我沒有 呃 我要花點(diǎn)時(shí)間來籌錢
[35:03.80]Wait, wait, wait.Wait. 等等 等等
[35:05.80]A little while? 花點(diǎn)時(shí)間?
[35:08.10]come on, man. 得了吧 兄弟
[35:09.50]Snap your fingers. 那點(diǎn)錢你肯定拿得出
[35:17.50]Wait a minute. 等一下
[35:18.80]Are you in with these guys? 你和這些人是一伙的?
[35:20.60]Did you play me, man?Are you playing me, huh? 你耍我 兄弟?你在耍我是吧?
[35:22.90]hey, hey, hold on. 喂 喂 停下來
[35:24.50]I guess that's a yes. 我猜你答"是的"
[35:25.50]Just give him the money, man.Money means nothing to you. 就給他錢吧 兄弟 錢對(duì)你來說不算什么
[35:27.40]This guys aren't playing,but no one has to get hurt. 他們不是在玩 但不會(huì)危及任何人
[35:29.20]I'm trying to help you out. 我是想幫你
[35:30.20]yeah,you're a real friend. 是啊 你可真是個(gè)朋友
[35:34.70]Who let you in here, bass? 誰讓你進(jìn)來的 Bass?
[35:36.10]He set me up. 他設(shè)局陷害我
[35:37.10]No one forced his hand. 沒人逼他
[35:38.00]- Your boy lost fair and square. - Did you? - 你兄弟輸?shù)奶锰谜?- 是嗎?
[35:39.70]Look, man, if you don't get 'emthe money right away, 聽著 兄弟 如果你不馬上拿到錢
[35:41.40]I'm gonna tell everyonewhere you live, 我要告訴所有人你住在哪里
[35:42.70]and they can come get itfrom your d... 他們會(huì)從你爸爸那里拿到錢...
[35:43.80]What do you think about that? 你覺得這樣如何?
[35:46.10]Look. 聽著
[35:47.60]Look, you got my watchand my ball. 聽著 你偷走了我的手表和棒球
[35:50.20]You keep them. 你自己留著它們
[35:51.60]Take care of these guys. 搞掂這些人
[35:52.90]I don't call the cops, and we walk out of here. 我不報(bào)警 就這么離開這里
[36:06.00]it's cool.I-I-I got it.I got it. 沒事 我來處理 我來處理
[36:24.40]I'm gonna haveto transfer some money and pray the captaindoesn't notice 我要轉(zhuǎn)帳一些錢 希望在我有辦法把錢放回去前
[36:27.20]before I find a way to put it back. 我老爸別發(fā)現(xiàn)
[36:28.40]You don't haveto pay me back, you know. 你沒必要把錢還給我 你知道的
[36:29.90]I mean, it was worth every centto see the last of that guy. 只要能讓你看清那個(gè)人 這筆錢的每個(gè)子兒都值了
[36:33.30]No, I want to. 不 我想還
[36:34.90]I mean it. 我真的想還
[36:36.20]Thanks. 謝謝
[36:41.40]- that can't be right. - What's up? - 這不對(duì)勁 - 怎么了?
[36:42.50]It says I'm zeroed out. 上面說我賬戶空了
[36:43.60]Maybe you have the wrong account. 也許你搞錯(cuò)帳戶了
[36:44.90]No, no, no, no.There must be something wrong. 不不不不 一定哪里出錯(cuò)了
[36:46.70]I accessed this accountlast month, and it said there wasalmost $200,000. 我上個(gè)月查看過這個(gè)帳戶 上面說還有大約 $200,000
[36:52.90]hey, tom, thanks for gettingback to me so quickly. 喂 Tom 謝謝你這么快回復(fù)我
[36:55.40]Your message said it was important. 你的短信說有很重要的事
[36:56.60]Um, yeah, I was--I was checking my accounts, 呃 是的 我-- 我查看了下我的帳戶
[36:58.70]and I came acrosswhat I assume to be an error, 我剛才查帳戶的時(shí)候發(fā)現(xiàn)個(gè)問題 可能是哪里搞錯(cuò)了
[37:00.60]in that my trust seemsto have a zero balance. 我的信托帳戶看起來是零余額
[37:04.20]Oh, uh, I thought you knew. 噢 呃 我以為你知道呢
[37:06.10]That account was drainedweeks ago. 那個(gè)帳戶幾個(gè)星期前已經(jīng)被提空了
[37:08.60]Drained? 提空了?
[37:10.00]But by who? 但是誰干的?
[37:11.70]Your father. 你父親
[37:13.10]He said he discussed itwith you. 他說他和你聊過這個(gè)
[37:18.50]We--we have to solve this.I mean, what are we gonna do? 我們--我們得解決這個(gè)問題 我指 我們?cè)撛趺醋?
[37:20.60]I'm not into gettinga lingerie model. 我不贊成找一個(gè)內(nèi)衣模特
[37:22.50]Uh, blair, honey, there's beena terrible mistake. 呃 Blair 親愛的 發(fā)生了一個(gè)嚴(yán)重的錯(cuò)誤
[37:24.30]How would you likeyour job back? 你想不想回來工作?
[37:25.40]Did you choose serenaover me? 你是不是選了Serena而不是我?
[37:30.00]You could've pickeda stranger. 你本來可以選一個(gè)我不認(rèn)識(shí)的
[37:31.50]You didn't have to choosemy best friend. 你沒必要選我最好的朋友
[37:34.00]What, did you thinkthat I wouldn't find out? 怎么 你認(rèn)為我發(fā)現(xiàn)不了嗎?
[37:35.30]I was going to tell youtonight... 我本來打算今晚告訴你的...
[37:38.20]at dinner. 晚飯上
[37:40.20]It--there wasno right decision.There... 這種決定不能用對(duì)錯(cuò)來衡量
[37:42.50]there--there wasn't any time. 時(shí)--時(shí)間不夠
[37:44.70]I know you can understandall this. 我知道你會(huì)理解的
[37:46.80]It was mishandled-- the whole thing--from top to bottom. 這事沒處理好--整個(gè)事情 --從頭到尾
[37:52.20]You actually want meto agree with you. 你其實(shí)很想讓我贊同你
[37:53.80]Bendel's will legitimizethis company. Bendel公司將要使這家公司 成為姊妹公司
[37:57.20]It will take everythingto the next level. 將會(huì)把一切推向全新的一頁
[37:59.40]You know how hardI have worked for that. 你知道我為此工作的多么辛苦
[38:01.60]You've always been my biggestsupporter, my biggest fan. 你一直都是我最大的支持者 最忠心的粉絲
[38:05.00]I'm your daughter. 我是你女兒
[38:05.70]And as my daughter, I knew that you wouldforgive me, 做為我女兒 我知道你會(huì)原諒我的
[38:08.40]in time, but if my company had lostthis deal because of you? 但是如果公司因?yàn)槟愣ミ@門生意
[38:14.50]I'd never forgive myself. 我將決不原諒我自己
[38:19.30]I hope you never do. 我希望你不要
[38:22.40]You didn't hear it from us, but in every girl's life, 不用我們告訴你 但是每個(gè)女孩的生活里
[38:24.90]there comes a moment when she realizes 會(huì)有一個(gè)時(shí)候她會(huì)意識(shí)到
[38:26.70]that her mother just might be more messed up than she is. 她的母親可能比她自己 更加執(zhí)迷不悟
[38:41.50]you're still here? 你還在這里?
[38:42.80]Yeah, well,I thought I couldn't leave 是的 我覺得不從工作餐里
[38:44.20]without bringing yousomething from craft service. 拿點(diǎn)東西吃 走的也不甘心啊
[38:46.20]Um, and, uh, and telling youthat I'm sorry I judged you. 呃 還有 要告訴你 很抱歉剛才對(duì)你擅自評(píng)價(jià)
[38:51.90]Well, I'm sorryI gave you reason to. 我也很抱歉 給了你批評(píng)我的理由
[38:56.10]Hey, how aboutyou ask me out again? 喂 再約我出去一次怎么樣?
[38:58.70]How aboutyou actually show up? 那你務(wù)必得出現(xiàn) 怎么樣?
[39:00.40]Okay. 好吧
[39:01.30]No drama,no disruptions.I promise. 沒有鬧劇 沒有事情分神 我保證
[39:03.70]You promise?Oh, no!That meansit's never gonna happen now. 你保證? 噢 不!那表示肯定沒戲啦
[39:06.50]Okay, quick.I take it back.I unpromise. 好吧 快點(diǎn) 我收回 我不保證了
[39:09.40]Friday.8:00. 星期五 8:00
[39:12.40]I think we can agreeto those terms, 你的基本條件我們都能接受
[39:16.20]but you can't wearthose shoes. 但是你不能穿這雙鞋
[39:19.60]Or that hair. 或是這發(fā)型
[39:21.20]Blair Blair.
[39:23.30]Okay, see you then. 好吧 到時(shí)見
[39:30.10]All right. 好的
[39:37.10]- so you were right. - I know. - 你是對(duì)的 - 我知道
[39:39.20]When I got that call,I should've known you had nothing to dowith it. 我接到那個(gè)電話時(shí) 我應(yīng)該想到你和這事沒有一點(diǎn)關(guān)系
[39:42.80]And I should never have pushedyou to do this whole thing in the first place. 我一開始就不該慫恿你做這件事
[39:47.30]Actually,I'm glad you pushed me it ended up beinga very important day for me. 實(shí)際上 我很高興你慫恿了我 從而今天演變成了對(duì)我來說最重要的一天
[39:53.10]I just thoughtit was gonna be more fun. 我還以為拍照會(huì)跟有意思
[39:55.90]I know.Me, too. 我知道 我也是
[40:05.10]hey, you know what? 喂 你知道嗎?
[40:06.70]Who says it still can't be? 誰說不能更有趣?
[40:09.10]come on.Come on. 來吧 來吧
[40:17.10]this just in-- S.And B.Committing a crime of fashion. 剛剛挖來的新鮮新聞 S和B犯下了時(shí)裝罪行
[40:21.40]Who doesn't love a 5-finger discount? 誰不喜歡5指折扣? (商店行竊行為)
[40:23.60]Especially if one of those fingers is the middle one. 尤其是有一只手指是中指
[40:27.10]Where are my clothes? 我的衣服在哪里?
[40:30.70]Everyone knows you can't choose your family, 人人都知道你不能選擇你的家人
[40:32.80]but you can choose your friends, 但是你可以選擇你的朋友
[40:34.80]and in a world ruled by bloodlines and bank accounts, it pays to have a pal. 而在一個(gè)由血統(tǒng)和銀行帳戶所支配的世界 花錢都能買個(gè)伴兒
[40:40.00]Do it again.One, two--one, two, three. 再來一遍 一 二--一 二 三
[40:58.00]as a B.F.F can make you go W.T.F, 雖然永遠(yuǎn)好的朋友也會(huì) 突然變得面目全非
[41:01.30]there's no denying we'd all be a little less rich without them. 但無可否認(rèn)的是 沒有好朋友 我們的生活也就欠缺少少
[41:04.70]And serena and blair--they do besties better than anyone. 而論世間之最 Serena和Blair比任何人都在行
[41:16.50]no, that's not a tear in my eye. 不 我眼里的不是眼淚
[41:18.30]It's just allergies. 只是過敏
[41:20.00]Without you, I'm nothing. 沒有你 我一無是處
[41:22.70]Gossip girl. 流言蜚女

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